Warriors of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 13 Xu Shu and Ma Liang

Chapter 13 Xu Shu and Ma Liang

Just after the officers and soldiers were dealt with, the water bandits' boat was already approaching the passenger ship. The water bandits brandished their sabers and rushed towards the helpless merchants.

Where have the merchants seen this situation before, they were so frightened that they even forgot to run away.

At this time, more than a dozen swordsmen who came out of the cabin were already waving their long swords and facing the water bandits who rushed.

Wang Ping and Cheng Huang also shot at the same time.

Wang Ping raised his knife and fell, cutting down several water bandits who rushed over.Cheng Huang took out his long bow and shot the water bandits with sharp arrows.

And that green-clothed scribe was even more formidable, the long sword in his hand was almost flawless, each sword would definitely hit the enemy's vitals, and the person who was hit by the sword fell to the ground immediately.

After a few breaths of work, all the water bandits that rushed onto the passenger ship were wiped out.The rest of the water bandits escaped from the passenger ship by boat and cruised not far away, never daring to approach again.

Seeing that there were powerful characters on the passenger ship, the leader of the pirates immediately calmed down and asked loudly, "I don't know who are the experts on board, can you tell me their names?"

Cheng Huang was about to answer, but he heard the scholar in Tsing Yi say loudly: "Why, do you still want to take revenge? It's okay to tell you, I am Xu Fu from Yingchuan."

"What, Xu Fu?" The leader of the pirates seemed taken aback, and after a while he smiled wryly: "So it's Hero Xu, I'm sorry I'm blind, I don't know that Hero Xu is on the boat, how much I offended you just now, please forgive me."

Seeing that the leader of the water bandits became more polite, the scribe in Tsing Yi snorted coldly: "You don't know how many lives were killed on this waterway, can a sentence of forgiveness offset it?"

Before he finished speaking, the long sword in his hand turned into a cold light, and he shot at the leader of the pirates on the wooden boat a hundred meters away.

The leader of the water bandits didn't expect Xu Fu to make a sudden attack. When he found out that he was in no hurry to avoid it, he had to block it with his sword.But just as he raised his sword, Xu Fu's sword had already penetrated his throat. The muscles on his face twitched a few times, and then he fell headfirst into the surging river.

Seeing the tragic death of the leader, the water bandits dispersed one after another and fled in wooden boats.

The water bandits escaped, and the merchants finally breathed a sigh of relief, and came over one after another to thank the warriors who resisted the water bandits.

After some polite greetings, the white-clothed scribes and the green-clothed scribes walked towards Wang Ping and Cheng Huang, and clasped their hands together.

"The two brothers are very skilled, would you like to have a drink or two in the cabin, so that we can thank the two for their help just now?" the white-robed scribe said.

Cheng Huang was smiling, and his heart was already full of joy.Immediately bowed his hands and returned the gift, "We are just trying to protect ourselves. Since the elder brother has such kind intentions, the younger brothers will be disrespectful!"

"Okay, brother is indeed a straightforward person, two, please come inside!"

The sailors resumed the oars and the helm, and the passenger ship began to sail downstream again.

Cheng Huang and Wang Ping followed the two scribes into the cabin.Cheng Huang swept his eyes and found that the room was elegantly furnished. There were wine glasses and wine jugs on several desks. Through the windows of the cabin, one could have a panoramic view of the river outside.

After the two scribes called Cheng and Wang to sit down, they sat down themselves.The scribe in white said: "You two young heroes, I don't know how to call them!"

"Cheng Huang, this is my righteous brother, Wang Ping, Wang Zijun. May I ask if your surname is Ma?" Cheng Huang said.

In fact, he had already guessed the identity of the white-robed scholar. In the history of the Three Kingdoms, there was only one person with white hair between his eyebrows, and this person was from Jingzhou.

The white-robed scribe was slightly taken aback, but his face soon relaxed, and he said with a smile: "This is Ma Jichang."

Cheng Huang felt a shock all over his body, sure enough, this person was Ma Liang and Ma Jichang.Jingzhou Ma's Wuchang, each of them is talented, literary and martial arts, and proficient in everything.

Among these five brothers, Ma Liang is the most talented, known as Ma's Wuchang and Baimei the best.

The one in front of him turned out to be Ma Liang, a famous counselor in history, how could Cheng Huang not be excited.Needless to say, this Ma Liang must be a historical strategist.

Seeing that Cheng Huang was suddenly in a daze, Ma Liang couldn't help but said, "Brother Cheng, is there something wrong?"

Only then did Cheng Huang come to his senses, and immediately said: "Mister's name is as loud as thunder, but Huang is just too excited. Mr. is a great talent, if you can teach me a thing or two, I will definitely benefit from it for the rest of my life."

"Haha," Ma Liang laughed suddenly, "Brother Cheng, you really don't know Taishan. This Xu Fu and Xu Yuanzhi are far superior in talent and strategy than me. You actually let a real expert ignore you. Come and ask me for advice. Haha!"

"Xu Fu, Xu Yuanzhi," Cheng Huang suddenly remembered, the wine glass he was about to pick up just shook, and the wine spilled on the table.

Some people may not know about Xu Fu, but when it comes to Xu Shu, I am afraid that everyone who has read the Three Kingdoms knows it!

Xu Shu: Formerly known as Xu Fu, also known as List Fu, a first-class strategist in the Three Kingdoms, a good knight-errant when he was young, superb swordsmanship, and a chivalrous heart.As a friend, he killed a rich local gentry, had to hide his name, changed his name to Xu Shu, and left for another country.Later, he worshiped Mr. Shuijing Sima Wei as his teacher, and was recommended to Liu Bei by Sima Wei, who helped Liu Bei win several battles, and then recommended Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei...

Who is Mr. Shui Jing, anyone who knows a little about the Three Kingdoms must know.His two disciples, Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, were figures who changed the history of the Three Kingdoms.

Xu Shu's information flashed through Cheng Huang's mind, and he quickly got up and bowed to the ground. "Boy Cheng Huang, you have eyes that can't stop Taishan, and Mr. Yuanzhi laughed at you." In fact, Cheng Huang thought to himself, if he could win the loyalty of these two, he would do whatever he wanted!
"Brother Cheng, there is no need to be polite. The so-called meeting is fate. Today, we join forces to fight against the enemy. It is a destiny. I think brothers have extraordinary bearing. If you are an extraordinary person, you will surely become a great success in the future."

yes!Meeting is fate, let's make our fate closer!Cheng Huang was crying in his heart.

"Mr. Yuan Zhi is so talented. It is a great fortune to see you today. I don't know what your plan is in the future!"

First figure out the other party's intentions, and then find a breakthrough. At the very least, you must leave a good impression on this first-class counselor in history.

"Hehe!" Xu Shu chuckled heartily: "How much is life, I should put my love on mountains and rivers, travel all over China, and see all kinds of things in the world."

Hearing Xu Shu's words, Cheng Huang felt bitter. Xu Shu was obviously not telling the truth.Hey, I'm just a first-class person now, how can I get into the eyes of this first-class counselor?

It seems that it is not that simple to regain the first-class counselors, it is because I am too extravagant!

"Brother Cheng, why stand and sit down to drink." At this time, Ma Liang reminded.

Cheng Huang just sat down, raised his glass and said: "Mr. Xu is right, meeting is fate, come, for our fate, let's have a drink."

All four of them raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

Putting down his wine glass, Ma Liang said, "I don't know where Brother Cheng and Brother Wang are going, and what are their plans for the future?"

Cheng Huang was overjoyed.

There is a show!Although it is difficult for Xu Shu to recover, it is not bad to get Ma Liang!This Ma Liang is at least a second-rate strategist.

(End of this chapter)

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