Chapter 129
Seeing that the guard leader refused to agree, Cheng Huang suddenly became angry.

The guard leader looked like a dog's leg at first glance, he was polite when he saw himself, and showed his fangs when he treated refugees.

Cheng Huang resented this kind of person the most.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the spear was already in his hand, and as soon as he handed it away, the tip of the spear was already against the throat of the guard commander.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with people like you, let them go, or you will die!" Cheng Huang stared at the guard commander with a grim expression.

The commander of the guards felt the chill coming from his throat, his legs became weak from fright, and he hurriedly said to his opponent: "Let them go,"

When other guards saw that their boss was restrained, they hurriedly moved out of the way and let the refugees into the city.

The refugees cast grateful glances at Cheng Huang, and then rushed into the city.

It took about a quarter of an hour before all the refugees entered the city. Cheng Huang retracted his spear and strode towards the city.

The guard commander touched his throat and looked at Cheng Huang's back with resentment.

Cheng Huang seemed to have done a trivial thing, led the horse, and walked straight towards the city according to the tracking scroll.

The salt industry in Hedong is well developed, and Anyi is fairly prosperous.On the five-foot-wide street, people come and go, and there are various stalls selling snacks and accessories on the street.

Cheng Huang led the horse, turned a few streets, walked for about half an hour, and a magnificent house appeared in front of him.

Above the vermilion gate, there are two large characters of Weifu written on it.The font is vigorous and powerful, with golden strokes and iron strokes. Even a layman like Cheng Huang thinks it is written by a famous artist at first glance.

Take out the historical celebrity tracking scroll, it shows that Hua Tuo is in Weifu.

Cheng Huang walked over, and a servant had already blocked the way, and asked, "Who is it?"

The corner of Cheng Huang's mouth twitched, I'll go that way, the Wei family is really awesome, even the guards at the city gate are polite to me, but this family member doesn't take himself seriously.

"Please tell your Patriarch that Cheng Huang of Dongting is asking for an audience." Cheng Huang said politely.

Unexpectedly, the servant rolled his eyes, "Dongting Cheng Huang, I haven't heard of it, our Patriarch is not here, please come back another day."

Cheng Huang frowned. A family servant actually looked down on others. It can be seen that the Wei family's family style is not very good!

"Then, who is in charge of you now, I want to see him." Cheng Huang said loudly, no longer polite.

The servant was about to scold, but he heard someone in the courtyard say: "Who wants to see me?" As soon as the words fell, a man who looked like a butler came out.

I saw the man with triangular eyes and nose upturned, and he didn't look like a good person.

Cheng Huang hurriedly stepped forward, "I am Cheng Huang from Dongting, may I ask who you are from Weifu?"

The butler held his head high, looking proud.

"I am the steward of the Wei Mansion. My surname is Wei and my name is Yang Sheng."

Wei Yangsheng!Cheng Huang quickly touched his nose to hide the smile at the corner of his mouth.This guy is actually called Wei Yangsheng, why not Hua Zixu? (Don't ask the author who Wei Yangsheng is, because the author doesn't know either, hehe!)
"Guardian Wei, since your patriarch is not here, let me inquire, the genius doctor Hua Tuo is at your house."

"Hua Tuo, I haven't heard of it, can I eat it?" Wei Butler looked surprised, coupled with his exaggerated expression, his appearance was really unflattering.

Cheng Huang sniffled, resisting the urge to punch him in the face twice. "Evidently the tracking scroll showed that he was in the mansion, but this guy denied it outright. It seems that this trip was not as smooth as expected!"

"If that's the case, then I'll take my leave!" Forcibly breaking in is definitely not an option, so Cheng Huang plans to go into the mansion at night to find Hua Tuo and see what they have to say.

Cheng Huang turned to leave, but he heard the sound of horseshoes, and a group of soldiers rushed towards them, yelling all the way.

Along the way, all the passers-by on the street dodged, making wild animals jump around.Those who couldn't dodge were whipped aside.

Cheng Huang frowned. He had already seen the leader of the city gate guard among the group of people. It seems that there are still a lot of troubles today!

The group of people rushed to the front, and the guard leader pointed to Cheng Huang and said, "Master Captain, he is the one who let the refugees into the city."

A general in armor got off his horse and walked up to Cheng Huang, pointing the long whip in his hand at Cheng Huang, "You are the one who let the refugees into the city?"

When Steward Wei and the famous servant Ding saw this situation, there was a look of sneer in their eyes.It turned out that this person actually had a case, but fortunately he was not allowed to enter the mansion, otherwise he would be covering up a sinner!
Hearing that the leader of the guard was called Xiaowei, Cheng Huang knew that the person who came was also a fifth-rank court official.

"That's right, I was the one who let the refugees into the city, and you are also an official of the imperial court. You should know that the refugees will suffer from cold and hunger outside the city! Also, don't use a whip to point at me, it's very rude, you know?" Cheng Huang said calmly, he didn't pay attention to anyone in the future.

"Since the person is not wrong, arrest me," the captain shouted, and the soldiers immediately surrounded him.

"Who dares to move?" Cheng Huang took out his spear and held it in his hand, and with the other hand he took out the badge of General Dangkou, flashing it in front of everyone's eyes, "I'm an official of the imperial court, if you arrest people without authorization, isn't there any law for you? "

"So what if the imperial court ordered the officials, this is my territory, you are a tiger, you have to crawl for me." After the school lieutenant finished speaking, he was about to let his subordinates do it.

"Stop," at this time, there was a loud shout not far away, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to see a person on the street walking towards him.

I saw that the man was nine feet tall, with a face like a jujube, and with long arms.

Cheng Huang's heart skipped a beat, the detection crystal had already reacted, and the person who came was actually a historical figure.

Judging by his appearance, he must be a famous general in history.

"My lord, this man let refugees into the city without permission. His crime is unforgivable. Please allow me to arrest him." The school captain quickly went up to him.

The man ignored the captain's words, walked straight up to Cheng Huang, bowed his hands, and said, "Is your Excellency General Cheng Huang Cheng of Dongting? I'm Xu Huang, Xu Gongming, who serves as captain of the cavalry in Hedong. I have heard about the general for a long time. The general broke through the Yellow Turban in Wancheng, but for some reason, he appeared in the east of the river."

Cheng Huang's eyelids twitched.

Xu Huang, Xu Huang, one of the five good generals, actually appeared in Hedong County, Cheng Huang thought to himself, but his movements were not slow at all.

He cupped his hands at Xu Huang, "It turned out to be Brother Gongming! Now that the Yellow Turban Rebellion is settled, I came to Hedong only for a little personal matter."

Xu Huang was overjoyed, "It really is General Cheng," then he turned around and shouted at the officers and soldiers, "You don't even know General Cheng, you are ashamed to come out, get out!"

Those officers and soldiers were scolded, and hurriedly left, without the prestige they had when they came.

Seeing the officers and soldiers leaving, Xu Huang smiled at Cheng Huang: "It's all because these people have blind eyes and offended General Cheng. Please don't take it for granted. General Cheng has come from a long way. Why don't you have a glass of water and wine, how about the right to accompany the crime?"

For a famous historical general like Xu Huang, of course it is important to establish a good relationship when meeting him, Cheng Huang hurriedly said: "It's okay, brother Xu please."

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Housekeeper Wei patted the famous servant Ding on the back of the head.

"Dog, he is Captain Xu's friend, you are blind! You didn't invite him in."

The famous family member Ding was crying, and muttered in his heart: "How do I know his friend of General Xu!"

PS The third update, if you want the fourth update, you are still short of [-] recommendation votes.

(End of this chapter)

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