Crossing all worlds from Marvel

Chapter 57 Nezha escaped

Chapter 57 Nezha escaped
Put the grilled fish in his hand on the beach, then glanced at the place where the monster left before, turned around and left the beach.

After meeting Ao Bing by chance, Su Tiancheng has not been to the seaside once for more than two months, but only swims in the small town, because it is time to escape from the map of mountains and rivers.

So Su Tiancheng needs to make some preparations, in case other accidents happen and cause unnecessary trouble.

According to the plot in Su Tiancheng's memory, Ne Zha will meet Hai Yacha in a fishing village by the sea, and then start chasing Hai Yacha, accidentally destroying the fishing village. On the way to chase Hai Yacha, Hai Yacha kidnaps a The little girl, because Nezha was in Haiyacha, was misunderstood as the little girl who was caught by Nezha.

So Su Tiancheng planned to go to the fishing village first, waiting for Nezha to arrive, but he would not help Nezha, because he didn't want to spoil the development of the plot. When he met Nezha before, he had already spoiled the development of the plot, although the result was good. Yes, it made Su Tiancheng learn about the 72 transformation of the earth evil, but this does not mean that the plot of destruction will develop in a good direction.


"Monster, let go of that dog!" Nezha came to the fishing village, happened to meet Hai Yacha who was holding the dog, and pointed to Hai Yacha.

Hai Yecha heard Nezha's voice, looked around, but saw no one, then looked down, and saw Nezha.

"Hey hey hey" Nezha saw Hai Yacha looking at him, so he showed a harmless smile to Hai Yacha.

"Hahaha... Where is the little brat..." Hai Yecha couldn't help laughing when he saw that Nezha was so small, but Hai Yecha was jumped up by Nezha and bumped into Hai Yecha's stomach, causing instant pain Kai Yasha lay on the ground clutching his stomach.

Then Nezha kicked Hai Yecha out, and directly smashed a house behind Hai Yecha.

"I'm afraid this Nezha is not a member of the demolition brigade, so he just demolished a house." Su Tiancheng, who was hiding in the distance, couldn't help feeling emotional when he saw Nezha destroying a house in one fell swoop.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Hai Yacha turned into a puddle of water and ran away quickly. Seeing that Hai Yacha was about to escape, Nezha quickly chased him out.

Hai Yecha ran away crazily along the way, jumping into other people's houses to escape from time to time, Nezha rushed up and knocked down the house, not caring how many houses he destroyed.

Until Hai Yecha fled to a yard full of water tanks, Hai Yecha quickly entered the water tank and hid. After Nezha chased here, he jumped on the two water tanks and stood there, shouting at the two water tanks. The water tank shouted: "Come out, come out for me!"

The surrounding villagers gradually approached Nezha, and looked at Nezha in confusion. At this time, Nezha turned his head and looked at the villagers viciously.The villagers were frightened by Nezha for a moment and wanted to run away, but Nezha shouted loudly: "Stop! Keep your eyes open and wait for me!"

The surrounding villagers had no choice but to stand there and wait. Nezha kicked out a water tank, broke it with one kick, and then kicked another water tank.

But Hai Yecha still didn't come out of the water tank, and the surrounding villagers looked at Nezha suspiciously.

"Not coming out, right? Fire control technique." Seeing that Hai Yacha still couldn't come out, Nezha used the fire control technique, burning the entire water tank with flames.

"It's terribly on fire, Nezha has gone crazy!" Seeing the fire, the surrounding villagers frantically started to run around, yelling non-stop.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Hai Yacha had no choice but to escape from the water tank, and ran out quickly. After seeing Hai Yacha, Nezha chased Hai Yacha, and kept releasing fire control skills.

"This Nezha... Forget it, let me help you deal with these things." Su Tiancheng glanced at the big house that was burned by the fire, pulled out a hair from his head, and turned the hair into a person, and then He went to follow Nezha, and then he put his hand on the burning house, and the flames were sucked into Su Tiancheng's body in an instant.

"Wow, it is indeed the power of the magic pill's flames. The effect is much better than the fire I set off, but Nezha really set a lot of fire..."

Then Su Tiancheng had no choice but to slowly absorb Nezha, which caused a fire, and Su Tiancheng, who turned into a man with hair, followed Nezha all the way to the forest by the sea. When two children were kicking shuttlecocks, Hai Yasha rushed out, wrapped a little girl in the water, and took it out.

The other little boy didn't see clearly how the little girl was taken out, but saw Nezha chasing after him, and it was Nezha who accidentally took the little girl away, so he ran towards the village, and then started to shout Shouted: "Wow... Nezha has robbed someone!"

Su Tiancheng's avatar jumped out, knocked out the little brat, and then continued to follow Nezha.


In the distance, Su Tiancheng's hair turned into a man, and suddenly turned into a bird, standing on a tree, planning to watch a play.

Chasing all the way to the beach, Hai Yecha jumped up, showing his original shape, making a grimace and said to Nezha.

"I'll see who of you can catch me when I get to the beach. Slightly slightly!"

When Kai Yasha was about to fall on the surface of the sea, the surrounding sea water turned into ice, and Kai Yasha landed on the ice in a straight line, the pained Kai Yasha twitched.

"The sea surface within a radius of one mile has been completely frozen by me, and you cannot escape."

Ne Zha and Hai Yecha looked at the place where the sound came from at the same time, and saw a man in a white coat fall from the air onto the ice.

"Monster, let go of that girl." At this moment, Ao Bing said to Hai Yacha.

Hai Yecha stood up from the ice, rubbed his buttocks slowly, and asked Ao Bing, "Who is here?"

"Kid stay away, I'll save your sister." Ao Bing said to Nezha, and then walked towards Haiyakha.

"Your sister." Nezha said angrily when he heard what Ao Bing said.

"What are you waiting for if you don't let go?" Then Ao Bing looked at Hai Yacha and said.

Hai Yecha was forced to retreat by Ao Bing. After thinking for a while, Hai Yecha wanted to resist, so he rushed to Ao Bing, but was knocked down by Ao Bing in an instant.

A group of Ne Zha looked dumbfounded. When Ao Bing hugged the little girl, Ne Zha picked up a piece of ice and threw it directly at Ao Bing. Ao Bing was hit and flew upside down. Ne Zha caught the little girl , pointed at Ao Bing with one hand and said.


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(End of this chapter)

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