Crossing all worlds from Marvel

Chapter 288 Guess It Right

Chapter 288 Guess It Right

After Su Tiancheng returned to the community, he returned to his room, and then lay on the bed, looking at the content on the phone.

Early the next morning, after Su Tiancheng woke up, he checked the lottery ticket and found that it had been announced, just like the one Su Tiancheng bought.

Then Su Tiancheng sent the avatar to receive the award. After all, Su Tiancheng had to meet Meizhen and the others in person.

According to the meaning of the main body, the avatar took the initiative to accept the award. Su Tiancheng recalled the plot and knew that it would be around noon today.

Wu Qidong will go to the seaside to read a book, and then he will meet two supernatural beasts, and then Xinan, the summoner of the Flame Dragon Armor, will appear to rescue him.

Although Wu Qidong will still be injured, it will also allow Meizhen and others to slowly discover what Chou Jiang and others want to do.


After the avatar went to receive the award, Su Tiancheng went to the beach, because Wu Qidong was reading here.

As for why he went to the beach, it was because Su Tiancheng wanted to use nano-armor to disguise himself as an armored warrior, and then establish a good relationship with Meizhen and others.

And Su Tiancheng can also try to see how strong the supernatural beasts in this world are.

After Su Tiancheng came to the beach, he saw Xin Nan who was fighting two supernatural beasts.

"How do I show up and help Xinan?

Why don't you take a look aside first, if it's almost there, I'll help him. "

Su Tiancheng looked at Xin Nan and the two supernatural beasts, and after thinking about it, he stroked his chin and said.

After making a decision, Su Tiancheng hid aside and watched Xin Nan fighting with the supernatural beast.

A few minutes later, after Su Tiancheng thought about it, he changed the nano armor into the emperor's armor.

After all, Su Tiancheng knew that he didn't rely on the Five Elements Stone to transform, when Meizhen and others asked about his Five Elements Stone.

Su Tiancheng can't get it out, and the relationship between the few people may be more likely to be suspected.

Soon Xin Nan was knocked down to the ground in order to rescue Wu Qidong because he fought two against one.

Just as Xinan was about to recall what the old man said in the ERP combat training room, Su Tiancheng appeared wearing the nano-emperor armor.

Then the two supernatural beasts were beaten and flew out, which surprised Xin Nan and Wu Qidong.

After all, neither of them had ever seen an armored warrior like Su Tiancheng, and they just looked at Su Tiancheng curiously.

"Hey, Flame Dragon Armor, can you still get up?

Don't ask anything, let's get rid of these two supernatural beasts first. "

Su Tiancheng glanced at Xin Nan who was half kneeling on the ground, and said to Xin Nan.

"Okay..." Xin Nan heard what Su Tiancheng said, so he planned to get rid of the two supernatural beasts first.

Then he went to ask about Su Tiancheng's situation. After all, he also knew that if he didn't deal with the supernatural beast first, the troubles would be very complicated.

Then Xinan stood up, summoned the flame knife, and then attacked one of the supernatural beasts.

Seeing Xinan summoning the flame knife, Su Tiancheng couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, after all, Su Tiancheng didn't have any weapons on him.

Basically, they are placed in the map of the mountains and rivers, and the only weapon that can be used is the long sword condensed into ether particles.

As well as the condensed weapons such as the power of thunder and lightning, the power of flame, etc. Seeing Xin Nan like this, Su Tiancheng couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

"A system without a system space is really difficult, I just hope that I can quickly get the things in the ring.

Otherwise, how to compare with other people, wave your hand or something, a weapon will appear in front of you.

As for me, I can only rely on energy to condense into a weapon, so it shouldn't be too tragic. "

After Su Tiancheng complained a bit, he used ether particles in his hand to condense a blood-red long sword.


Then Su Tiancheng took the long sword and slashed at another supernatural beast, but after the sword struck the supernatural beast.

Something happened that Su Tiancheng didn't expect, which shocked Xin Nan who was beside him.

Because after Su Tiancheng's long sword slashed on the supernatural beast, the supernatural beast exploded directly, and then turned into a supernatural beast crystal.

"I'll go... Do you want to do something like this... I'll just cut it down with a knife, and it will explode..."

When Su Tiancheng saw the crystal of the supernatural beast, he didn't know what to say for a while, so he waved his hand and summoned the history book.

Then Su Tiancheng tried to absorb the crystal of the supernatural beast into the history books.

After all, logically speaking, the crystal of the supernatural beast is also a special kind of energy. If it is divided according to the world of armored warriors, it should be called dark energy.

After Su Tiancheng tried to store it for a while, the crystal of the supernatural beast was indeed sucked into the history book.

Then, the general information about the supernatural beast crystal was displayed in the time history book.

Supernatural beast crystal (unrefined), from the world of armored warriors, after the supernatural beast is killed, the supernatural beast energy crystal formed in the field.

"It seems to be similar to what I thought. This thing can be used as a cultivation resource, but it needs to be refined for him."

When Su Tiancheng saw the content displayed in the history book, he made up his mind first. Next, he only needs to refine the crystals of the supernatural beasts. Then Su Tiancheng can use the crystals of supernatural beasts as real training resources. .

Xin Nan on the side was a little surprised, but recovered quickly, and killed the supernatural beast.

"Wait, let me try this card." Su Tiancheng said to Xinan when he saw that Xinan was planning to seal the card of the supernatural beast.

Although Xin Nan was a little curious, he still nodded and handed the supernatural beast card to Su Tiancheng.

After Su Tiancheng took the card, he tried to absorb the card into the history book.

But unfortunately, Suiyue Shishu couldn't store the card of the supernatural beast, it could only display the energy body, so Su Tiancheng had to return the card to Xinan.

"Sorry, my sealing book can't seal such a card, but can only seal the energy crystal that the card turns into." Then Su Tiancheng said to Xinan.

"It's nothing. If you can seal the energy crystal, you can go back with me and meet a friend. She happens to have the energy crystal of the supernatural beast there."

After Xin Nan heard what Su Tiancheng said, he thought about it and said directly to Su Tiancheng.

"Alright, the address is Happy Fort, so I'll see you later."

After Su Tiancheng heard what Xinan said, he nodded, then stretched out his hand and circled in the air, the sparks turned into a portal in the air, Su Tiancheng walked into the portal, and left here.

This startled Xin Nan, because Xin Nan had never seen armor with such ability.

"Meizhen, did you see it through the satellite?
Have you discovered what kind of energy it is? "After seeing Su Tiancheng leave, Xin Nan started talking to Mei Zhen.

After Meizhen heard what Xinan said, she also saw the picture displayed on the satellite, and she was also surprised. When she tried to check Su Tiancheng's energy, she found that she couldn't find it at all.

So Meizhen said to Xinnan, and then sent the video material to her brother.

"I can't find it. Forget it. You can come back first. Didn't he say that we will meet in Happy Fort later?"


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(End of this chapter)

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