Crossing all worlds from Marvel

Chapter 286 Meeting Dong Shan

Chapter 286 Meeting Dong Shan

After Su Tiancheng waited for a while, Meizhen came out and asked Su Tiancheng.

"Hello, what do you need?"

"Have you come to Burger and Coke?" Su Tiancheng said to Meizhen when he heard what Meizhen said.

After all, Su Tiancheng has nothing to do now, so he plans to get to know Meizhen slowly, but Su Tiancheng remembered the things in the plot.

In a few minutes, the alarm in the ERP laboratory will sound, and Meizhen will go to notify Xinnan.

Meizhen heard what Su Tiancheng said, so she went to prepare a cup of Coke, and then started making hamburgers.


As soon as Meizhen carried the hamburger and Coke in front of Su Tiancheng, Meizhen took her seat.

Then Meizhen looked at her mobile phone, and after a while, Dongshan came to Happy Fort facing Wu Qidong.

Seeing Su Tiancheng sitting at the side eating a hamburger restaurant, Dongshan didn't think too much, but said to Meizhen.

"Meizhen, go get the first aid kit and wipe Qidong's wounds."

"Okay, wait a minute." Meizhen put down her phone when she heard what Dongshan said, and then took the first aid kit.

"Are you being chased by a supernatural beast?" Su Tiancheng on the side, after eating the hamburger, glanced at Wu Qidong, and then said to Wu Qidong.

"Hey, how do you know?" Wu Qidong couldn't help looking at Su Tiancheng curiously after hearing what Su Tiancheng said.

Dongshan on the side just frowned slightly, and he didn't know how Su Tiancheng knew that Wu Qidong was being chased by the supernatural beast.

"I'm about the same as Dongshan, but I'm special. What is mine, Dongshan, you should understand, right?"

Su Tiancheng heard what Wu Qidong said, and after taking a sip of Coke, he said to Dongshan beside him.

"Are you too?" Dongshan asked Su Tiancheng suspiciously when he heard what Su Tiancheng said.

"Well, almost, but I'm special." Su Tiancheng nodded, and then looked at Meizhen who had already taken the first aid kit and walked out.

After Dongshan heard what Su Tiancheng said, he couldn't ask Su Tiancheng directly, after all, Wu Qidong was by his side.

"What does it mean to be a little special?" Dongshan couldn't help thinking about what Su Tiancheng said with some doubts, and then looked at Meizhen who was holding a first aid kit.

After Meizhen walked out with the first aid kit, she took some disinfectant alcohol out of the first aid kit.

Then he wiped the wound on Wu Qidong's hand, and then looked aside, Dongshan who was thinking.

"Well, thank you very much, how did you find me, cousin?" Wu Qidong saw that the wound on his hand had been sterilized, so he said to Meizhen and Dongshan.

"It was after calling the police that I installed the GPS in your phone and found your location."

After hearing what Wu Qidong said, Dongshan stopped thinking about what Su Tiancheng said, and just said to Wu Qidong with a smile.

"I didn't expect it. It turns out that this high-tech is so powerful. It seems that I will learn more about high-tech in the future."

After Wu Qidong heard what Dongshan said, he said to Dongshan and Meizhen unexpectedly.

"Give me another Coke." Su Tiancheng glanced at the three of Meizhen and said to Meizhen after thinking about it.

"Okay, wait a moment, it will be ready soon." Meizhen put away the first aid kit when she heard what Su Tiancheng said, and then said to Su Tiancheng.


While Meizhen was preparing Coke for Su Tiancheng, Dongshan looked at Su Tiancheng who was sitting beside him.

But when Dongshan was about to ask Su Tiancheng something, Wu Qidong chatted with Dongshan.

Meizhen also poured a Coke for Su Tiancheng, and after Su Tiancheng finished drinking the Coke, he took out two hundred-yuan bills from his pocket.

After Su Tiancheng put the money on the table, he quietly walked out of the Happy Fort, as for Dongshan and Wu Qidong.

Because the conversation was too selfless, Su Tiancheng left without noticing. As for Meizhen, she went to put the first aid kit.

A few minutes later, Meizhen put away the first aid kit and walked out, but she didn't see Su Tiancheng, so she couldn't help asking the two of them with some doubts.

"Hey, Dongshan, where is the person who was sitting here just now?"

"Uh, I don't know either. I was just chatting with Qidong and didn't notice that he left."

After Dongshan heard what Meizhen said, he also looked at the seat where Su Tiancheng was sitting just now, then scratched the back of his head, and said to Meizhen.

"But this man is also interesting. It's fine to leave quietly, and put the money on the table. I thought he was here to eat Bawang's meal."

Meizhen walked up to where Su Tiancheng was sitting, and when she saw the two hundred-yuan bills on the table, she couldn't help smiling in surprise.

After all, at the beginning, Meizhen regarded Su Tiancheng as a guy who just came to eat the overlord's meal.

But Meizhen doesn't care, whether Su Tiancheng eats the overlord's meal, but after seeing the money on the table, Meizhen is quite interesting to Su Tiancheng.

Then Meizhen tidied up the things on the table, then looked at the TV, and saw the content played on the TV.

"Hey, this guy came to our shop yesterday." Meizhen said to Dongshan.

Hearing what Meizhen said, Dongshan turned on the sound of the TV, and then heard what Xiao Song said on the TV.

"This guy is really interesting." After watching the news, Meizhen and Dongshan couldn't help smiling, and then they looked at each other, and then they looked at Wu Qidong who was eating a sandwich.

After Wu Qidong finished eating the sandwiches, he left Happy Fort, and then Dongshan looked at Meizhen and asked Meizhen.

"Meizhen, do you know the identity of that person just now?"

"That person just now? I don't know him. Did something happen?"

Meizhen heard what Dongshan said, and couldn't help asking Dongshan with some doubts.

"Actually, there is something. It's just that he said just now that he is similar to me, but he is special, and he can still call me by my name."

Dongshan heard what Meizhen said, so he talked about everything that happened just now with Su Tiancheng.

He told Meizhen everything, and what Su Tiancheng said, he told Meizhen all about it.

"Is he also an armor summoner? But why is there no news about the Five Elements Stone?

Also, what does he mean by special? "

After Meizhen listened to Dongshan's words, she couldn't help thinking with some doubts, after all, she didn't check it recently.

Meizhen is also very curious about what Su Tiancheng said about any news about those five-element stones and the news about the summoner of the armored warrior.

"Forget it, let's go see this little Song first, after all, he has what we need."

After thinking for a while, Meizhen didn't think of anything special, so she said to Dongshan.

"Okay, then let's go and collect it. Anyway, there is nothing to do now."

Hearing what Meizhen said, Dongshan nodded and said to Meizhen: "Alright, then let's tidy up first, and then go to see Xiaosong."


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(End of this chapter)

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