Crossing all worlds from Marvel

Chapter 227 Special Room

Chapter 227 Special Room

But it is probably related to the energy in Su Tiancheng's body. After all, there is only this energy in Su Tiancheng's body. Then Su Tiancheng looked at the scroll in his hand.

After Su Tiancheng opened the scroll, the picture of the jade girl washing her hair on the scroll had changed into another appearance. It looked like a lifelike woman standing in the scroll, but the woman's eyes were full of strong emotions.

Su Tiancheng looked at the woman in the picture scroll, sighed, stood up from the ground, and walked towards Lanruo Temple.


When Su Tiancheng walked back to Lanruo Temple, Yan Chixia was sitting beside the bonfire, but he didn't see Xiahou Swordsman. It seemed that he was doomed to die.

But Su Tiancheng didn't intend to pay attention to him, since he probably won't be able to meet Nie Xiaoqian now, so Su Tiancheng also planned to go back to the previous room to sleep.

"Hey, why are you back again? Don't you know it's dangerous here?" Yan Chixia asked Su Tiancheng when she saw Su Tiancheng walking to the side of the house.

"It's convenient to go out just now. Where else can I go in the middle of the night?" Hearing what Yan Chixia said, Su Tiancheng glanced at Yan Chixia casually, and after speaking to Yan Chixia, he turned to the room Went inside.

After Su Tiancheng returned to the room, he was not in the mood to go to sleep, so he just sat in the room.

After thinking about it, Su Tiancheng took out the map of Shanhe Sheji from his dantian. After all, all his supplies were placed in the map of Shanhe Sheji.

However, Su Tiancheng didn't bring Ning Caichen out of the map of Shanhe Sheji. He would just release Ning Caichen after he settled everything.

Su Tiancheng took out a few sets of clothes from the map of Shanhe Sheji, and some meals that Asuna and the others had prepared for him, and then put the map of Shanhe Sheji into his dantian.

Putting the clothes aside, he looked at the meals, and then Su Tiancheng walked out of the room with some steamed buns.

He found Yan Chixia who was sitting by the campfire, threw the steamed buns to him, and then Su Tiancheng turned around and went back into the room.

After Yan Chixia took the bright steamed buns that Su Tiancheng threw to her, she glanced at Su Tiancheng's back and thought that Su Tiancheng was a pretty good person, so she nodded in satisfaction and muttered softly.

"I will not rest tonight, so that you can spend the night safely."

Of course Su Tiancheng didn't know Yan Chixia's thoughts, but Su Tiancheng knew Yan Chixia's thoughts.I just thought he was meddling.

After all, with Su Tiancheng's own abilities, it would not be a problem for him to fight the Millennium Tree Demon and the Montenegro Old Demon alone. Would Yan Chixia still be needed to keep vigil?
But Su Tiancheng gave Yan Chixia a few steamed buns, just to see him sitting by the campfire alone, a little pitiful. As for the food, there is no need to think about it.

After all, these meals were made by Asuna and the others, so how could Su Tiancheng give them to other people.

At most, it is for his future women to eat. For passers-by like Yan Chixia, giving him two or three steamed buns is already very good for him.

Su Tiancheng was eating in the room, while Yan Chixia was sitting outside by the campfire, eating steamed buns.

After more than ten minutes, Su Tiancheng finished his meal, and then took out the Shanhe Sheji Map, and put all the dishes and chopsticks into the Shanhe Sheji Map.

After finishing these things, Su Tiancheng lay down on the ground, took off the nano ring on his hand, and after pressing it, it turned into a headset, and then put it on his ear, listening to the music up.

Of course, Su Tiancheng didn't close his eyes to sleep, but pulled out a hair from his head, and used 72 transformation to become a mosquito clone, and then Su Tiancheng closed his eyes and went to sleep.

As for Yan Chixia, he sat by the bonfire and stared around. After all, he had made his own plan, so he naturally had to do it.


Early the next morning, after Su Tiancheng woke up, he took off the earphone, turned it back into a nano ring, and put it on his hand.

Then he turned the mosquito avatar back into his hair, and retracted his head. After all, Su Tiancheng is not as good as Monkey King, he is covered in hair all over his body.

Then Su Tiancheng took out the map of Shanhe Sheji from his dantian, took out the tools for washing in the morning from the map of Shanhe Sheji, and put everything back after washing.

But this time, Su Tiancheng also entered the map of Shanhe Sheji, and went to the side of the drowsy Ning Caichen. Su Tiancheng continued to feed Ning Caichen two sleeping pills.

After all, one hour outside the map of Shanhe Sheji, for the two hours inside, one day outside is equal to two days inside the map of Shanhe Sheji.

In two days, the effect of the sleeping pills will definitely pass, so Su Tiancheng must enter the map of Shanhe Sheji every day, and feed sleeping pills to Ning Caichen.

Although this may be a bit inhumane, as long as Ning Caichen doesn't show up to sabotage his plan, that's fine, and at worst, he can give Ning Caichen some compensation at that time.

After all, Ning Caichen came to Guobei County to collect debts, so Su Tiancheng would just give him a little more gold and silver.

Anyway, when Su Tiancheng was in other worlds, he collected a lot of gold and silver, although gold and silver are not needed in the age of technology.

But it can also be used to sell money. If you bring money, it is estimated that it will not be used in many places. The actual thing is to bring gold and silver.

After Su Tiancheng gave Ning Caichen the sleeping pills, he glanced at Ning Caichen. After thinking for a while, Su Tiancheng waved his hand in the air, and the Pointing Jiangshan Pen appeared in Su Tiancheng's hand.

Then Su Tiancheng drew a special place, in this place, don't eat, drink and loose, the body will not consume any energy, and it is not a problem to fall asleep all the time.

Then Su Tiancheng went to another lotus leaf island. This island is where Asuna and the others lived in the Shanhe Sheji map. Of course, after Su Tiancheng traveled to other worlds, this island was used to store food for Su Tiancheng. place.

Asuna and the others only need to prepare meals for Su Tiancheng, and then put them in a room where there is no time flow, and the meals can be kept forever, unless the meals are taken out of the room, the meals stored in other people's rooms will always be fresh. Made it look like.

After Su Tiancheng came here and finished his breakfast, he walked out of the map of mountains and rivers. Of course, Su Tiancheng still had a few steamed buns in his hand.


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