Chapter 95 New Arms

[Ding, you have successfully opened the [Historical Generals Boss Treasure Chest] (Double Spears General Dong Ping), and you have gained 10000 repair points! 】

[Ding, you have successfully opened the [Historical Generals Boss Treasure Chest] (Double Spear General Dong Ping), and you have obtained a copy of the special item [Dungeon Order] (Blood Battle Dusong Pass)! 】

[Ding, you have successfully opened the [Historical Generals Boss Treasure Box] (Double Spears General Dong Ping), and you have obtained a special item [Random Unit Recruitment Order]! 】

When the treasure chest was opened, three system prompts sounded in succession.

Liu Cheng is now very used to ignoring the three system prompts. Anyway, the system reminds him that he still needs to look at things, so he might as well focus on those opened things.

At the same time as the treasure chest news and the two arrow tokens appeared, Liu Cheng opened the properties of the two tokens casually.

Random Arms Recruitment Order

Item classification: special/military/consumable props

Item Description: An item full of randomness. When used against [Barracks], the barracks will add a quota for recruiting troops, and the level of the troops is not limited.

Requirements for use: none
Number of uses remaining: 1
【Copy order】

Item classification: copy/consumable props

Item description: This is a special dungeon prop. After use, it will enter the designated dungeon, and the corresponding rewards will be obtained by clearing the dungeon.

Included copy: Bloody Battle at Dusong Pass
Dungeon Difficulty: Easy (1), Normal (1), Hard (1) (Each difficulty can only be challenged once!)

Ps: The dungeon is free to stop, enter and exit at will, but leaving the dungeon after clearing the level will be regarded as giving up the challenge, no matter how high the completion level is, you will not get any rewards.

Liu Cheng looked at the attributes of the two props in front of him, and his eyes began to light up.

"[Historical Generals Boss Treasure Chest] is indeed a [Historical Generals Boss Treasure Chest], these two are good things!"

Needless to say about the [Random Unit Recruitment Order], the system has already explained it very clearly. It is a prop that looks good. A person with a good face may be able to get a top-level unit at random. People may randomly choose militias.

And that [duplicate order] is even more against the sky. The appearance of this thing may even solve a big problem for Liu Cheng.

You must know that since the establishment of the system arms, Liu Chengcheng has been troubled by one thing, that is, the improvement of the strength of the system soldiers.

System soldiers are different from ordinary pirates. Although their force can also be improved through martial arts and elixir, they have one difference from ordinary people like Zhang Kai, that is, they have occupational restrictions.

After a general pirate's martial strength reaches 15, as long as his profession does not improve, no matter what drugs he takes or what magical skills he practices, it will be useless, and his martial strength cannot be further improved.

But now Liu Cheng knows that the only way for system soldiers to gain experience and improve their careers is to kill people.

However, although this world is a different world, although it is indeed in chaos, and although the East China Sea is indeed a place outside the law, there are not so many people here for you to kill.

And don't look at Hokkaido as a den of pirates, an extralegal place that Da Zhou can't control and doesn't want to control, but it actually has its own order. The whole Hokkaido is under the pressure of Zhang Yan. Jumping too far will immediately attract strong suppression.

So for Liu Cheng, the upgrade of system soldiers has always been a problem, but now it seems that there seems to be another way to solve this problem.

A [Dungeon Order], three opportunities to challenge, if used well, it can strengthen the strength of several waves of system soldiers.

However, Liu Cheng knew a little bit about Water Margin. As for Dong Ping, Liu Cheng also recalled it very carefully after obtaining his historical martial soul, and recalled some details to some extent.

According to Liu Cheng's understanding, the battle of Dong Ping's death in the Water Margin seems to be at "Dusongguan", and not only Dong Ping died at Dusongguan, but also the 108th among the 16 generals named "No Yu". Arrow] Zhang Qing.

Two titans fell in World War I, and they were still two titans at their peak. Liu Cheng might not be able to pass the level so easily in this dungeon.

Sure enough, Liu Cheng tried it. Even [Easy Mode] requires Liu Cheng to have a force of 65, three generals with a force of over 60, and a minimum of 500 system soldiers to challenge.

"It seems that it will take some time to challenge this copy!"

Liu Cheng looked at the [Duplicate Token] in his hand and sighed, but Liu Cheng was not too disappointed, anyway, the things were already in his hands, and he would be able to use them sooner or later.

And after all, there are only three chances to challenge this thing, if you really want to challenge, you have to be cautious.

After playing with it carefully for a while, Liu Chengcheng put away the [Dungeon Token], and then Liu Cheng directly picked up the [Random Arms Recruitment Token].

The [Dungeon Order] should be kept well. This [Random Unit Recruitment Order] is not needed. Liu Cheng knows very well that the sooner this thing is used, the better.

So Liu Cheng took the [Random Unit Recruitment Order] and came to the [Barracks] in three or two steps, and used the item with a wave of his hand.

[Ding, you have successfully used the item [Random Unit Recruitment Order], and the building [Barracks] under your command is unlocked to recruit the unit [Zheng He Sailor]! 】

Daming Sailor (Zheng He's Army)

Base force: 35
Possessed skills: elementary sailing, elementary water warfare

Description of arms: The lowest-ranking soldier in Zheng He's naval division has a certain degree of water warfare literacy!

Advanced Direction: Navy Elite (Zheng Hejun)
Number of recruits per day: 1
Funds required for recruitment: 1 gold

Ps: There is a [-] in [-] chance of recruiting advanced arms when recruiting
When Liu Cheng saw the attributes of the new recruitable units, his eyes widened: "You're lucky!"

Although Liu Cheng always thought that he had a good face, he never expected to be so lucky.

Not to mention that the random arms are randomly assigned to the navy, and it is still the Zheng He navy. Liu Cheng doesn't know whether the Zheng He navy is strong or not in history, but if asked whether the Ming navy in front of him is strong, Liu Cheng's answer is yes.

35 basic force, plus two skills of [Elementary Sailing] and [Elementary Water Combat], this ability template is stronger than the newly advanced [Pirate Leader].

If Liu Cheng could form such a navy, then in Beihai, Liu Cheng would not say that he could walk sideways, at least no one would dare to bully him.

It's just a little regrettable that the price of recruitment is a bit expensive, one gold per person, but this is not the main problem. The main problem is that the number of recruits per day is too small, only one per day.

Looking at the attributes of the Daming sailor, Liu Cheng couldn't help touching his chin: "It seems that the level of [Barracks] should be raised!"

 Thanks to [Misty Pig [-]] [Heart Sadness] [Tranquility Collapse] [Come to a Big Wrist] [Little Little Diren] [Huangliang Yimeng] [Idle and Loose Fish] for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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