Chapter 72

Hokkaido, Zhongtun Island, street stall market.

A middle-aged man was sitting in his booth watching the flow of people passing by, boredly waiting for the fat sheep to come to his door.

Since he sells herbal medicines, the business in Zhongtun Island is not very good. Although he has already yelled about his stuff to the point of intoxication, no one came to see it after most of the day.

This made the middle-aged man somewhat frustrated, and just when the middle-aged man thought that he would get nothing today, a half-sized boy cautiously came over, looking at the things on his display curiously.

At first the middle-aged man was a little bit happy, but seeing the boy's immature appearance and looking at the rough clothes on him, the middle-aged man suddenly lost interest.

However, he was not interested in that boy, but that boy seemed to be very curious about him.

Although a little timid, after looking at it for a while, he seemed to have the courage to point to the things on the middle-aged man's stall and ask.

At the beginning, the middle-aged man patiently explained to him, but the young man's curiosity was too strong, and he wanted to ask about the whole stall, so the middle-aged man was annoyed after a few times. up.

"Boy, do you want to buy something? Don't ask questions if you don't? Believe it or not, I will cut you off?"

The middle-aged man's angry shout directly shocked the young man, making the young man stupid for a few seconds, and finally stretched out his fingers tremblingly.

On the contrary, the middle-aged man was very surprised. He didn't expect that the boy really wanted to buy something, but he laughed when he saw what the boy chose.

Those are all [divine pills] that he made to bluff people to strengthen the body. It seems that the kid really thinks that those magical pills have magical effects.

Of course, the middle-aged man would not explain anything to the boy kindly at this time, and he didn't care too much. He just wrapped up those things and handed them to the boy, and at the same time collected the huge sum of 3 gold.

Playing with the three pieces of gold that the young man managed to pick out in his hand, looking at the young man who had been tricked and left happily, the corner of the middle-aged man's mouth was full of a playful smile.

"It would be great if only a few fat sheep of this kind could come here every day."

However, what he didn't know was that there was a playful smile on the corner of the boy's mouth who had left his stall.

That young man is none other than Liu Cheng, the playwright.

And this guy ran to the stall and walked around, so it is impossible for him to gain nothing. The middle-aged man thought he had met a fat sheep, but what he didn't know was that the most valuable thing in his stall had already been bought by Liu Cheng gone.

When Liu Cheng came over, he just threw those messy pills aside, and focused all his attention on the dozen or so pills in a wooden box.

The middle-aged man inside the elixir was so drunk that he said it could cure all diseases, and there was basically no difference between life and death, human flesh and bones, and elixir.

In fact, the middle-aged man doesn't know what the pill is for, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't know, Liu Cheng knows that he has [Drug Identification] The effects of the dozen or so pills are useless in front of him. hidden.

Quenching Bone Pill

Elixir Grade: Normal

Description of the elixir: It is a kind of elixir for strengthening the body and made from the hands of an old Chinese medicine expert, cleverly combined with traditional Chinese medicine, which can greatly increase the bone strength of the person who can take it

(ps: Due to the long time of storage, the medicinal properties have already passed, and currently taking it has no effect)

Obviously, this is an expired elixir, but although the elixir is expired, it is also of great significance to Liu Cheng.

He can deduce the formula from these dozen or so pills, and then research similar pills. For Liu Cheng, this thing is simply hard to find.

After collecting the dozen or so elixir, Liu Chengcheng didn't have much interest in shopping anymore, and went directly to the destination of his trip.

Soon Liu Chengcheng came to the book stall in the street market, and Liu Chengcheng was a little dumbfounded when he came here.

He originally thought that at the street stall, the pirates basically couldn't read anyway, and he could pick the good or bad books at will and pick out the useful ones, but it turned out that he underestimated the wisdom of the pirates.

Because the printing industry in this world is still developed, books are relatively common, and those merchant ships have a boring life because of the long-term voyage, and many people with some assets will choose to take some books with them.

It's just that most of the books they bring are for passing the time, so although there are many in-depth books among them, most of them are the kind of books that the people like to read and read.

And because the people who buy books in this street stall market are all literate people, this kind of book is basically not sold in the street stall market.

In this case, someone thought of a way. In this market, books are not sold alone, they will tie them into bundles with ropes, and a bundle of books costs 2 gold, and they don’t allow you to get started, so you can only sell them on one side. Looking at it from a distance, if you want to buy it, you can get out if you don’t buy it.

It is conceivable how disappointed Liu Cheng, who was leaving excitedly, would be when he saw this situation.

However, Liu Cheng did not return empty-handed, and spent ten gold to buy five bundles, leaving about fifty books.

After buying the book, the money in Liu Cheng's pocket dropped directly to 37 gold. Because of the need to recruit pirates, the money has basically reached the limit of life and death.

So Liu Cheng didn't go shopping anymore, and went back directly with the book.

Not long after Liu Cheng returned, Lu Fang also prepared all the materials for Liu Cheng. The two sides handed over the materials, and after making an appointment with Lu Fang on the location and time of the next delivery, Liu Cheng set off for the return flight.

When returning to the voyage, Liu Cheng and his party were still a little nervous at first.

After all, they were on Zhongtun Island, where pirates from all walks of life gathered, and they were really worried that some pirates would follow them and eat them.

So when returning to the voyage, Liu Cheng and his party were very careful, made a lot of preparations, and left overnight.

In fact, Liu Cheng and the others don't need to be so careful. This Zhongtun Island is a purse owned by Zhang Yan, the overlord of Hokkaido. Zhang Yan and his gang take this purse very seriously, and have put a lot of effort into it.

Within [-] nautical miles near Zhongtun Island, no one would dare to rob, and Liu Cheng and his party didn't look like they had any money, so it was rare for them to talk to them.

Ever since, Liu Cheng and his party spent half a day and came out of Zhongtun Island very smoothly.

However, Liu Cheng's party seemed to be a little unlucky, although the party left the range of Zhongtun Island smoothly and entered a seaway with almost no pirate forces.

However, just after they entered that area, they just let go of their hearts, and immediately something happened again.

When Liu Cheng and his party passed by a small island, three pirate ships with a length of seven or eight meters rushed out, quickly leaned against Liu Cheng's pirate, and then threw dozens of hooks from the three pirate ships He was firmly hooked on Liu Cheng's ship.

Seeing this scene, everyone on Liu Cheng's side felt a sense of déjà vu. Damn, isn't this their usual way of robbing?
(End of this chapter)

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