Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 70 Successful Transaction

Chapter 70 Successful Transaction
Hokkaido, Zhongtun Island.

When the two pirates under Liu Cheng came to him one by one, the people in the whole box were all dumbfounded.

Not only was he shocked by Liu Cheng's unexpected behavior, but he was also shocked by the performance of those two pirates.

The crossbow pierced the arm, and the long knife pierced the chest.

A person can feel that kind of pain just by looking at it, but these two people are like two strong men without screaming, despite the blood on their bodies, their faces remain unchanged except for a little paleness.

Seeing this scene and seeing such a 'dead man', even the well-informed Lu Fang was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

"What is the meaning of this, Prince?"

There was a smile on the corner of Liu Cheng's mouth, and he didn't answer. Instead, he reached out to take the bottle of ointment that Zhang Kai handed over, turned around and came to the two pirates, and personally applied the ointment on the two pirates.

Liu Cheng's current behavior seems a bit strange to people. You let them kill each other, but now you come here to pretend to apply medicine for them. What are you doing?What about neuropathy?
Lu Fang didn't understand it at first, but when he saw Liu Cheng apply the ointment on the two pirates, the bleeding from the wounds on the two pirates stopped instantly. , the wound also showed signs of healing, and the pale complexion on the faces of the two pirates obviously recovered a little.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fang vaguely guessed, perhaps a little different from what he expected, that Liu Cheng didn't come to sell the heirloom, his product should be a bottle of ointment that Liu Cheng took out at this time.

Sure enough, when Lu felt confident, Liu Cheng turned to look at Lu Fang: "Mr. Lu, look at me."

Hearing this, the smile on Lu Fang's face disappeared a lot, obviously he was not very satisfied with what Liu Cheng brought out: "The medicine is really good medicine, but this is the so-called goods of Wang Gongzi, right? If it is this thing, then Wang Gongzi must have found the wrong person.

There is not much demand for this thing from Lu Mou. If Wang Gongzi wants to sell this thing, he should find those good men who make a living at sea. They have more demand for this medicine. Of course, since Wang Gongzi found Lu Mou, then Naturally, Lu will not let Prince Wang go back empty-handed, and Lu will stay..."

"Mr. Lu, although Mr. Wang is not good at doing business, Mr. Wang also knows that it is indeed a wise choice to buy products to those in need, but it is not the best choice." Liu Cheng interrupted .

"Oh, what is the best choice for you, Prince Wang?" Lu Fang's mouth showed a slightly sarcastic smile. In his opinion, Liu Cheng in front of him seemed to be in a hurry to go to the doctor.

But Liu Cheng always maintained a confident smile: "In my opinion, the best choice is of course to hand over the goods to a discerning businessman, and let him push the goods to a market with demand and profit margins."

Liu Cheng's words made Lu Fang slightly taken aback, but at this time Liu Cheng suddenly changed the subject: "If my information is correct, Mr. Lu's goods should be heading north, right?"

Lu Fang obviously couldn't keep up with Liu Cheng's rhythm, so he could only nod his head: "Yes!"

"I heard that the north has not been peaceful recently. Not only are foreigners raging, but horse thieves are everywhere, and there are various disputes and battles everywhere. Now the army, family and even those who have fiefs in the north are miserable. ah."

As soon as Liu Cheng's words came out, Lu Fang was thoughtful, and there was some light in his eyes, and Liu Cheng immediately added to his anger when he saw this.

"The ointment that Mr. Lu saw was called [Golden Chuang Medicine], and it was specially used to treat sword wounds. What you are seeing now is the highest-grade [Golden Chuang Medicine], which can heal the wounds within three days. A kind of wound healing.

As far as I know, this kind of ointment is not unavailable in the north, but the price of this level of ointment in the north is as high as 5 gold a bottle, but on my side, you only need a bottle of this level of ointment You can take it away by paying 3000 copper coins, which is nearly ten times the profit. I wonder if Mr. Lu is interested in such an easy-to-carry item? "

As soon as Liu Cheng said this, the light in Lu Fang's eyes completely bloomed, and he stood up, waving to the guard on the side and said: "Come here and ask the restaurant to prepare wine and dishes. Today, I, Lu, must treat Wang well." son."

Seeing Lu Fang like this, Liu Cheng also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. He knew that Lu Fang was relieved, and the purpose of his trip should not be difficult to achieve.

Sure enough, Lu Fang's attitude towards Liu Cheng was completely different next time. If it was said that when Liu Cheng first came out, his politeness to Liu Cheng was still on the surface, but now it went deep into his bones.

Life and death are pulling Liu Cheng to have a drink with him, and even at this time, it is polite to open his eyes when he showed disdain before.

The businessman's waist and body are so soft, as long as you can bring me benefits, it's okay for me to call you dad.

Of course, as an outstanding businessman, Lu Fang's acting skills may not be much inferior to Liu Cheng's, and he may not have less faces than Liu Cheng. The enthusiasm at this time is just a face that Lu Fang showed.

While entertaining Liu Cheng with great enthusiasm, he naturally did not forget to understand some things by insinuating.

For example, the production of [Jinchuang Medicine], and Liu Cheng's understanding of the situation in the north.

The most important thing is the latter point. This is what Lu Fang focuses on. In fact, although Lu Fang's merchant ships are bound for the north, it is the second time for him to do business in the north. He is not very familiar with many situations in the north. learn.

In fact, Liu Cheng knew this when he arrived, otherwise he would not have chosen Lu Fang.

It was because Lu Fang's business in the north hadn't fully opened up yet, and he didn't know much about the north, that Liu Cheng chose him.

In the face of Lu Fang's insinuations on this aspect, Liu Cheng is not afraid at all. As he integrates more and more memories of his predecessor, he finds that his predecessor is really not simple. .

Since the previous one seemed to have a adoptive father who had been stationed in the north for a period of time, he had been to the north and knew something about the situation there. Although not much, it was enough to deal with Lu Fang.

And Lu Fang was not so easy to deal with. While he entertained Liu Cheng himself, the people under him also started to act at this time.

Of course, the people under him didn't do too much, they just learned about the wound medicine market.

After confirming that [Gold Chuang Medicine], let alone in the north, even in the East China Sea, the level of potion would be around 3 or 4 gold, Lu Fang was completely relieved.

Afterwards, with a wave of his hand, Lu Fang took all the 3000 bottles of [Advanced Jinchuang Medicine] that Liu Cheng brought this time with a unit price of 500 copper coins, and the [-] bottles of [Ordinary Jinchuang Medicine] that cost only [-] copper coins. After buying it, he also placed an order for Liu Cheng.

In fact, the so-called [Advanced Jinchuang Medicine] and [Common Jinchuang Medicine], the former is the entry-level medicine [Elementary Jinchuang Medicine] researched by Liu Cheng, and the other is simply the simplification of [Junior Jinchuang Medicine] Version.

These are all refined by Liu Cheng after consuming the medicinal materials in the black reef island in the past ten days. Except for the labor cost, there is almost no cost.

With these things, it can be said that this time Liu Cheng has successfully earned his first pot of gold, and at the same time he has found a way to survive for Black Reef Island other than robbery.

(End of this chapter)

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