Chapter 63 Guardian Boss
In fact, Liu Cheng knew that although his plan was not low in feasibility, the actual success rate was not high.

It can even be said that he has no hope of being able to draw out the thing inside.

The reason is very simple, there must be other entrances and exits in the cave in front of you, and the thing that got into it may leave through other entrances and exits.

If that's the case, Liu Cheng can only use the time when the thing inside left to explore this cave, and if there is any treasure, he will talk about it first.

It's just that what Liu Cheng didn't expect was that his plan was really successful, and in the end the thing smashed through the pile of wet wood and broke out.

"Snake! Snake! Snake..."

"What a big snake!"

At the same time that the monster inside broke out, the dozen or so pirates who were in charge of the fan saw the real appearance of the monster clearly for the first time, and all of them were scared to death.

Because what came out of the cave was a huge black python nearly one meter thick and extremely fierce.

The giant python seemed to be in a state of rage because it was stimulated by the smoke. After breaking out of the cave, it opened its bloody mouth and crazily rushed towards the dozen pirates.

"Yan Nu, do it!"

Seeing this situation, Liu Guo ordered decisively, and Yan Nu, who was above the cave, also took action in time.

A group of pirates pushed hard and pushed down a dozen or so stones with a diameter of one or two meters that had been prepared in the morning.

More than a dozen huge boulders "rumbled" down, the scene was truly astonishing, the giant python subconsciously stopped to pounce on the dozen pirates and looked back, this pause happened to be caught by several boulders that were falling rapidly. Hit.

Although not all of the dozen or so huge boulders hit the giant python, a few of them hit the giant python's body, and one even happened to hit the head of this giant python.

Although the hill is not high, only 50 meters, the impact force of the boulder rolling down is still extremely astonishing.

The moment it hit the top of the giant python's head, the beast was immediately knocked down, and more importantly, the cave behind the giant python was also blocked by a huge boulder at this time.

A wave of boulders, with such an astonishing result, immediately overjoyed the pirates present, and the dozen or so pirates who were in charge of fanning the wind showed ecstatic smiles as if they had survived the catastrophe.

But at this time, Liu Cheng was not so optimistic. Looking at the ten-meter-long giant python in front of him, Liu Cheng squinted his eyes and threw out [Wang, Wen, Asking] casually.

mutant sea python
Strength: 65
Identity: Guardian Boss of Treasure
Explanation: It seems that it is because of eating some special natural and earthly treasures. Compared with ordinary sea pythons, the strength of breaking through the boundaries of the body has a terrifying increase, and it has quite strong defense and strength.

Physical state: berserk, slightly injured!
"Minor injury?"

Seeing the word "minor injury", Liu Cheng's scalp tingled suddenly: "Everyone, be careful, this guy hasn't lost his mobility yet!"

Almost at the same time Liu Cheng said this, the pair of golden vertical eyes of the giant black python opened again, and the head of the snake the size of a millstone lifted up unsteadily, and turned to look at Yan Nuna on the top of the mountain. a group of people.

This giant python seemed to have a certain amount of wisdom. At this time, from the eyes of this snake, Liu Cheng and others could see a very cold emotion.

"Not good!" Liu Cheng's expression changed.

At the same time, that giant python had already moved, jumped up and rushed towards the hill.

However, although the black giant python was extremely thick and ferocious, his luck was still a bit unlucky. The guy stopped just half way up, because at the position of his tail, there happened to be a few huge boulders tightly pressing him down.

Seeing this situation, Liu Cheng showed joy on his face: "Yan Nu, immediately collect stones and smash them hard for me!"

While giving the order to Yan Nu, Liu Cheng also took out the bow and crossbow that was hidden in the snow for a long time from opening the treasure chest last time, and began to attack the giant python .

It has to be said that the defensive power of the giant python is really extraordinary. Where there are scales covering it, it is impossible for Liu Cheng's crossbow to shoot into three inches, let alone do anything to the giant python. hurt.

However, this giant python was a little unlucky. It had been hit by a boulder before and had a huge wound on its head.

Although Liu Cheng's never-learned archery skills are somewhat touching, this guy is quite courageous. When he was sure that the giant python could not move, he took a step forward and faced the giant python as close as possible. wounds were shot.

Liu Cheng shot out the two pots of crossbow arrows prepared by crossbow arrows in one breath, a total of twenty arrows. Although the hit rate was a bit impressive, most of them were shot in the head of the giant python.

The attack of this wave of crossbow arrows directly caused the state of the giant python to decline again, and the originally extremely powerful struggle suddenly weakened a lot.

While Liu Cheng's attack hit, it attracted the attention of this giant python and consumed its physical strength.

On the other side of Yan Nu's side, because there are many boulders on the hill, they soon collected another wave of boulders.

Seeing that Yan Nu's side was ready, Liu Cheng's side immediately retreated and let Yan Nu and the others start their performance.

Soon, more than a dozen huge boulders rolled down the hill. This time, because they knew the ferociousness of the giant python, the boulders Yan Nu and the others prepared were at least two meters in diameter. gratifying.

These dozen boulders came down and directly suppressed the head of that giant python.

The black python's mobility was completely lost. Now, Liu Cheng and the others were in complete contact with the crisis.

Of course, at this time, Liu Cheng didn't care about being happy, and directly ordered the pirates to go forward and cut the ten-meter-long python into two pieces from the middle.

It has to be said that the vitality of this giant python is still extremely tenacious. Even if it was cut into two pieces, it did not die immediately. It took an hour or two for the giant python to die completely.

[Ding, under your command, you successfully killed [Mutated Sea Serpent], gained 2000 repair points, and obtained a [Boss Treasure Chest]. 】

[Ding, you commanded well in the previous battle, your command ability has been improved by 5 points, and the current command value is 5 points! 】

The sound of these two system prompts meant that the giant python that was obviously extremely powerful, but because of unlucky fate, did not even have a good burst of its own strength, ended tragically.

At the same time, it also means that a huge treasure has completely fallen into Liu Cheng's hands. If the treasure's contents are pleasing, Liu Cheng may fly into the sky.

 Thanks for [Osmanthus Fragrant Cake] [Book Friends 160602220409538] [Book Friends 20170506185131668] [Little Bookworm for 12 Years] [Muzi Linkong] [Flying Star Greedy Wolf] [Book Friends 20171121005631949] for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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