Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 511 Complete Collection of Talismans

Chapter 511 Complete Collection of Talismans
After Bocai's army captured Qinghai City, with the help of Fuhu members, they quickly took control of three places in Qinghai City.

One is the Taiping Taoist Temple, the other is the North District of Qinghai City, and the other is the central square of Qinghai City.

Needless to say, these three places are the Taiping Taoist Temple. This is the place where Zhang Taiyi retreated and where Wang Fugui's martial spirit may be. It can be said that Liu Cheng believes that this is the most important place in Qinghai City.

The northern district of Qinghai City is the Yellow Turban's military warehouse, where granary equipment and various materials are concentrated here. Mastering this place means that the wealth of Qinghai City basically falls into Liu Cheng's pocket.

And the square in the center of Qinghai City is the center of Qinghai City Formation.

Controlling these three places, Bocai is basically equivalent to controlling Qinghai City.

In this series of work, Bocai went very smoothly, basically without any major problems.

Of course, not too big means that there are still problems, and the only problem is on the side of Taiping Taoist Temple.

This small Taoist temple, no more than a few thousand square meters, was easily surrounded by Bocai's people, but it was surrounded. This Taoist temple seemed to be protected by a mysterious force.

The people in Bocai have never been able to enter this Taiping Taoist temple.

They couldn't even enter the Taoist temple, let alone capture Zhang Taiyi and the like.

But fortunately, this is not within the scope of Bocai's mission. They only need to take down Qinghai City and control the Taoist Temple of Taiping. The next thing will naturally be handled by others.

The so-called others are of course Liu Cheng. For Liu Cheng, the most important thing to win Qinghai City is to find Wang Fugui's martial soul.

But Zhang Taiyi has not shown up so far, Wang Fugui's martial spirit is probably in the Taiping Taoist Temple, so no matter what, Liu Cheng has to come to the Taiping Taoist Temple.

On the night when Qinghai City was captured by Bocai, Liu Cheng's clone came.

In addition to Liu Cheng's body, Liu Cheng's feng shui master Wu Xie, the top swordsman Chen Baiyi, and the advanced Dian Xiong and Li Hulang with the Tiger Wolf Guard were also accompanying him.

Three top military generals, a first-class feng shui master, and a legendary army. Such a team can be called luxurious. Even if they face Zhang Taiyi directly, Zhang Taiyi will lose.

After this team arrived, they drove directly to Taiping Taoist Temple.

When he came to Taiping Taoist Temple, Liu Chengcai knew that the reason why Bocai's people couldn't get in was because of the formation in Taiping Taoist Temple, which could block the entry of warriors with force below 90.

Of course, the protective power of this formation is not absolute.

If Bocai was determined to go in, he could forcefully break in with his [-] troops.

It's just that if this is the case, the Taiping Taoist Temple will probably be destroyed in the storm, and what Liu Cheng wants may also be wiped out.

Such a breakthrough method is obviously not what Liu Cheng wants to see, so Bocai has been silent all the time. He just stayed outside this Taoist temple and waited until Liu Cheng arrived before handing over this hot potato. In the hands of Liu Cheng.

After Liu Cheng brought people over, he and Wu Xie checked the formation first. After getting a general understanding of the formation, Liu Cheng brought his own formation or entered the formation. In the Taiping Taoist Temple.

Since the strength of Liu Cheng and his party has already exceeded 90, they did not encounter any major difficulties in entering the Taiping Taoist Temple.

But after entering the Taoist temple, Liu Cheng and others immediately realized that something was wrong.

The power of the formation is much weaker than Liu Chengequal expected, and it feels like this formation should be operated by no one.

Could it be that Zhang Taiyi is not in the Taoist temple?
This conjecture is very possible, otherwise, it is impossible for Zhang Taiyi to ignore such a big change in Qinghai City even if he is aloof.

It's just that this result is not what Liu Cheng wants to see. If Zhang Taiyi is not in the Taiping Taoist Temple at this time, then what Liu Cheng wants may not be in the Taoist Temple.

It was not easy for Liu Cheng to get the news that Wang Fugui might still be alive. He had a little hope of resurrecting Wang Fugui. He didn't want any accidents to happen at the beginning.

But no matter what, the truth of the matter did not change according to Liu Cheng's will.

When Liu Cheng led people to destroy the formation of Taiping Taoist Temple and turned the entire Taiping Taoist Temple upside down.

Liu Cheng had to admit that Zhang Taiyi was indeed no longer in the Taoist temple.

Moreover, judging from some signs in the Taoist temple, Zhang Taiyi did not leave after receiving the news temporarily. He should have left this Taoist temple for a while.

In the Taoist temple, Liu Cheng not only failed to find Wang Fugui's martial soul, but also failed to find the two green dragon keys in Zhang Taiyi's hands.

However, Zhang Taiyi obviously did not expect that the Taiping Taoist Temple would be taken away by someone when he left, and he should have gone out on a temporary emergency. Although Liu Cheng did not find the two things he wanted most in the Taiping Taoist Temple, he still gained a lot. A lot of other gains.

Among them, the most valuable ones are nothing more than three, one is about thirty books, a systematic book of formations.

Liu Cheng roughly estimated that as long as he has enough cultivation, relying on these thirty books, he can raise his formation level to the master level.

In addition to these formation books, the remaining two are a somewhat special talisman collection, and the other is a prop, a special prop.

Encyclopedia of Talismans
Item Category: Inheritance Cheats

Requirements for use: Spirit 90 (you can take an inheritance test if you meet the requirements, and you will have a chance to get the talisman inheritance after passing it.)
Ps: Before the previous owner of the inheritance falls, the chance of getting the inheritance is one in a thousand.

Pss: Under the authorization of the original owner of this book, people can randomly comprehend one or three methods of making talismans.


Please Rune (Zhang Taiyi)

Item Category: Talismans

Talisman Level: False Myth
Description of the talisman: Use this talisman to summon a spiritual clone of Zhang Taiyi with Zhang Taiyi's consent.

Ps: The avatar can exist for three hours.


When he saw the attributes of these two things, Liu Cheng was basically sure that Zhang Taiyi had only recently left.

And he left in a bit of a hurry, too late to inform Zhang Taiji, and these two things were obviously reserved for Zhang Taiji, but Zhang Taiji had something to do not come to see Zhang Taiyi recently.

That's why these two things fell into Liu Cheng's hands in the end. Of course, these two things in front of him were of no great use to Liu Cheng.

(End of this chapter)

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