Chapter 508
Beginning in July of the first year of Taiping, several shocking news spread throughout the entire Great Zhou in a short period of time.

The first one is that Cao An, as the prime minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty, issued an appeal to the emperor to beg for disobedience.

With this incident as the fuse, the whole Yuzhou was quickly ignited.

First, the Huangchao in Yuzhou took the lead, and various villains from the Bailian Chamber of Commerce took the lead.

In that situation, there already seemed to be a feeling that the world was going to be in chaos.

But soon, things changed again.

As the first Huang Chao to take the lead, he massacred millions of people in Yuzhou.

With his frenzied move, the anti-thief forces of the Bailian Chamber of Commerce, which was very active and wanted to take the lead, suddenly subsided a lot, and Cao An, who was cooperating with him, directly broke with him.

What followed was that Cao An teamed up with Emperor Song Zhao Kuangyin to wipe out Huang Chao in a short period of time.

Then Song Emperor Zhao Kuangyin accepted the title of king of the Great Zhou Dynasty, handed over the already corrupted Yuzhou to Cao An, and took his generals and civil servants under his command, as well as a small half of Yuzhou's property, and set off directly to Liangzhou to take over his fiefdom.

This series of events made the whole Dazhou a little dumbfounded.

However, the matter did not stop there. At this point, Cao An took over Yuzhou, and many of his neighbors were ready to move. At the same time, another news came out from Luoyang.

The Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty officially conferred the title of Wang Fugui's adopted son, the original Kangpinghou Liu, as the King of Kang, and bestowed the land of Qingzhou!

When this news came out, it can be said that the whole country was shocked.

The main reason is that the identity of the canonized person and the location of his fief are too sensitive this time.

Kang Ping Hou Liu Cheng, Wang Fugui's adopted son and nephew.

It has to be said that although Wang Fugui is dead, he still has a high prestige in Da Zhou.

And Liu Cheng is not just Wang Fugui's adoptive son. Ordinary people may not know who Liu Cheng is, but those who have a certain strength basically know that Liu Cheng is a veritable maritime overlord of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

With his identity and strength, coupled with the current environment of the Great Zhou, it is not incomprehensible to give Liu Cheng the title of king, but the fiefdom given to Liu Cheng is obviously sinister.

Many Wuhun forces believed that this should be a smoke bomb released by Cao An.

The purpose is to use Liu Chenglai as a flag to attract attention, so that he can use this period of time to cultivate his health and rest.

Cao An didn't need Liu Cheng to agree to him explicitly, as long as Liu Cheng didn't refute, then the Martial Soul forces along the coast would have to devote a lot of attention to guard against Liu Cheng.

Although they reckoned that Liu Cheng would not be Cao An's spearman, no one could guarantee that Liu Cheng would really not make a move.

However, what made all the Wuhun forces even more dumbfounded was that almost immediately after Da Zhou sent out the message, Liu Cheng immediately gave a clear response.

Liu Cheng not only made it clear that he accepted Da Zhou's canonization, but also directly shouted to Qingzhou, asking them to evacuate Qingzhou within half a month, otherwise he would take back his fief by force.

When Liu Cheng said this, the military system of the entire territory began to operate, directly expressing his determination to take back Qingzhou.

It has to be said that Liu Cheng is really quite good.

With his cooperation, the attention of the whole Da Zhou was basically attracted by Liu Cheng, and the pressure on Cao An was immediately reduced a lot.

Of course, when Liu Cheng did this, he would inevitably attract the attention that should have been on Cao An.

At this time, the various forces also reacted differently.


Here in Qingzhou.

Speaking of which, after Wang Fugui's death, the Yellow Turbans have been recuperating, and there have been no major conflicts for more than half a year.

However, over the past six months, although the number of wars on the Yellow Turban side has decreased, the number of troops has increased a lot.

Half a year ago, when Wang Fugui died in battle, the remaining Yellow Turban army was only about 50 million. Now that half a year has passed, the number of Yellow Turbans has soared to 70.

Moreover, the quality of the Yellow Turban Army has also been greatly improved compared to half a year ago. Not only do they have a large number of backbone soldiers, but they even have a hundred or so warships and several top legions.

In the past half a year, outstanding generals have emerged continuously.

On the side of Qingzhou that entered, its military strength is more than double that of half a year. Even among the Martial Soul forces along the coast, it can be regarded as an outstanding member.

With such a powerful force in hand, it is naturally impossible for them to persuade Liu Cheng.

After Liu Cheng made it clear that Qingzhou would be taken back by force, the Yellow Turbans immediately moved.

A large number of troops were mobilized, and the elites under his command were concentrated along the coast to wait for Liu Cheng's arrival.

Of course, Liu Cheng didn't care the most about Qingzhou's reaction. After all, when it comes to controlling Qingzhou's army, no one can match Liu Cheng.

Now he really wants to win Qingzhou, that's just a matter of reaching out.

Perhaps for Liu Cheng, the biggest difficulty lies in how to act well and make people believe that he won Qingzhou because of his strength and nothing else.

But this is not a big deal, Liu Cheng has some people who can worry about him.

At this time, Liu Cheng's biggest focus was on two aspects, one was Hua Qingwu's stalking, or Ji Ruxue's whereabouts.

This matter did not make much progress at first, and Hua Qingwu knew Liu Cheng quite well.

Even though she escaped from the boat before, she still had some doubts in her heart, so she kept making detours and never returned to Ji Ruxue's side.

But this time, after Liu Cheng made it clear that he wanted to accept Da Zhou's title of king and make a move to take Qingzhou, Hua Qingwu was obviously in a hurry.

Believe on her side, after a while, Liu Chengcheng will be able to gain something. Liu Cheng has a premonition that the days before he sees Ji Ruxue will not be too short.

Besides Hua Qingwu and Ji Ruxue's side, the other is the use of Wuhun.

When Liu Cheng came back this time, he opened the treasure chest obtained by beheading Huang Chao and used the Wuhun conveniently.

In Huang Chao's treasure chest, Liu Cheng didn't find anything good, but only opened 1000 million gold, which is better than nothing for Liu Cheng now.

But Huang Chao's martial soul is different. Song Jiang's incomplete martial soul does not count, and Huang Chao is the only martial soul of the leader of the martial arts force in Liu Cheng's hands.

The use of this kind of martial soul is much more troublesome than ordinary martial souls.

It is not possible to just find someone to succeed, the inheritance of every leader of the martial arts force needs a special test.

However, Huang Chao's martial soul inheritance test is quite bloody. If he wants to inherit Huang Chao's martial soul, he must personally kill more than a thousand people, and there are certain requirements for talent and command.

Liu Cheng searched all over the army but failed to meet the requirements. In the end, he could only find a few talents and commanders who met the requirements and brought them with him for training...

(End of this chapter)

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