Chapter 478

When Lu Junyi walked out of Ningcheng alone, Yang Yanzhao knew that he would never come back.

It's just that Yang Yanzhao didn't expect that Lu Junyi would end in such a sad way.

The loyalty and courage all over his body were finally fed to the heart of a wolf.

And this scene, deliberately arranged by someone in Huang Chao's army, happened right under the noses of Yang Yanzhao and his soldiers.

Finally, when Lu Junyi was overwhelmed by the army and died tragically in the chaos, all the Song soldiers in Ningcheng roared angrily.

How can, how can you save General Lu from falling like this!

At that moment, the whole army had a very strong urge to avenge Lu Junyi. This urge came from their hearts and was deliberately lured out.

It's just that Song Jun didn't discover this at this time, and they didn't have time to discover this.

After Lu Junyi's death, Huang Chao's army, which had stopped, began to attack the city again.

This wave of siege is no different from the previous routine, it is still the siege rhythm of Huang Chao's army.

The attack is weak, the speed is slow and weak, and there is not even any powerful siege equipment.

This level of siege can't do anything to Ningcheng at all, not to mention that the entire Song army in Ningcheng is in a state of grief and indignation at this time. In this state, the Song army's outbreak of combat power is even more terrifying than usual.

All the Song troops seemed to pin their anger on their weapons and vent their anger on the attacking enemies.

This state greatly hit the attacking Huang Chao army, causing the attacking Huang Chao army to collapse faster than before.

This was originally a good thing, but at the same time that Huang Chao's army collapsed, the Song army above Ningcheng also changed.

Countless Song soldiers with red eyes asked their chiefs to open the city gate and kill Huang Chaojun to avenge Lu Junyi.

This kind of situation happened on a large scale in Ningcheng, and Yang Yanzhao was caught off guard.

He instinctively felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously took measures, but it was already too late.

In fact, the opponent's game had already been set up a long time ago. From the sound of counterattack in the city, the opponent had planted a seed that they could fight back in Song Jun's heart little by little.

This kind of seed is constantly taking root and sprouting. The moment Lu Zhishen and the others killed it, it almost broke through the ground, and when Lu Zhishen and the others killed the Quartet, this kind of seed had already grown out.

Although the scene where the Liangshan army was besieged and Lu Junyi died tragically followed immediately.

But the occurrence of this scene is not the cold water poured on the seeds, and even the best and scariest catalyst.

Under the triggering agent, the counterattack seed has become a small sapling, and then the Yellow Nest army was defeated in the first battle, and the small sapling directly became a towering tree.

But at this time, the Huang Chaojun's side, the one who arranged the layout to attract his own talent, completely exploded the whole Ningcheng.

Although Yang Yanzhao felt something was wrong, it was already too late.

The gate of Ningcheng opened directly, and Song Jun rushed out, rushing towards Huang Chao's army frantically.

And when the gate of Ningcheng opened wide and the Song army came out, the battle was basically over.

There is nothing to say, this Ningcheng is broken.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, Huang Chao's army, which had been utterly defeated, led the Song army out, and the army changed immediately.

That horrible, quagmire-like feeling appeared again, and tens of thousands of Song Jun who had fallen into a state of anger and madness were directly dragged into this quagmire.

In fact, Song Jun still had a little chance until this time.

After all, the 10,000+ Song Army are all elites. Compared with the millions of rabble in Huang Chao's army, the quality of individual soldiers is not known much better. If there is an excellent reward to stand up and lead the battle at this time, there is actually a chance to break out of the siege of.

But at this time, no one can stand up and lead the Song army. Yang Yanzhao has worked hard, but he really can't do it at this time.

The reason why Huang Chao wants to kill Lu Junyi is to kill Lu Junyi in that way. There are two purposes. One is that the Song Army wants to take back the Liangshan military general who was recruited, and there is a more important thing to defeat Yang Yanzhao. prestige.

In that kind of environment, under the deliberate arrangement of others, Song Jun at this moment vaguely blamed Lu Junyi's death on Yang Yanzhao.

It is believed that Yang Yanzhao did not send troops on purpose and finally caused Lu Junyi to go out of the city alone, and finally died tragically outside the city.

This kind of anger is very unreasonable, and it is extremely fatal at this time, making Yang Yanzhao unable to control his army at all.

Ever since, the Song Army had no chance of finally turning the tables and breaking free. In the end, the 10,000+ Song Army was dragged deep into the quagmire and completely crushed, either smashed to pieces or fused with the soil.

10,000+ Song Army was destroyed and Ningcheng was destroyed.

It can be said that Yang Yanzhao suffered a complete defeat in this battle, but at this time, he did not choose to live and die with the city in grief and indignation.

In the end, he chose to leave before the city of Ningcheng was destroyed, and left in embarrassment like a bereaved dog.

In fact, Yang Yanzhao knew that he should probably stay in Ningcheng, and live and die with Ningcheng like a man.

But he didn't, because he knew that that would have no meaning other than leaving his life there and letting the enemy add a few strokes to the merit list.

He also knows that sometimes living requires more courage than dying.

He wants to live, even if he runs away with his tail between his legs like a bereaved dog, he still wants to live, because he needs to live!

When Yang Yanzhao fled, Huang Chao's army did not pursue him, and they put all their energy on Ning Cheng's side.

In fact, Huang Chao's army at this time did not have the ability to pursue.

After all, more than 90.00% of Huangchao's million-strong army are all rioters. These rioters have experienced high-intensity battles for several days. They are physically fine, but they are already on the verge of collapse mentally. If they continue to fight, they will definitely collapse.

But it doesn't matter, Huang Chao has a special way to deal with this aspect to make them recover.

His method is also very simple, that is to let the chaotic army vent.

Vent out all the negative things, and the emotions will naturally stabilize.

And the best way to vent, in Huang Chao's opinion, is to massacre the city.

The moment Yang Yanzhao left Ningcheng, the moment the gate of Ningcheng was broken open, the fate of Ningcheng, including several cities with the back door blocked by Ningcheng, was basically doomed.

A brutal and unprecedented massacre is about to take place!

(End of this chapter)

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