Chapter 466 Victory
In fact, the battle of Liu Chengdong's tour basically ended after Ying Shengnan used his big move for the first time.

It can even be said that Ying Shengnan's big move was the only time in this battle that the Four Navy's side had the ability to resist, and the only time that they really sat in the opponent's seat of Liu Cheng.

After this time, the next battle, in fact, can no longer be described as a battle at all, it is completely crushing.

Needless to say about Sheng Nanjun.

Ying Shengnan's big move of preparing to overdraw his life at the cost of life had just started, and before it had time to take shape, the legendary pirate, one of the few legendary units under Liu Cheng's command, drove over.

As soon as this fleet arrived, the Pirate Paradise opened up directly, covering Ying Shengnan directly. The man himself also fell into a coma directly due to the backlash of his talent.

And it wasn't just Ying Shengnan who was in a coma, the opening of Ying Shengnan's talent required the support of her soldiers.

It can be said that this is a talent that mobilizes the whole body. Once such a talent backfires, it is not just Ying Shengnan who is injured.

In addition to Ying Shengnan, the Shengnan army under her command also experienced a large number of coma, and although some people had better physique and strength, they did not pass out, but they did not feel well. Basically, the whole army was in a weak state.

Under such circumstances, the entire Shengnan army is basically useless, at least they can't do anything in this battle.

As soon as Liu Cheng's main battleship came over, they captured them easily.

On the other side, the main force of the Four Seas Fleet behind Katsuo's army.

The nearly [-] warships maintain this complete organization and state, but their organization is complete, and it is of no use to Liu Cheng.

Not to mention that Liu Cheng didn't plan to fight them in a normal way at all, even if the two sides set up a formation to fight Liu Cheng head-on, he was not afraid at all.

Because Liu Cheng knew more about this four-sea fleet than those four commanders.

What is Liu Cheng's strongest?Combat?No, it is a pervasive intelligence network!
Naturally, Liu Cheng planted a lot of nails on the Four Seas side. Among the thousands of warships, nearly one-fifth of the middle and high-level people belonged to Liu Cheng's people.

Liu Cheng is basically clear about the weak defenses in the fleet and the locations of the commanders.

Under such circumstances, they could die as they fought Liu Cheng.

Of course, Liu Cheng did not choose such a strenuous method of head-to-head confrontation, but chose a relatively easy tactic.

Under Liu Cheng's order, all the strange beasts under his command were dispatched, and the few strange beasts that were completely released began to wreak havoc among the thousands of fleets of the four navies.

An octopus minibus that is hundreds of meters long and has tentacles that are hundreds of meters long.

It is only tens of meters long, but it is an electric eel thunderbolt with electric lights all over its body.

Plus a 150-meter-long whale, and a giant tortoise about 50 meters long.

The moment these four behemoths with abilities over 90 emerged from the formation of the Four Seas Fleet at the same time, the battle could basically be declared over.

Four strange beasts that could easily disperse warships with one blow, hide in the sea, and emerge from anywhere at any time, plus Liu Cheng's early preparations, Zheng He and others were unable to gather their forces.

In this case, there is no way to fight well.

Under the ravages of these four behemoths, within ten minutes, the fleet of Four Seas was completely broken up.

And taking advantage of the opportunity of the Four Seas Fleet being broken up, the legendary pirates driving the [Pirate Paradise] took the lead, Liu Cheng's main fleet killed it, and directly won the Four Seas Fleet in the first battle.

Liu Cheng's previous eastward tours were just to defeat Sihai's fleet, and it was over. At most, he sent people to make Sihai pay.

However, the situation is different this time. Liu Cheng has already come here with a mentality of killing the chicken and picking the eggs this time, so Liu Cheng's methods this time are much crueler than before.

The defeat is not the end of the matter, Liu Cheng is still harvesting and capturing the fleet of the Four Seas.

Since there were many more tactical goals than before, this battle took much longer than before. This battle lasted for three full days before finally coming to an end.

Three days later, the Four Seas Fleet was almost wiped out.

Thousands of warships were sunk, 40 ships were sunk, nearly 20 pirates were killed, and nearly [-] were captured.

Among the four commanders-in-chief of this fleet, Ying Shengnan was captured, and none of the remaining three Liu Cheng were kept and slaughtered.

But speaking of the three deputy commanders who were slaughtered, it was much easier to kill Li Dan and Li Bao. Liu Cheng himself had nails buried beside them, and he was almost sure to hit them. It was Zheng He who had some troubles. .

Zheng He was much smarter than the other, and even saw through the nails buried by Liu Cheng at a critical moment, and after successfully counter-killing Liu Cheng's two chasing winds, he jumped into the sea, preparing to escape among the disordered troops who fell into the water.

Up to this point, Zheng He has done a good job.

However, his luck was quite bad. Just when he jumped into the sea, the electric eel and thunder happened to swim there. As a result, Zheng He was very unlucky and played GG.

The four commanders of the headquarters were all wiped out, and thousands of fleets were wiped out. Liu Cheng's battle can be said to have directly defeated all the military forces in the entire world, and it is naturally time for Liu Cheng to reap the rewards.

After he sent a part of the fleet to send the captives to the rear, he drove the fleet straight to the Four Seas Islands.

Although Four Seas Island had already got the news in advance, knew the result of their defeat, and even knew that Liu Cheng's attack this time was much more hostile than before, obviously aimed at destroying Four Seas.

Without the ability to resist, people from the Four Seas could only choose to retreat with as much treasure as possible.

But two days was too short, and they were also worried that Liu Cheng would come directly with the fleet, so Tie Lanying and the others fled hastily almost as soon as they got the news of the defeat.

In this case, although the person left, the treasures and supplies could not be taken away.

So when Liu Cheng arrived, he could just harvest a wave of supplies and treasures.

Liu Cheng didn't show any courtesy to Sihai either, and spent five days removing all the materials and treasures from Sihai.

It has to be said that Four Seas is indeed an organization that has brought together the hard work of coastal forces. Although it has only been developed for more than half a year, its wealth is simply astonishing. Although Liu Cheng did not have time to count it in detail, it is estimated that it is hundreds of millions.

After eating all over the world, the funds needed for the upgrade of Liu Cheng's territory will be in place.

(End of this chapter)

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