Chapter 436 Situation
As mentioned before, the predecessor of the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce was a sect that had been passed down for hundreds of years in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As a sect that has been passed down for hundreds of years, after being restructured into a chamber of commerce, this entangled force has once again developed explosively.

Although the current White Lotus Chamber of Commerce does not have a clear territory, their tentacles extend to the entire Great Zhou.

As Liu Cheng's partner, since it appeared in front of Liu Cheng, Liu Cheng has never stopped infiltrating this organization in the past six months.

Relying on the advantage of systematic talents, Liu Cheng's penetration in the Bailian Chamber of Commerce can be said to have achieved certain achievements in the past six months.

Through the secrets buried in it, Liu Cheng's understanding of the Bailian Chamber of Commerce is much more than ordinary people.

However, the more you understand, the more you can know how terrifying this force is.

Because of the word 'white lotus' before, Liu Cheng inevitably would not associate the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce with the White Lotus Sect, thinking that the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce was behind the White Lotus Sect.

However, it turns out that the background of the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce is not that simple.

Behind this chamber of commerce, there may be the shadow of the White Lotus Sect, but at the same time there should be a more terrifying force.

And even if that is not counted, if the energy hidden in the dark by the White Lotus Merchant Guild, the power displayed by the White Lotus Merchant Guild is already very unusual, at least they will not be weaker than any martial spirit forces that have emerged so far.

And it was precisely because of this strength that they were targeted by Liu Cheng.

From Liu Cheng's point of view, the Bailian Chamber of Commerce is powerful and low-key.

This Liu Chengcheng refused to agree, Liu Cheng has already reserved the position of the black hand behind the scenes, how can you let the Bailian Chamber of Commerce also be behind the scenes?

In addition, Liu Cheng's next plan is to create a powerful enemy for the major forces, and make the originally stable Dazhou lively. Now he seems to be only suitable for the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce, so, Liu Chengcheng found the target, and directly grabbed the Bailian Chamber of Commerce and made a fool of it.

And Liu Cheng's tricks were not so ruthless. Originally, Zhao Kuangyin's attack on the Bailian Chamber of Commerce was only because of that mysterious organization.

At the beginning, he didn't know how rich the Bailian Chamber of Commerce was, but he didn't know about it until he made a move. The Bailian Chamber of Commerce was shocked by this move.

Of course, the help of some enthusiastic people is indispensable.

If it weren't for the enthusiastic people in Yahai, Da Song could only seal off some of the assets of the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce on the surface.

Although it is also quite a lot, it will definitely not go much.

But with the help of You Yahai, an enthusiastic member of the public, the situation is quite different. Many Bailian chambers of commerce were hidden in the dark and Da Song didn't know that they were seized, and the enthusiastic member Liu Moumou helped them identify them one by one.

This time, the Bailian Chamber of Commerce fell into bad luck, and all the assets in Yuzhou were basically wiped out.

On the Song side, they seized the assets of the Bailian Chamber of Commerce, only to find out that the combined assets of the Bailian Chamber of Commerce in Yuzhou alone amounted to as much as 15 billion gold.

Upon hearing this data, Zhao Kuangyin and the group of courtiers under his command were stunned.

What is the concept of 15 billion gold?
Today's Yuzhou covers an area of ​​more than 100 million square kilometers and has a population of more than 7000 million. Today, its annual administrative income is only about [-] million gold.

That's right, really counting, the level of financial revenue of Da Song's side is actually similar to that of Liu Cheng's side.

And this is the income only after Da Song took over and carried out various constructions in Yuzhou.

Of course, Yuzhou's area and population are far superior to Liu Cheng's, and its potential is much greater than Liu Cheng's. In addition, there are so many famous ministers in the Song Dynasty, it is reasonable to surpass Liu Cheng. It's not difficult.

However, a large territory and a large population mean that the environment is also more complicated.

Those aristocratic families alone are a big trouble, and the construction problem of Yuzhou is much bigger than that of Liu Cheng, which is also the reason why Yuzhou's economy has not developed.

It doesn't count if the economy is not developed. The key is that the current Song Dynasty or the various Wuhun forces are basically the same.

The territory is in vain, and money is needed everywhere.

His monthly administrative income of more than 4000 million yuan was not enough at all, and his finances were in a red state all year round.

Why did Zhao Kuangyin cling to the aristocratic family after coming to power?On the one hand, it is to get rid of these parasites, and more importantly, it is because of poverty!
He has no money in his pocket, do you think he can not reach out to the family?
The reason why Zhao Kuangyin couldn't breathe compared to the aristocratic family was largely because he himself was overwhelmed by the financial pressure of the territory's construction.

Under such circumstances, when they saw that the Bailian Chamber of Commerce had become so fat, the eyes of many people from the Song Dynasty, from Zhao Kuangyin down to the civil servants, turned red.

'what the hell?A mere chamber of commerce begging for food on my territory actually has more money than me? '

And when the eyes are red, it is inevitable that the heart will be dark.

Of course, they don't know the strength of an organization like the Bailian Chamber of Commerce that has such terrifying wealth in Yuzhou alone, but the key to the problem is that money is touching people's hearts.

That's 15 billion!
What can 15 billion do?If the 15 billion falls into the hands of the civil servants of the Song Dynasty, they are confident that they will complete the construction of Yuzhou in a short period of time and bring Yuzhou's economy and people's livelihood to a level.

At this time, the group of parasitic aristocratic families in Yuzhou were disposed of, and the savings of the aristocratic families were used to build another wave, which would definitely be able to soar into the sky!
This is an opportunity to become fat in one bite. Who would refuse such an opportunity?

So their hearts turned dark and their teeth gritted.

Isn't it just a chamber of commerce?Isn't it just a big local organization?What else can they do if they grab it?
Besides, they didn't just grab it for no reason. If the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce really wanted to make a fuss, they had plenty of ways to deal with them.

Da Song decided to do this, but the Bailian Chamber of Commerce was out of luck. The senior executive of the Bailian Chamber of Commerce they sent to showdown was sent away without even seeing Zhao Kuangyin.

It is naturally impossible for the top management of the White Lotus Chamber of Commerce to leave like this. This time, for their White Lotus Chamber of Commerce, it is a big crisis.

You know, they have assets in every state.

If they can't handle this matter properly and give those forces the illusion that their White Lotus Chamber of Commerce is weak and deceptive, then it will be a big trouble for their White Lotus Chamber of Commerce.

So this time, the Bailian Chamber of Commerce will not back down no matter what!

Taking a step back is almost like stepping into the abyss!
(End of this chapter)

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