Chapter 434
From Liu Cheng's actions, Mr. Rong Hua had guessed that Liu Cheng was going to have a showdown with him.

This made Mr. Ronghua's face unable to help showing a smile, which meant that he had initially gained the approval of himself, a cheap apprentice.

Speaking of it, Mr. Ronghua himself thought it was a bit funny.

When he himself first came to Yahai, he was prepared to test Liu Cheng.

At that time, he thought that if Liu Cheng could not satisfy him and get his approval, his glory would not be subdued just because Liu Cheng was Wang Fugui's adopted son.

As a result, what Mr. Ronghua did not expect was that Liu Cheng led him away as soon as he came over.

Tens of thousands of miles of land, millions of people, such a heavy burden, let Mr. Rong Hua, who is Liu Chengjia's teacher, couldn't help but feel a sense of mission to overcome this heavy burden, so he pushed the boat along with the flow and gave this job to him. Next.

But after the next job, everything changed.

It was originally Ronghua's assessment of Liu Cheng, but in the end it turned into Liu Cheng's assessment of Ronghua, and it took Mr. Ronghua more than half a year to get Liu Cheng's approval, which made Mr. Ronghua a little excited at this time. He smiled.

But then I thought about it, I was wrong, and I was not worthy of the teacher, so I reacted abruptly in the end, I squeezed the smile from the corner of my mouth, and put on a posture of 'as a teacher, I will check for you'.

This is not the first time Liu Cheng has seen such a situation, so he stroked his chin skillfully, pulled his gaze back from the cheap teacher, and raised his hand to cover the corner of his mouth that couldn't help but curl up.

After more than half a year, Liu Cheng has a deeper understanding of himself as a cheap teacher.

Liu Cheng's teacher is indeed quite outstanding in administrative ability, especially in logistics management, but no one is perfect.

Especially Liu Cheng, a teacher, was hidden in the snow when he was only 22 years old and the youngest.

I lived alone in a small county town as a private school teacher for more than ten years, which directly led to Liu Cheng's cheap teacher having some problems in character and emotional intelligence.

Of course, it doesn't mean that it can't be done, but that this person occasionally shows some cute side.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be dragged away by Liu Cheng as soon as he got here, right?

However, Liu Cheng is not disgusted with the cute side of his cheap teacher, or should be said to see the cuteness of ordinary shrewd people, this kind of contrast makes Liu Cheng feel quite 'cute'.

Of course, this does not prevent Liu Cheng from looking at Mr. Ronghua who is holding his posture with evil humor at this time.

He was looking forward to what expression his cheap teacher would show later.

And Teacher Ronghua did not disappoint Liu Cheng at all. As Lu Qing began to explain to Teacher Ronghua, the posture that Teacher Ronghua put on collapsed almost instantly.

The next teacher, Ronghua, was in a state of shock almost the whole time, subdued and shocked, in a state of being shocked.

This can't bring Mr. Ronghua, who made the news that Liu Cheng threw out at this time so shocking.

On Lu Qing's side, after an hour's explanation, it was finally simple, explaining the existence of Wuhun and Wuhun forces, Wang Fugui's death, and Liu Cheng's actions to Mr. Ronghua.

After listening, Mr. Ronghua restrained the shocked expression on his face and fell into a long silence.

It could be seen that Mr. Rong Hua was obviously sorting out the information Lu Qing gave him, and Liu Cheng and Lu Qing didn't bother him, they were patiently drinking tea and waiting for him.

After half an hour, Mr. Ronghua finally digested the information Lu Qing gave him, and raised his head to look at Liu Cheng.

"I probably know the situation, because the Wuhun forces killed Wang Fugui, you treat all the Wuhun forces as enemies.

And I can probably guess the reason why you came up with that so-called mysterious organization. It should be to create chaos. If I guessed correctly, you should have some other means. "

In fact, Mr. Ronghua's words are not finished here, he still has a lot of puzzles in his heart, but he opened his mouth and finally did not ask.

As for Liu Cheng, when Mr. Ronghua came back to his senses, he smiled and poured him a cup of green tea, and after respecting Mr. Ronghua, he spoke.

"In fact, the teacher still has a lot of questions. The biggest question is, if it is just to create chaos, I should have many ways to do it. Why do I choose to create a mysterious organization, and it is a mysterious organization for the purpose of studying martial arts?" organize."

Mr. Rong Hua was silent for a while, then looked up at Liu Cheng: "It's not difficult to understand. First, the emergence of such an organization can stimulate those martial arts forces to the greatest extent. More importantly, With the emergence of such a Martial Soul force, you can use the shell of this organization to use it logically when you want to use it next."

Mr. Ronghua bit the accent on the word means, and Liu Cheng was very clear about the meaning he wanted to express.

Based on the information given by Lu Qing, combined with what Mr. Ronghua saw and heard in controlling Liu Cheng's territory, and the constant increase in the army every month, it is not difficult for him to come to a conclusion that there is a special force behind Liu Cheng.

Mr. Ronghua didn't know what this force was, but there was no doubt that that force was where Liu Cheng's real strength was to fight against those Wuhun forces.

And Liu Cheng obviously didn't want those martial arts forces to know his power, so he created such a mysterious organization out of thin air.

In fact, Mr. Ronghua's guess is basically correct.

The reason why Liu Cheng came up with that mysterious organization and deliberately disclosed that the research direction of that mysterious organization was to copy Wuhun was to create a terrifying enemy that only existed in illusion for those Wuhun forces.

If there is no accident, the next mysterious organization will become Liu Cheng's white gloves.

With the help of this mysterious organization, those Wuhuns hunted by Liu Cheng can come out to do things in a fair and honest manner, and no one will suspect that Liu Cheng has the ability to hunt and kill Wuhuns to cultivate Wuhun generals.

In this way, Liu Chengcheng can sit here in Yahai, manipulate that so-called mysterious organization, and play with the martial arts forces of Da Zhou under applause.

Of course, Mr. Ronghua's words also meant to test Liu Cheng's hole cards, but seeing that Liu Cheng didn't mean to explain, Ronghua didn't delve into it, and changed the subject after sighing.

"Now that your plan has initially succeeded, Yuzhou is now in a state of turmoil, and the mysterious organization has also appeared. What do you plan to do next? Continue to let the mysterious organization take action?"

"No, it's too late, it's time for another one to perform."

(End of this chapter)

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