Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 432 Mysterious Organization

Chapter 432 Mysterious Organization
The [Earthquake Technique] that Zhuifeng arranged at the end was something Bao Heitan did not expect.

Hundreds of yellow turban warlocks used the [Earthquake Technique] at the same time, using the special terrain, to kill thousands of Song elites at once, and completely buried that underground research room.

After finishing this move, Zhuifeng took people away from the special secret passage, and the first confrontation between this so-called mysterious organization and Da Song came to an end.

However, the fight is over, and the impact of this fight has just begun.

Although in the end they used the earthquake technique to completely bury the entire underground research room, it still couldn't stop Da Song's excavation of this research room.

Two days later, this secret laboratory was finally excavated from the ground.

For the first time, the secrets of the laboratory were revealed to Bao Heitan.

It has to be said that when the situation of this underground research room was revealed, all the witnesses couldn't help but gasped.

Although Zhuifeng and the others made the transfer early, the important things had already been sent away before Bao Heitan surrounded them.

But because of time, or simply because of intentional reasons, there are still quite a few things left in this research room.

These so-called things include the corpses of more than a dozen awakened martial souls, a few awakened martial souls who survived the catastrophe, and some research reports left behind intentionally.

Lu Zhishen was very 'lucky' to survive those Wuhun survivors.

In addition to Lu Zhishen, Shi Qian and Li Kui, who were both born in Liangshan, survived together.

However, although the three survived, their condition was extremely bad.

Especially Li Kui, there are seven different poisons in his body at the same time, and his body has been dissected to varying degrees. Just looking at Li Kui's condition makes Lu Junyi, who is also from Liangshan, his eyes turn red, and he can't wait to kill those mysterious people. Torn into pieces.

The remaining two, Lu Zhishen and Shi Qian, were in better condition than Li Kui, but they were both in a dying state, and their mental state was extremely poor.

As soon as the three came out, they were immediately sent to emergency treatment.

In addition to these three 'lucky' survivors, they also saw thirteen corpses with names attached to them in that research base.

These corpses, without exception, were all heavily dissected.

Almost no part of his body was completely original. Seeing these thirteen corpses, even the three top military generals who had experienced many battles couldn't help but feel numb all over. It was completely impossible to imagine how evil they were. , to be able to do such a thing.

What shocked them even more was yet to come. When they saw the corpses, they thought they had encountered a cult organization, but when they saw the research report that the laboratory hadn't taken away in time, they were all dumbfounded.


Research Report No. 523
Research object: Li Ying

Possess a martial soul: Li Kui (the martial soul is powerful in Liangshan, the martial soul level is first-class)
Martial Soul State: Third State

Research Progress: Phase II

The purpose of this research: to discuss the degree of influence of martial soul control on the physical body.

We have conducted a high-level dissection of the experimenters, and found that the physical strength and recovery ability of the awakened martial soul, the strength of the meridians will be strengthened to a certain extent, the vitality is much higher than that of ordinary people, and there will even be a certain degree of rejuvenation. .

Martial Soul Awakener Li Ying's physical age has reached 35. As a farmer, his physical condition should have started to decline after working all year round, even aging.

But after awakening his martial soul, his physical state is no different from the peak state of ordinary people at the age of 20, and even stronger.

Therefore, it can be determined that the awakened martial soul has a certain life-prolonging effect, or the energy of the martial soul has the ability to resist aging.

Although the reason for anti-aging is still to be found, the value of this experiment is extremely high, and it is recommended to capture a large number of test subjects in the organization.


Research Report No. 621
Research object: Wang Yi

Possess a martial soul: Wang Zhengzhong (the martial soul is powerful in the Great Song Dynasty, Song Zu Zhao Kuangyin is a brother of the opposite sex, and the martial soul is second-rate)

Martial Soul State: Second State

Research Progress: Phase III

The goal of this experiment: to find Wuhun (experiment failed)

Regarding the study of martial souls, we have always had a huge problem that has not been overcome, that is, as a real martial soul, we cannot find the location of the martial soul in the physical body of the martial soul awakener.

We have done several experiments, and we have not found the existence of Wuhun in the heart, brain, or dantian of the experimental subject.

This puts our experiment in a difficult situation. If there is no way to find the body of the martial soul, then we will not be able to carry out the next research on [Martial Soul Copy] and [Martial Soul Manufacturing].

It is recommended to organize a large number of high-quality experimental subjects to be captured. It is best if the leaders of various martial arts forces can be captured.

Suggested targets: Song Zu Zhao Kuangyin, Tang Zong Li Shimin,...


Research Report No. 652

Research Report No. 662

Bao Heitan and Lu Junyi looked through the five research reports that they only found after searching the laboratory with serious expressions. Although they did not understand the format of the research reports and the terms in them, it was not helpful for them to read. how to affect.

At least, what should be understood, they basically understood, and after understanding, the four people including Bao Heitan and Lu Junyi couldn't help but feel cold all over at this moment.

The information leaked from the report in black and white in their hands is too terrifying. If the above content is true, then they have discovered a big secret that is earth-shattering.

This organization is not a cult organization in their imagination at all, but a horrible existence that is specially aimed at their martial arts, and treats them, the most elite figures of each era, as guinea pigs and research materials.

Lu Junyi looked at the report in his hand, recalled Li Kui's broken body, and couldn't help itchy throat: "Is this true? Is there really such an organization?"

"The research report, the dozens of corpses that have been... deeply dissected, and this huge underground research room, although I don't want to admit it, the facts tell us that there is really a soul in this world that kills us. The so-called experimental materials among them are ambitious organizations that want to study [immortality].”

Although he still had some doubts in his heart, Bao Zheng finally came to such a conclusion.

When he said this conclusion, the expressions on the faces of Bao Zheng and those Wuhun around him changed.

There are emotions of panic, panic, and anxiety, but more of them are the extreme anger of being offended, and they are not the only ones who are angry.

It is foreseeable that when they send this piece of information to the top, what kind of shocking waves will this Song Dynasty cause.

After all, the top one of them appeared on the list of experimental materials...

(End of this chapter)

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