Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 416 Liu Bang Martial Soul

Chapter 416 Liu Bang Martial Soul
Liu Cheng is a cautious person. If he is not very sure about what to do, he will generally not do it.

And once this matter involves his own life, Liu Cheng will be even more cautious, and must ensure that he is more than 90.00% sure before making a move.

After understanding this point, when Liu Chengming knew the trap set by the other party for him, and he still bumped into it, he could know that he was definitely well prepared.

And this preparation naturally also included what the martial spirit just said.

In fact, Liu Cheng had already prepared for the worst-case scenario before making the move.

The advantage of doing this is that at least to the extent that the two sides have fought each other, Liu Cheng always has the absolute upper hand.

Back to reality, in Liu Cheng's secret room.

As Liu Cheng cooled himself down for half a year, he smashed out the [Martial Soul Suppression] at the bottom of the box, and the martial soul in his body was directly forced out of the body for a short time, shooting out of the sky above the Liu family.

But at this time, that crimson dragon turned into a crimson palm, and seized the opportunity to directly grab that martial spirit in his hand.

It can be seen that it is not just Liu Cheng who is well prepared.

The one from Jizhou also spent a lot of effort to kill this martial spirit, and the power of the reunited palm after being scattered was obviously more terrifying than the previous Chilong state.

And this palm obviously had a special effect, being grabbed by that big red hand, Liu Cheng's martial soul began to emit red smoke.

And as soon as the smoke came out, it was swallowed by that big red hand.

"Martial Soul Swallow?"

Wuhun, who was caught by the big red hand, instantly understood that this "filial descendant" of his was planning to "eat" him!

He was startled, and quickly summoned the 'Akasaka Sword' to help.

"Chi Xiao!" "Chi Xiao!"

However, Wuhun yelled twice, but he still didn't see his Chixiao sword coming to help, but when he turned his head, he saw Liu Cheng holding his own Chixiao sword.

Although Scarlet Firmament Sword was struggling hard, and Liu Cheng was obviously a bit reluctant, but he still controlled Scarlet Firmament Sword.

"I said, don't struggle any more, just go honestly. Although I major in knives, I can still accept the Akasaka Sword for you without any difficulty!"

While speaking, Liu Cheng's veins bulged all over his body, and his terrifying internal energy began to circulate crazily, trying his best to suppress Chi Xiaojian.

And under Liu Cheng's hard-working assist, that big red hand seized the opportunity and continued to refine that martial spirit. In less than a few minutes, the phantom of that martial spirit disappeared An inch smaller, at this speed, this martial soul should be wiped out in a short time.


At the same time that the martial spirit was about to be refined, on the city wall of Donglai, 'Ji Ruxue' had come here at some point and looked at the situation of Liu's house, frowning.

"What a mess! Your husband is about to be refined." The deity's voice sounded in her mind.

"You maidservant, shut up."'Ji Ruxue''s face turned ferocious.

"I shut up and you can't change the situation! Now Liu Bang's martial soul has been swallowed up to a small part. Even if Zhang Taiyi comes here at this time, he has no way to return to Liu Cheng's body. If he goes back, he will only die." One, that is to say, I won!" Ji Ruxue announced her victory in a very flat tone.

"No, there must be a way, there must be a way."'Ji Ruxue' whispered.

"Is there a way? Why are you still hesitating? It shouldn't be difficult to rescue Liu Bang with your prepared backhand now. Could it be that you are still thinking about letting Liu Bang occupy Liu Cheng's body? Although I am an opponent, I still want to I would like to advise you, your current thinking is very dangerous, if you are not careful, it is very likely that Liu Bang will die without a place to bury him."

However, although Ji Ruxue's tone was gentle, when she said this, 'Ji Ruxue''s eyes turned red strangely, and the already agitated emotions became even more agitated.

"No, there must be another way, my man must rule the world! If he fails, it's better..."

"No, that's not right!"

Before the last sentence of 'Ji Ruxue' could be uttered, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly regained clarity, and then his face changed drastically: "Bitch, you plotted against me."

"Yo, failed!" The deity sighed softly.

"Isn't your talent insight into people's hearts? How can you have the ability to affect emotions?" 'Ji Ruxue' asked.

"People always grow up." Ji Ruxue gave a vague answer.

Although dissatisfied with this answer, 'Ji Ruxue' has no time to ask questions at this time, Liu Bang's situation is not optimistic, 'Ji Ruxue' can only take out Zhang Taiyi's talisman at this time Paper comes.

"Do you want to summon Zhang Taiyi's clone? By now, you should understand why Liu Cheng brought an army of [-] here. Once you summon Zhang Taiyi at this time, Liu Cheng's army will come out immediately. At that time, Zhang Taiyi can only take Liu Bang away, and your plan to step on Liu Chengjun to rule the world is basically in vain."

Ji Ruxue spoke again, with a bewitching tone in her tone.

However, at this time, 'Ji Ruxue' was completely unaffected: "Baby maid, put away your little tricks, the same tricks are useless to me."

"Also, although I have been planning to let my husband take over everything from Liu Cheng, it doesn't mean that without Liu Cheng's everything, it will definitely not work. My husband started from the beginning, and if I do it all over again, even if I still have nothing. , I also believe that he can reach the peak again!"

After saying this, 'Ji Ruxue' waved her hand, and the golden talisman paper she took out disappeared from her hand, and at the same time appeared in the sky above the Liu family, to be more precise, it appeared in the sky above Liu Bang .

"Zhang Taiyi?"

Seeing the golden talisman paper that appeared out of thin air, Liu Cheng's eyes narrowed immediately.

Although he didn't understand how Zhang Taiyi got involved with Liu Bang, he hadn't forgotten that Zhang Taiyi appeared on Zhongtun Island out of thin air a few months ago.

Sure enough, as soon as the golden talisman paper appeared, a moment later, a silver-haired Zhang Taiyi appeared above the Liu family out of thin air.

Of course, it is not uncommon for Zhang Taiyi to appear out of thin air, after all, this situation has happened once before.

What's more interesting is that when Zhang Taiyi's avatar came out, he was full of heroic and immortal energy, and looked like a master.

However, before he could put his airs on hold, a mountain-like military force hit him, almost knocking this tall man down...

(End of this chapter)

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