Chapter 394 Mysterious Ore
Counterattack the copy of Chang'an, under the city of Chang'an!
The last battle of this dungeon officially broke out, and once the battle broke out, the battle situation often developed in the direction of Lu Bu's dumbfounded,

In fact, there is not much difference in the number of soldiers between the two sides. When Lu Bu's army set out to attack Li Jue's group, more than 2 troops under his command were dispatched.

After the battle, there were only about [-] soldiers left under his command. Although the number of Lu Bu's army seemed as high as [-] to [-] because he brought [-] captives, most of them were captives who had just been gathered. .

At this time, it is impossible for this kind of captive to form any combat effectiveness. After the battle really starts, it can only hold back Lu Bu. Even if it is calculated.

As soon as the battle broke out between the two sides, under the influence of the captives, Lu Bu's army collapsed instantly, and more than 4 troops were scattered all over the place.

At the same time, Lu Bu himself was also being targeted by the generals under Liu Cheng's command.

Dian Xiong and Lao San attacked Lu Bu crazily with red eyes as soon as they started fighting. There was no way, Lu Bu was too similar to a person in their memory. Crazy, it has reached the point where it is hard to get rid of only hatred if you don't kill him.

The two of them shot with all their strength, and they had the posture of killing Lu Bu if they had more lives.

It's just that fighting is not only dependent on momentum, strength is also very important.

Dian Xiong and Lao San had 93 and 92 respectively, neither of them reached the peak.

But Lu Bu is different. Under the normal mode, Lu Bu's force is as high as 95, which is already at the top level.

At this time, the fighting power that Lu Bu could unleash was almost inhuman. Although Dian Wei and Lao San risked their lives to fight, they did not suppress Lu Bu, and even vaguely were about to be suppressed by Lu Bu forcefully. the meaning of.

In this case, on the contrary, the second fool on the other side showed his style!
The second fool's opponent was none other than Zhang Liao, whose strength under Lu Bu's command had been raised to 90.

Speaking of which, Zhang Liao can be regarded as a generation of famous generals. Ordinary military generals are really not Zhang Liao's opponents, but they can't get any benefits from Zhang Liao at all.

From the beginning of the battle between the two, the tempo was completely controlled by the fool.

That pair of hammers hit Zhang Liao so hard that he didn't dare to lose his temper. After only a dozen rounds of fighting between the two, Zhang Liao's tiger's mouth was smashed and bleeding.

Although this is the case, Zhang Liao is not without the power to backhand. Judging by his posture, he can at least last another fifty or sixty rounds.

However, this situation quickly changed, because at this time Ma Yuan was waving his war hammer and seemed to be preparing to join the battlefield. When the second fool saw this situation, his eyes immediately turned red.

The aura of the whole person went berserk several times in an instant, and with full force, a pair of hammers smashed Zhang Liao's spear thirteen times in a row, killing Zhang Liao with one blow before Ma Yuan joined the battle.

Afterwards, the second fool took back his hammer while panting, gave Ma Yuan a hard look, and left the battlefield directly!

Ma Yuan, who was stupefied by the second stupefied stare, could only scratch his head, then quickly regained his strength, waved the hammer in his hand, and prepared to join Zhao Yun and Gao Shun in the battle.

It's just that as soon as Ma Yuan swung the war hammer, he had to put it down embarrassingly, because Zhao Yun had easily killed Gao Shun with one shot.

In a blink of an eye, the two first-class generals under Lu Bu's command were all dead, leaving Ma Yuan with no opponents at all, so he could only turn to Lu Bu's side to see if Dian Xiong and the others needed his help.

However, Ma Yuan was one step too late again, just when he turned his head.

On Lu Bu's side, Liu Dali, Li Kaijiang, Luo Feng, and Zhou Cang also joined the battlefield.

All of a sudden, six first-class generals attacked Lu Bu at the same time, and Lu Bu's arrogance, which was originally invincible, was immediately suppressed.


As soon as Lu Bu was suppressed, Dian Xiong and Lao San broke out completely.

A stature paused, his body swelled up, a burst of black aura gushed out from his body, and the double halberds in his hands fell violently.

A blood-red light erupted from one body, and the spear in his hand danced, drawing a blood-red line straight towards Lu Bu.

These two attacks can be said to be the strongest killing moves of the two of them. Once implemented, Lu Bu will definitely die.

Facing such a palpitating sense of crisis, Lu Bu frantically wanted to break free.

However, there were still four first-class generals in front of him. Although Lu Bu was extremely powerful, under the mad restraint of the four first-class generals, he still couldn't break free in the end. In the end, he only had time to block the shot of the third child. He was directly killed by Dian Wei's pair of iron halberds.

The legion under Lu Bu's command is basically a legion built with Lu Bu as the core. Such a legion has one advantage.

Lu Bu was invincible, and the army under his command was invincible.

But once Lu Bu was killed, his army basically collapsed.

As it is now, when Lu Bu died, his army completely lost the ability to resist, and Liu Cheng's dungeon was declared cleared. This time, the dungeon clearance gave Liu Cheng three days to collect the loot.


When Liu Cheng was still collecting the loot in the dungeon.

The middle-aged man who had just come out from Yecheng not long ago met Ji Ruxue in the yard of a month in Julu Nei, and explained what happened during his trip.

"Did he refuse? Although it is expected, we will be in some trouble this way."

'Ji Ruxue' knocked on the table in front of her, with a faint worry on her face: "The biggest trouble is that I didn't expect that Liu Cheng would directly dominate the world in just over three months, so Once it comes, it will be very difficult for us to force it.”

Although 'Ji Ruxue' has a certain amount of power in her hands, in terms of power on the water, there is almost no one in the world who can fight Liu Cheng head-on, and she never intends to fight hard. In her opinion, Liu Cheng has everything he has now. Just for 'him'.

After pondering for a moment, 'Ji Ruxue' suddenly stretched out her hand, took out a fist-sized blood-red ore from nowhere, and after playing with it for a while, threw the stone directly to the middle-aged man in front of her.

"This is for you, go find the best swordsmith and make a long sword out of it!"


Although he didn't know what 'Ji Ruxue' wanted to do, the middle-aged man still took the bloody ore honestly, turned around and left after a respectful salute.

Looking at the middle-aged man striding away, 'Ji Ruxue' looked cold again: "You poor maid..."

(End of this chapter)

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