Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 337 First-Rate General Martial Soul

Chapter 337

Donghai County, a mountain road more than ten miles outside Haiye City!
Liu Dali, who was waiting in ambush on the mountain road earlier, immediately launched a fierce attack after Guan Canghai's team arrived.

It was not easy for Guan Canghai and his party to fight out from Haiye City. The entire legion, the most common yellow scarf fighters from Guan Canghai Road were exhausted and were on their way with willpower.

In this case, it is conceivable what the result will be if there is another surprise attack.

Liu Dali's legion fired a volley, killing hundreds of yellow scarf fighters on the spot, and Guan Canghai was also suppressed by Liu Dali who had recharged his batteries from the beginning.

When it comes to real combat power, Liu Dali is actually much inferior to Guan Canghai.

If both of them were in their prime, Liu Dali might not be able to survive a hundred moves under Guan Canghai's hands.

But the situation is very different now. In order to fight out of Haiye City, Guan Canghai first used his talent, and then fought with high intensity for more than an hour. At this time, Guan Canghai was powerless to resist. , and the combat effectiveness has dropped by at least half.

In this kind of situation, Guan Canghai was completely suppressed and beaten when he fought against Liu Dali.

"No, we can't go on like this!"

Pressed and beaten by Liu Dali for a while, Guan Canghai gritted his teeth, his eyes revealed a look of determination, he circulated his inner strength, turned his long Guan Dao, and the phantom of the sword general behind him flashed, bursting out with astonishing power, forcing him to retreat with a single blow Liu Dali.

After temporarily forcing Liu Dali back, Guan Canghai stepped back a few steps in a flash, came to Li Yin, turned his back to Li Yin, took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms, and whispered to himself behind him. Li Yindao.

"Later, I will use [Backlight Talisman] to try my best to open a way for you. As soon as you have a chance, go immediately and send the news here to Bo Ren."

After saying this, Guan Canghai took out a piece of talisman paper from his bosom without waiting for Li Yin's response.

When the talisman paper was taken out, Guan Canghai's face showed a trace of hesitation.

He is very clear that once he uses this piece of talisman paper, he can immediately return to the state of full prosperity, and even become more powerful than the state of full prosperity.

But once the effect of this talisman disappears, his own life will also come to an end.

No one can face life and death calmly, at least Guan Canghai can't.

Even though he was well prepared, Guan Canghai's heart still trembled when he picked up the [Returning Light Return Talisman].

At the same time that Guan Canghai trembled and hesitated, Li Yin behind him suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Guan Canghai's hand holding the 【Returning Light and Reflecting Talisman】.

"do not use!"

Guan Canghai didn't look back at this time, so he didn't know Li Yin's expression at this time, but his heart warmed because of Li Yin's action.

'I don't want to use it either, I will die if I use it, but you will die if I don't use it! '
This was the thought in Guan Canghai's mind, but what he actually said was not this.

"Let go and do as I say!"

Tough guys like Guan Canghai prefer to express their emotions with actions rather than words.

He regards Li Yin as his disciple, even his son.

He knew very well that he was in a desperate situation right now, and in this desperate situation where there was almost no hope of surviving, his only hope was to let Li Yin survive.

This is what he feels, what he should do as a master and a foster father.

It's just that when Guan Canghai was full of this sense of mission, a stabbing pain came from his back, and at some point a dagger appeared in Li Yin's hand, and this dagger had already pierced through Guan Canghai. At the same time, he took the opportunity to snatch the 【Return to Light Talisman】 from Guan Canghai's hand.

Li Yin succeeded in one blow, and Liu Dali, who was forced to retreat over there, seized the opportunity and rushed up, with a wave of his hands, ready to cut off Guan Canghai's head with a single blow.

However, before the long saber landed, Guan Canghai's eyes instantly turned red, and his seven orifices began to bleed.And the martial spirit behind him was unprecedentedly clear, surging out with an incomparably terrifying aura.

At the same time as this aura appeared, Guan Canghai slashed smoothly and sent Liu Dali flying away. Afterwards, Guan Canghai turned around and kicked Li Yin who had hardly resisted. Guan Dao was on Li Yin's neck!

Guan Canghai, who was bleeding from his seven orifices, questioned with an extremely ferocious expression.

He can accept death, but he cannot accept such a death!
At this moment, Guan Canghai was extremely angry. What made him most angry was not being betrayed by Li Yin, but that he misjudged Li Yin.

He couldn't accept that his disciple was a villain who was greedy for life and afraid of death, and sold his teacher for glory in order to survive in a critical moment.

"Why did you choose to betray me at this time? Is it to survive? Are you trying to kill me so that you can beg for mercy with my head?"

After the interrogation, Guan Canghai's expression became even more ferocious, because he could clearly see that there was no trace of shame on Li Yin's face facing his interrogation.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that I, the hero of Canghai's life, would accept you, a villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death, buy a teacher and seek glory, die for me!"

Guan Canghai shouted angrily, and cut off the long Guan Dao with all his strength, trying to finish off Li Yin before he died.


Seeing this, Liu Dali's face changed, he wanted to make a move to stop him, but because of the distance, there was no time to make such a move, so he could only watch helplessly as Guan Canghai slashed down.

But what was unexpected was that although Liu Dali failed to make a move, his angry shout still affected Guan Canghai in the end.

Liu Dali shouted angrily, and when Guan Dao fell, Li Yin didn't resist or struggle at all from the beginning to the end, so Guan Canghai's hand was deflected, and Guan Dao fell on the side of Li Yin's head, leaving It took Li Yin's life.

Then the seven orifices bleed, and after the final eruption, Guan Canghai, who was already on the verge of death, leaned on the Guan knife and looked down at Li Yin.

"Are you one of them?"

"Well, it was from the beginning!" Li Yin nodded.

Hearing this, Guan Canghai smiled, the smile was a bit complicated, it was hard to tell his real emotion at this moment on his bleeding face.

"You didn't hide on purpose, you wanted me to kill you!"

Li Yin paused, did not answer this question directly, looked into Guan Canghai's eyes: "My lord's order is to kill you!"

"Really, loyalty and filial piety can't have both, you chose loyalty,'s least a little better than I expected at the beginning..."

When he said this, Guan Canghai's aura had slowly dissipated, his strength had also been exhausted, and he collapsed limply...

(End of this chapter)

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