Chapter 329 Results
Donghai County, the temporary headquarters of the Yellow Turban camp.

At this time, Boren, the commander of the Yellow Turban camp headquarters, was staring at the map in front of him.

While looking at the map, he whispered from time to time, and kept marking points on the map.

While the commander was studying, there was a knock on the door.

The knock on the door seemed to have interrupted his thoughts, causing Boren to raise his eyebrows: "Who!"

"Huai Qushuai, it's me, Feng Li!"

Hearing the man outside's reply, Boren's frown immediately relaxed. It was obvious that this young general, who had just joined Boren's command not long ago, was still highly trusted and valued by Boren.

"come in!"

A moment later, Feng Li pushed the door open and walked in.

"How are things going?"

"Following your orders completely, Li He has already died in battle."

"Very good!" Boren nodded in satisfaction.

Bo Ren and Zhang Chongshan are two excellent commanders in the Yellow Turban, but the style of commanding the troops is very different.

Zhang Chongshan is the kind of commander who is more confident and believes that he has control over the army no matter what the situation is, so he is relatively tolerant and gentle towards his subordinates.

However, Bo Ren is different. He is a relatively strong commander, and he pays great attention to the control and execution of the army.

Therefore, when he felt that Li He's existence would not help him control the army, and even threatened him, he was ready to kick him out.

As far as he is concerned, as a subordinate, it is more reliable to think that people like Feng Li, who are talented, obedient and obedient, follow his will completely.

But under normal circumstances, he wouldn't make such a vicious killer, but now he had to face an opponent like Zhu Qing.

Moreover, the situation of Yellow Turban at this time is not very optimistic, and it is precisely because of this situation that he will make such a killer.

"By the way, what about his group of subordinates?"

"As far as we know, those who are usually close to him, and those he single-handedly picked up, have all died in battle," Feng Li said with his head down.

When Bo Ren heard this, he turned his head and looked at Feng Li: "That means there are still some alive?"

"Yes!" Feng Li bit the bullet and continued: "We still have 700 people left in the end. These people usually have nothing to do with Li He, and they are not his confidantes. You have recently assigned him tasks After that, he was transferred to his side.

The subordinates also watched their previous battles. With two thousand against ten thousand, they did not show any timidity at all. They are all elite soldiers of my Yellow Turban. Their strength and morale are quite good, so the subordinates did not dare to mess around. , just bet them first and wait for you to deal with them. "

"Oh? Really? It sounds like those soldiers look pretty good."

Even though he said that, Boren's face turned slightly cold at this moment.

Seeing Boren's expression, Feng Li's scalp went numb, and he hurriedly said, "Why don't I just deal with it?"

Bo Ren didn't answer right away, but looked Feng Li up and down in front of him, his eyes were a little cold, like a cold sharp knife wandering back and forth on Feng Li's body, looking at Feng Li felt uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Bo Ren just wanted to hit Feng Li, so he quickly looked back, and waved Feng Li away: "Go!"

"Yes! This subordinate will do it!"

Feng Liru was pardoned, and after paying a respectful salute to Bo Ren, he turned and left.

Looking at Feng Li who turned to leave, Bo Ren's cold eyes warmed up, scratched his head and said to himself: "Am I a little too cold-blooded?"

Then he gave himself the answer: "Maybe there is, but there is no way to do it. War is never something that benevolent people should get involved in!"

After some questions and answers, Bo Ren turned his head and continued to focus on the map.

But what Bo Ren didn't know was that when he set his eyes on the map, Feng Li, who had already left the gate, turned his head slightly, and a meaningful smile similar to Li He's spirit appeared on the corner of his mouth, then turned around and yelled. step away.


Bo Ren always thought that his real opponent was only Zhu Qing.

In Bo Ren's eyes, Li He's people were just moths in the yellow scarves. Although he couldn't find out exactly where the moths were, he could get rid of them completely by digging out the flesh and blood together.

There is nothing wrong with his thinking, but he miscalculated his opponent.

He didn't know at all that in this battle, apart from him and Zhu Qing, there was another trader who was far overseas.

What he didn't even expect was that his every move, and even all his tactical thinking had actually been presented in other people's hands in another way.

When all his ideas and tactics are known to others, it means that Boren is completely tragic.

No matter how outstanding the leader's talent is, no matter how cruel he is to himself and the enemy, all his responses are just a joke in the eyes of others.

No, when Liu Cheng realized that Bo Ren was determined to get rid of Li He.

Liu Cheng immediately made plans for the next wave based on this.

At this time, Liu Cheng did not choose to keep Li He and clear Li He of his suspicions, because he couldn't, Bo Ren made it clear that he wanted Li He to die, and it was useless for him to clear Li He.

Fortunately, although Liu Cheng used Li He to drive his own people into the interior of the Yellow Turban.

But Li He didn't put all his eggs in one basket. In fact, for those sent by Liu Cheng, Li He sent many of them outside Donghai County.

Unfortunately, Boren has Liu Cheng's people under him, and Boren trusts him a lot.

This is easy to handle, Liu Cheng directly followed Bo Ren's idea, and abandoned Li He without saying a word.

Of course, this so-called abandonment didn't mean that Li He would die. Liu Cheng couldn't bear the death of such a talent. He just let him die in name and put his work in the dark.

The advantage of Liu Cheng's doing this is that Bo Ren felt at ease with his internal side, and then he began to put all his attention on Zhu Qing's side.

At this time, Liu Cheng himself felt at ease. He could calmly, through Feng Li and others, continue to drive his own people into the interior of the Yellow Turban, secretly manipulating the battlefield on the East China Sea side.

In this secret game between Liu Cheng and Bo Ren, one is in the open and the other is in the dark.

One thinks that he is in control of the overall situation, but in fact he doesn't even know who his opponent is, and the other can fully understand his opponent's every move and even his thoughts without showing up.

The final result is naturally self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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