Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 323 Generals vs Soldiers

Chapter 323 Generals vs Soldiers
Lord: Liu Cheng

Territories under its jurisdiction: Donglai County (gray), East China Sea

Territory level: town level

Territory Type: Island Group
Territorial area: 13 square kilometers (212 square kilometers of sea area)

Territory funds: 2850 million gold
Territory special talents: senior alchemist (3 people), intermediate Feng Shui master (1 person), intermediate shipbuilder (1 person)...

Territory system buildings: Barracks (Level 3), Administrative Hall (Level 2), Baijia Building (Level 2), Refugee Camp (Level 2), Primary School Field (Level 1 building)
Primary Port (Level 2), Intermediate Shipyard (Level 2), Watchtower (Level 1)...

Territorial population: 31233 (persons)

Territory Cohesion: 80 (High)

Civil officials: Li Dajiang (Zhang Bao template), Jiang Ning (Li Su template)

Territory history template generals: Liu Dali (Zhou Tai), Luo Feng (Luo Shixin), Zhou Cang, Li Kaijiang, Zhang Mancheng,

Zhang San (Dong Ping), Zou Lan (Zhang Yan), Qin Yangwu (Yan Yan), Li He (Li Jue)

Territorial Army:

Legendary Pirates: 1892 (persons), Special Legion: Chasing the Wind (151 people), Sailors: 1121 (people)

Excellent pirates: 4322 (people), Qingzhou soldiers: 1981 (people)

The system legion with force reaching 30, total: 9477 (people)


Right now, this is Liu Cheng's current territorial property.

Very powerful, in every sense, quite powerful.

Whether it is a general or a soldier, Liu Chengcheng already has a solid capital.

Especially the nearly 30 system soldiers with a basic force of [-], this force is almost the most powerful and terrifying existence under Liu Cheng's command.

Regardless of the white-clothed swordsman walking back and forth in Liu Cheng's territory with ease, it seemed that in front of him, those system legions in Liu Cheng's hands were just for display.

In fact, the reason why the white-clothed swordsman can be so chic depends entirely on his own aura that almost blends into the world.

That kind of breath allowed him to calmly avoid Liu Cheng's army and easily touch Liu Cheng's lair.

If he didn't have this ability, but chose to fight all the way in, no matter how strong the white-clothed swordsman was, he would not be able to kill Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng himself only found out later that if he was willing to be ruthless when the white-clothed swordsman left, regardless of the cost, the white-clothed swordsman might not be able to get out of Zhongtun Island at all.

Because after things like Zhang Taiyi and the white-clothed swordsman happened successively, Liu Cheng's three views were greatly impacted.

It made him vaguely wonder if so many soldiers in his hands are useless at all.

After all, no matter when facing Zhang Taiyi and the swordsman in white, the soldiers under his command seemed useless.

This made Liu Cheng somewhat anxious. After all, if the soldiers under his command were really useless in the face of such a top master, then Liu Cheng's golden finger would lose most of its effectiveness.

So after the white-clothed swordsman incident, Liu Cheng quickly prepared an exercise, a collision exercise between generals and soldiers. Liu Cheng asked Qin Yangwu, who is now the highest commander under his command, to lead 3 excellent pirates to fight Liu Dali. .

The battlefield for the two sides was chosen on the beach of Zhongtun Island, and the two sides fought directly under Liu Cheng's order.

At the beginning of the battle, Liu Dali was as powerful as a broken bamboo. He fought alone with a bang, dazzling, and defeated Qin Yangwu's side repeatedly.

However, the battle didn't take long, and soon Liu Dali's good situation disappeared.

Qin Yangwu commanded the soldiers of the system to continuously compress the formation, reducing Liu Dali's living space.

As a result, Liu Dali was quite uncomfortable.

Although during this process, Liu Dali continued to explode, and even took out [Fighting Warriors] at the end, but in the end he defeated hundreds of commanders and was suppressed forcefully.

After seeing this result, Liu Cheng tricked his second brother into it again, and asked him, who was already eager to see it, to participate in this exercise.

Dian Xiong appeared on the stage, and his performance was much stronger than Liu Dali.

He had the stance of directly killing 3000 people of Qin Yangwu by himself, but although he had that stance, Dian Xiong still couldn't really do it in the end.

On the one hand, he can't really be a killer, so his hands and feet are tied during the battle. On the other hand, he is a human being after all. Although his strength is terrifying, his physical strength still has limits.

After more than three hours of high-intensity combat, Dianxiong's strength was finally exhausted, and after defeating nearly two thousand outstanding pirates, he was finally suppressed.

After the two battles, all of them ended with the victory of the soldiers.

After watching these two battles, Liu Cheng's mood suddenly became lighter.

Although this battle was a drill after all, neither side really made a deadly move.

In this case, neither Liu Dali nor Dian Xiong really broke out their strongest fighting power. If it was an actual life-and-death battle, the result might not be what they saw before.

Even if they changed the battlefield to a mountain forest, Liu Dali and Dian Xiong might be the final victors.

Liu Cheng knew about this, but he also knew that Liu Dali and Dian Xiong didn't really have the strongest fighting power, and Qin Yangwu and his soldiers also didn't have the strongest fighting power.

After all, the three thousand soldiers under Qin Yangwu's command were basically naked, without armor or weapons.

If they were armed, the combat power they could unleash would definitely be even more terrifying.

If the two sides are really in a life-and-death battle, the fully armed legion may not be no better than the top generals!

Through these two exercises, Liu Cheng knew very well that a first-class general with a strength of 90 is indeed terrifying, and it is very easy to fight against a thousand with one.

But they are not invincible. With suitable terrain and excellent command, even a peerless general like Dian Xiong can be taken down.

For Liu Cheng, this is excellent news.

Originally, Liu Chengcheng was already thinking that if the result of the exercise was not satisfactory, he might have to give up the construction of the territory, turn his head and focus on those martial souls, start hunting and killing martial souls to strengthen his subordinates, and cultivate top-notch generals. .

Now that this result is out, Liu Cheng can continue his current route, continue to build his own territory, and cultivate a large number of system corps under his command.

With his golden finger advantage, he can easily cultivate a large number of system troops.

As long as his power continues to grow and the number of soldiers under his command continues to increase, at that time, even if he has to face the world's martial arts forces and all the top generals, Liu Cheng will not hesitate at all.
If hundreds of soldiers can't beat a general, he will use a few thousand, and if a few thousand can't do it, he will use tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions!

When the number reaches a certain level, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it will be crushed.

 In the past, I like to blur the setting of force and combat effectiveness, and I will gradually become clearer in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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