Chapter 280 Outbreak
Hokkaido, Zhongtun Island, in the living room of Liucheng branch.

When Ma Yuan said these words, Liu Cheng's gaze turned cold, and the temperature in the living room suddenly dropped several degrees.

Liu Cheng's murderous intent at this time was about to solidify. Just those eyes could make people terrified, but Ma Yuan didn't care at all.

"Prince Wang, you can't kill someone with your gaze, you should put away your penetrating gaze."

At this time, Ma Yuan got up straight away and strode towards Liu Cheng with a smile on his face that he was in control of everything and that he was sure of Liu Cheng.

"Talk about conditions with our Yellow Turban Sect, why do you rely on the dozens of battleships left in your hands? Or is it a means to win the Promise Vice-Head by luck? Don't be kidding, your little thing is in front of our Yellow Turban Sect nothing.

Although we, the Yellow Turbans, do not have the power at sea, we can easily mobilize hundreds of warships to easily crush you.

Also, don't you want to threaten us with the life of Deputy Headmaster Wuji, Deputy Headmaster Wuji is the younger brother of the headmaster, if you dare to kill him, you and all the pirates in Hokkaido will be Deputy Headmaster Wuji teach funeral.

Don't question it, the head teacher can even curse and kill the Emperor of Zhou, let alone a mere pirate leader like you. "

While speaking, Ma Yuan had already come in front of Liu Cheng. Although Liu Dali blocked Liu Cheng two meters away and could not approach, Ma Yuan didn't care, ignoring Liu Dali's terrifying and infiltrating aura and continued: "Listen to me. A word of advice, you have already offended that group of aristocratic families and are at the end of your rope, so don't offend our Yellow Turban Sect."

"Is this what your Yellow Turban Sect means, or what you mean?" Liu Cheng said indifferently.

"Is there a difference? I'm here on behalf of the Yellow Turban Sect, and I mean the Yellow Turban Sect?" Ma Yuan said forcefully with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

As soon as Ma Yuan said this, Liu Cheng couldn't help falling into silence.

Liu Cheng could see that Ma Yuan's attitude was very firm, and it was basically impossible for him to negotiate terms with Ma Yuan.

This made Liu Cheng very annoyed and angry, and his heart was filled with endless killing intent.

But at the same time, Liu Cheng also knew that if he couldn't bear it, he would make great plans. This was an important opportunity for the development of his territory. Once he really broke his face with the Yellow Turban, he would be in a very difficult situation.

So after hesitating again and again, Liu Cheng still chose to give in.

Anyway, the Yellow Turban Sect will definitely be wiped out, and there are also a large number of people under Liu Cheng's command mixed in the Yellow Turban Sect.

The surname of the current Yellow Turban Sect is Zhang. It will be hard to say what the surname will be after a while.

So, after pondering for a long time, Liu Cheng said again: "I really don't want to offend the Yellow Turban Cult. How about this, I can make a compromise, and I can get rid of two of the previous five conditions..."

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Ma Yuan's mouth: "My lord, what do you think..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Cheng endured the anger and interrupted directly: "One, I only want one condition, Li Wen killed a confidant of mine, give Li Wen to me, and I will give Zhang Wuji to you That's all for now."

"Besides, Li Wen abandoned your deputy headmaster and ran away at a critical moment. It would be very cost-effective for you to exchange such a person for my compromise."

Liu Cheng had already made quite a big concession. It is reasonable that Ma Yuan should just accept it at this time, but Ma Yuan didn't mean that.

In his eyes, Liu Cheng at this time has been pushed to the end by him. If so, then he naturally wants to go one step further and directly push Liu Cheng to a desperate situation to complete this negotiation completely and perfectly.

"Li Wen is impossible for me to hand it over to you. I won't agree to all the conditions on your side. I still say that you hand over the person and the treasure chest. We'll just forget about it."

"Is there no discussion at all?" Liu Cheng closed his eyes and clenched his fists: "Li Wen, he killed me..."

"Okay, you've said this once, I'm still the same sentence, it's impossible, besides, Li Wen is a rare talent in our Yellow Turban Sect, how can your subordinates take down the pirates? Don't say he is a murderer." If you kill one of your subordinates, even if he kills your father, we will not be able to hand him over to you."

When Ma Yuan said these words, Liu Cheng's clenched fists loosened, and a pair of closed eyes opened at this time. Liu Cheng's eyes opened again without the strong killing intent before. Looking at Ma Yuan, he said something that made Ma Yuan feel a little inexplicable: "How should I put it, in fact, I really thank you."

Seeing Liu Cheng at this time, Ma Yuan couldn't help feeling a little nervous: "What are you talking about?"

Liu Cheng ignored him, and said to himself: "Actually, when Zhang Kai died, I had a very strong urge to kill Zhang Wuji and the others, but I endured it at that time.

There is no way, the territory needs to be developed, I have already broken face with the aristocratic family at this time, and I am killing the important task of the Yellow Turban Sect, the remaining four wall grasses in the East China Sea are likely to fall to the aristocratic family, and my situation will be very serious at that time. It's difficult, it's not easy to develop, and I'm very afraid of your yellow scarves' endless talisman papers and spells, as well as Zhang Taiyi, the head teacher.

So for the sake of the overall situation, I can only endure this breath. I told myself that those who achieve great things must have a big heart, and they must be able to endure what ordinary people cannot bear.

Only by holding back this breath can I take a step closer! "

Ma Yuan's throat was a little itchy, and he trembled a little: "You did the right thing..."

Liu Cheng smiled, as if he was having a heart-to-heart conversation with an old friend: "Yeah, I also think that I am doing the right thing, but my heart is full of anger, which is difficult to calm down.

The scene of Zhang Kai's death has been reappearing in front of me for the past few days, and the more time passes, the more clear that scene becomes.

The anger and hatred became more and more intense, and the determination to avenge him became stronger and stronger.

But I told myself that I should not be influenced by my emotions. As a superior person, I must control my emotions. It is precisely because of this that I choose to negotiate with you and lower my conditions again and again. "

"We can consider Li Wen's matter!" Looking at Liu Cheng in front of him, a surge of fear that suffocated him made Ma Yuan involuntarily retreat.

It's just that it was too late for him to retreat at this time. When he said this, Liu Cheng shook his head directly.

"No, just now, I found out that I am not a qualified superior. I'm sorry that I can't suppress my anger."

Speaking of this, Liu Cheng paused, then got up and strode to Ma Yuan.

"So I decided to vent out all the anger that should be vented, and indulge and go crazy for that inexplicable guy who is obviously a pirate but tells me about loyalty. Isn't it the Yellow Turban? Isn't it Zhang Taiyi? I am today What the hell is offended!"

After Liu Cheng finished speaking, a saber light lit up, and Ma Yuan's head fell to the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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