Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 253 The Battle Begins

Chapter 253 The Battle Begins

Those aristocratic families headed by the Li family really want to take this incident as a great opportunity to show the majesty of the aristocratic family.

Originally, with the speed of their preparations, in fact, it would not have taken ten days to reach the North Sea.

But they deliberately slowed down and deliberately created an atmosphere, just to wait for the tenth day to arrive.

In their view, since this is a show, the effect should naturally be given priority.

Taking Hokkaido is just a matter of backhand. What they want to do is to take Hokkaido with absolute crushing power in front of the group of pirate leaders in the East China Sea. What they want to show is that they can make those pirates completely desperate the power of.

For this reason, they made full preparations in all aspects, and it was not until July [-]th, which was the time Li Wen mentioned before, that the aristocratic family made a strong move.

Two hundred 25-meter-long warships set off from Donghai County, commanded by Li Qinglong, and came all the way to Hokkaido.

At the same time that the aristocratic family started to act, the remaining four pirate overlords in Hokkaido also took action.

These pirates can't do anything else, but they are quite sufficient in terms of their own positioning and cognition.

After the aristocratic family started to get serious, they completely put away all their little thoughts, and put on an honest and cute appearance again.

When the aristocratic family was going to kill the group of people in Hokkaido as chickens for them to see, they came to Hokkaido honestly, with a sad mentality, ready to watch the end of Hokkaido.

Their mood at this time is very complicated. If possible, they still hope to survive this wave.

As long as Liu Cheng can survive this wave, the prestige of the aristocratic family will be severely damaged, and their next little days will be much easier.

And if Liu Cheng can't bear it at this time, then after the destruction of Hokkaido, the prestige of the family in Hokkaido will reach its peak.

Of course, these pirates also knew that it was basically impossible to expect Liu Cheng to survive this wave.

From their point of view, what will be staged next is a play with already written lines and a script, and the outcome is already doomed!

Liu Cheng must die, which has almost become the consensus of everyone.

Of course, Liu Cheng was not among the so-called everyone!

Facing the menacing enemy, Liu Cheng was also prepared to deal with it.

"An invincible enemy? I will tell you that no one is invincible!"

As Liu Cheng murmured in his throat, the battle officially kicked off, and Baiye Island officially started to act.

The four pirate overlords who were right on the edge of Baiye Island saw the changes in Baiye Island, and the four showed different expressions on their faces.

Some are sad about the death of a rabbit, while others are full of jokes.

Ling Yun of the Ryukyu Road showed a disdainful expression on his face, and said what their four pirate overlords had said about Liu Cheng's actions at this time: "Death struggle!"

In their opinion, these four short words are enough to summarize Liu Cheng at this time.

However, they soon discovered that the situation seemed to be beyond their expectations. White Night Island began to prepare for the start, and one after another [first-class pirate ships] came out from the interior of White Night Island.

At the beginning, the four pirate overlords didn't pay much attention to the scene of these [first-class pirate ships] launched by Baiye Island. After all, they knew from the beginning that there were dozens of Class C warships on Baiye Island.

But soon, the four pirate overlords realized that something was wrong.

There are more and more [Level 50 Pirate Ships] coming out of Baiye Island. In just ten minutes, the number of [-] was exceeded in one fell swoop, and there are still [Level [-] Pirate Ships] going out from Baiye Island!
Seeing this scene, the four pirate overlords were all dumbfounded.

"What's the situation? There are so many Class C warships from them? Why didn't we have any news before?"

Of course, it is impossible for them to get any news. These [Level 1000 pirate ships] are all semi-finished products without ship horns and crossbows that Liu Cheng recently sold from an advanced [Intermediate] shipyard at a price of [-] gold.

However, although these [Level [-] Pirate Ships] are only semi-finished products, they are still quite bluffing, especially when the number of [Level [-] Pirate Ships] reaches a certain level, the bluffing effect is simply outstanding.

In an hour or so, [-] semi-finished 【Level [-] Pirate Ships】 of this kind were directly launched on Baiye Island!
Four hundred 25-meter-long [first-class pirate ships] were placed there, and the scene was truly astonishing.

Seeing this astonishing group of battleships, even the four pirate overlords who had no hope for Liu Cheng at this time changed their mentality slightly.

With such a fleet as the backing, perhaps this group of people in Hokkaido may really be able to survive this wave.

Of course, the possibility of this is still very slim.

Although on the battleship, Hokkaido seems to have surpassed the navy of the family, but the number of warships that actually entered the battlefield is a factor that determines the direction of a battle, but it does not mean that the absolute number of warships will definitely win of.

After all, there is still a great god Li Qinglong on the other side of the family. With such a great god, even if the number of warships on the Hokkaido side is far greater than that of others, it is still very difficult to win.

However, although the hope of victory in Hokkaido is slim at this time, at least there is a certain hope of victory.

Therefore, when the [-] fleet outside Baiye Island started to move, the four pirate overlords followed subconsciously, intending to take a look at the seemingly promising battle.

Liu Cheng completely ignored the four pirate overlords who were following them, and directly led his fleet towards Donghai County, intending to fight a decisive battle on the sea with the navy of Donghai County .

While Liu Cheng's army was mobilizing, Donghai also seemed to know the situation on Baiye Island.

However, the warships that suddenly appeared in Hokkaido did not have any effect on that navy, and they still came towards Hokkaido at their speed.

More than two hours later, in a sea area of ​​Hokkaido, the four hundred warships under Liu Cheng's command finally met the navy from the East China Sea.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the four pirate overlords also began to light up. They knew that a big war was about to break out.

It's just that no one saw at this time that under the camp of the Donghai County Navy, a figure of more than ten meters was swimming...

(End of this chapter)

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