Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 237 Territory Status

Chapter 237 Territory Status

[Ding, you spent 20 gold, and your building [Barracks] has been upgraded to level 3 now! 】

After hearing this system prompt, Liu Cheng didn't hesitate at all, and directly used the opportunity of [designated building upgrade] he got on the [barracks].

But before using this reward, Liu Cheng had already seen the attributes of level 3 [Barracks].

Building Classification: Military

Building Level: Level 3 (upgradeable)
Building special effects: Recruiting soldiers has a [-]% chance of appearing as an advanced unit

Building description: One of the necessary buildings in the territory, you can recruit various arms to fight for the lord through the [Barracks].


This is the attribute of the third-level barracks. Now the third-level barracks are quite terrifying, and the speed of the violent soldiers has doubled compared to the second-level.

Now the third-level barracks can spawn 170 soldiers a day, and if the [refugee camp] is added, at least 8000 soldiers can be spawned in a month. If the [barracks] can be upgraded to another level, Liu Cheng thought about it He felt a little dreamy about the attributes that might appear in the level 4 barracks.

However, the system seems to be aware of Liu Cheng's sense of dream, so the system is very humane and brings the coldness of reality to Liu Cheng at this time.

[Ding, the building [Barracks] you selected has reached the highest level of the town-level territory. If the territory has not been upgraded, the level of the [Barracks] cannot be further improved. 】

When the system prompted this, Liu Cheng clearly showed a regretful expression on his face.

However, it can be seen that Liu Cheng seemed to be mentally prepared for this aspect from the beginning, so he quickly cleared up his emotions, and directly used the reward of that [designated building upgrade] again.

[Ding, your designated building [Primary Shipyard] has been successfully upgraded, and [Primary Shipyard] has been promoted to [Intermediate Shipyard]! 】

Liu Cheng directly ignored this system prompt, and opened the shipyard that had been upgraded to the intermediate level to check the attributes.

Intermediate shipyard
Construction Classification: Territory/Engineering
Building Level: Level 2 (upgradeable)
Building description: This is a large-scale shipyard with the ability to build level 2 ships. (If you want to build a battleship above level 2, you need to have the blueprint of a level [-] ship, or have a senior shipbuilder!)

Buildable: [Level 500 Pirate Ship] ([-] Gold)
Ships that can be researched and developed: [first-class fishing boat] [first-class transport ship]

First-level fishing boat research and development requirements: an intermediate shipbuilder, 50000 gold, 30 days

R&D requirements for a first-level transport ship: an intermediate shipbuilder, 80000 gold, and 45 days
Liu Cheng took a look at the attributes of the [Intermediate Shipyard], generally speaking, it is still possible, there are two more ships that can be researched and developed, and Liu Cheng is particularly looking forward to these two new ships.

The appearance of [first-class fishing boat] can further enhance the fishery development under Liu Cheng's command, and that [first-class transport ship] Liu Cheng looked at the attributes, and its performance is quite good.

If these two ships are developed, they will be of great help to Liu Cheng.

Of course, when looking at the properties of the [Intermediate Shipyard], Liu Cheng couldn't help but sigh, and there is no [Second-Class Ship Blueprint] Unfortunately, he does not have a senior shipbuilder under his command, and the utility of the [Intermediate Shipyard] cannot be fully developed. , which made Liu Cheng feel rather regretful.

"Forget it, it's not bad now. Anyway, the level has risen, so let's take your time with the senior shipbuilder or the blueprint of the second-level battleship! I'd better deal with other rewards first!"

While speaking, Liu Cheng turned off the attribute page of [Intermediate Shipyard] in front of him, and then Liu Cheng skipped the reward of [Increase Talent], and set his sights on the third state of [Obtain Random Territory] on the rewards.

Liu Cheng had obtained such a thing as a territorial state before, which was the state of [actively joining the army].

It was this state of the territory that lasted for a month that caused the population of Liu Cheng to suddenly increase by more than 1 people to directly reach the advanced standard of the territory. It can be said that the state of the territory gave Liu Cheng a very big surprise.

Therefore, Liu Cheng was quite looking forward to the state of the territory. Seeing this reward, he immediately got started.

[Ding, do you want to choose a random territory status? 】

[Ding, you have successfully claimed the status of the territory, and you have obtained the status of the territory [Food Grains]! 】

Harvesting grains: The state of the people's livelihood agricultural territory can increase the growth rate of crops by three times, and the harvest by three times, and increase the proficiency of farmers in the territory by three times, and last for one month!

"Food harvest? How should I put it, it is considered a good state!"

To be honest, what Liu Cheng wants more than this [Food Grains] is the territorial status of [Actively Joining the Army].

Compared with [Actively joining the army], this state is not worse than 01:30, but it is a pity that all random things are based on the face, and Liu Cheng obviously does not have a good state with this face!
Fortunately, Liu Cheng's mentality is still broad-minded, and he didn't worry about the failure in this aspect, so he quickly adjusted his mentality.

Afterwards, Liu Cheng did not procrastinate, and directly gave away the reward for completing the task of [Territory Construction] 2, as well as the [County Looting Treasure Box] that Liu Cheng had obtained before winning Haizhou City. Liu Cheng killed Niu Pu under Donglai City. The obtained [Boss Treasure Chest] was also opened together.

For a while, another burst of system prompts sounded crazily.

[Ding, you have successfully opened the [Random Treasure Chest], and you have obtained 50000 repair points. 】

[Ding, you have successfully opened the [Random Treasure Chest], and you have obtained 50000 repair points. 】

[Ding, you have successfully opened the [Boss Treasure Box], and you have obtained a [General Talent Shard]. 】

[Ding, you have successfully opened the [County Robbery Treasure Box], you get 50 gold, and you get [-] [fine iron bow]. 】

[Ding, you have obtained a special blueprint [Zanyue Sword Forging Blueprint]! 】

[Ding, you have received a mysterious reward [The Power of the Beast God]! 】

Looking at these system prompts, Liu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and after glancing at Articles [-], [-] and [-], Liu Cheng casually opened [Military General Talent Fragments], [Zan Yue Dao Forging Blueprint] and the so-called [Beast God]. Power] attribute, I want to see what these three things are. To be honest, Liu Cheng didn't have too much expectation at first, but when he saw it clearly, Liu Cheng's eyes immediately widened. .

The attributes of these three things surprised Liu Cheng, especially the last one [Power of the Beast God]. When he saw the attribute of the [Power of the Beast God], Liu Cheng had a kind of surprise that he had hit his luck ...


The update will resume around the 26th or 27th

(End of this chapter)

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