Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 214 Avatar Talisman

Chapter 214 Avatar Talisman

Donglai, Liu's back garden!

Liu Cheng's long knife cut off Ji Ruxue's head without any warning. When he cut off with the knife, the system prompt immediately sounded.

[Ding, you have successfully killed Ji Ruxue (talisman paper clone), and completed the task [Revenge]! 】

[Ding, you killed Ji Ruxue (the talisman paper clone), and successfully broke her talent [Insight into the Heart], and your immunity to [Insight into the Heart] has increased! 】

With one slash, Liu Cheng directly completed a task, and got a little surprise along the way.

However, this sudden scene made Hua Qingwu by the side stunned for a moment, and then her face changed. Was she frightened by Liu Cheng's ferocity of drawing a knife to kill someone at the slightest disagreement.

The main reason is Ji Ruxue, a woman. From the conversation just now, it is not difficult to see that this woman has some very important information. She is more useful alive than dead.

Whether it was about the cult or Duke Zhu's enemies, Ji Ruxue could only understand the information, so she couldn't figure out why Liu Cheng wanted to kill him at this time.

However, Hua Qingwu's question was not asked in the end. The reason was very simple, because at the same time Ji Ruxue's head was cut off, she saw Hua Qingwu's body turned into a paper talisman.

Seeing that piece of paper talisman, and looking at Liu Cheng who was not in the slightest of surprise beside her, Hua Qingwu finally understood why Liu Cheng made that knife.

"You knew from the beginning that she wasn't the real Ji Ruxue?"

Liu Cheng nodded: "Based on her personality, do you think it's really possible for her to send away her subordinates and leave her alone to meet us?"

In fact, when Liu Cheng saw Ji Ruxue, he subconsciously cast the [Insight Technique], and at that time he almost knew the details of Ji Ruxue in front of him.

Ji Ruxue

Status: Princess of Great Zhou, Mrs. Kang Pinghou
Wuhun:? ? ?

Force: 0, Spirit: 80, Talent: 80, Commander: 70
Talent: insight into people's hearts (not fully mastered)
Insight into people's hearts: Passive talent, able to see through the thoughts of the person in front of you. Since you have not fully grasped it, you need to rely on observing the eyes of the other person to see through people's hearts.

Ps: This body is somewhat abnormal, there is no blood flow at all, as if it is not a human body.

Obviously, Ji Ruxue is weird.

This weirdness is not only in her identity and body, but also in her martial spirit.

It seems that Ji Ruxue's martial spirit has not fully awakened, or she and her martial spirit are still contending, otherwise, Ji Ruxue's attributes are not only that, of course, this may not be ruled out because it is not the real deity.

So at this moment, Liu Cheng focused on the talisman paper Ji Ruxue's incarnation, and performed a random insight technique, and the attributes of that talisman paper appeared in front of him.


Item classification: Talisman Paper/Consumption

Item Class: Legendary

Item description: A legendary rune paper drawn by Zhang Taiyi. This rune paper can transform into anyone, and copy all the attributes and talents of the transformed person except for force. It lasts for four hours and can be controlled remotely.

Ps: The same person can only use one avatar at most!

Remaining uses: 0/1
Seeing the attributes of this talisman paper, Liu Cheng's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

This kind of avatar is a little perverted. Although it has some restrictions, if it is used well, it can have quite amazing effects.Such talisman paper can be regarded as a value chain.

"What kind of magic is this talisman that can transform into a human being? And I didn't see it." When Liu Cheng was looking at the attributes of the talisman, Hua Qingwu who was beside him also picked up the talisman and looked at it carefully .

"It seems to be made by Zhang Taiyi. It can transform into a human being and use the special abilities of the transformed person." Liu Cheng replied.

Hearing this, Hua Qingwu's eyes narrowed immediately: "Is it Zhang Taiyi? The leader of the cult seems to be Zhang Taiyi? What is the relationship between Ji Ruxue and the cult? Taiyi is willing to give her this level of talisman paper ?”

"Also!" Hua Qingwu turned to look at Liu Cheng: "Why would Ji Ruxue use up such a precious talisman to see you! What's her purpose?"

"There should be a purpose, but now that her talisman paper has been broken by me, it's useless to have any purpose!"

In fact, Liu Cheng also wanted to know about Ji Ruxue's purpose and her relationship with the cult.

It's just that Liu Cheng knows better that curiosity is sometimes a bad thing.

If Liu Cheng had stayed with Ji Ruxue for a while longer, Ji Ruxue might have revealed her true purpose.

But at this moment, Liu Cheng has no time to wait at all. Who knows if Ji Ruxue is stalling for time, today's game is not completely over yet, Liu Cheng is really afraid of long nights and dreams.

In addition, it just happened to be an excellent opportunity for Liu Cheng to complete the mission of [Revenge].

"Forget about that, let's deal with the business first. Although Ji Ruxue is gone, the cult members in Donglai are still there. They all have to be cleaned up. There is also Ji Ruxue's property, although it is possible to take action now. It's over, but even if it's a dead sheep, I still have to make up for it, maybe there will be some unexpected surprises."

In a nutshell, Liu Cheng and Hua Qingwu split into two groups, one went to suppress the cult members, and the other went to Ji Ruxue's property. As for the Zuifeng Tower, Liu Cheng didn't make any arrangements at all.

It's not that Liu Cheng forgot about his second brother as soon as he was rich. He didn't remember that his second brother was still fighting with someone.

It was mainly the battle at Zuifeng Tower. Liu Cheng had confidence in his second brother, and he really sent out people who could participate in that level of battle, so Liu Cheng could only work on Donglai County first. Here's the thing.

In terms of these two tasks, the suppression of the cult members has made a lot of achievements. The cult members seem to have thrown away the members of the cult in Donglai as abandoned children, so they didn't escape at all.

Hua Qingwu took the people with her, and easily took them all together.

In contrast, Liu Cheng, who went to Ji Ruxue's property, had nothing to gain.

It was obvious that they were ready to leave from the very beginning. When Liu Cheng went there at this time, except for some goods that they hadn't had time to deal with, there was basically nothing else to gain.

On the contrary, in Liu Cheng's old Liu's house, Liu Chengshou scraped out a lot of good things.

And when Liu Cheng and Hua Qingwu had to suppress what should be suppressed, and what should be suppressed was almost done, Liu Cheng and his second brother, who had fought on the Zuifeng Tower before, also came back...


Headache, only two chapters today
In addition, regarding the character Ji Ruxue, I will launch a poll on the [WeChat Official Account], and everyone who likes it or not can express their attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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