Chapter 192

The reason why Liu Cheng dared to be so arrogant was because he had confidence.

Liu Cheng's confidence comes from his father, uh, not the one who lay down because of excessive indulgence!
In addition to the one who has been lying down, Liu Cheng actually has a godfather, who is also his uncle, who is Liu Cheng's predecessor, including the current Liu Cheng, who has some admiration!

His godfather's name is Wang Fugui. His name is very rustic, but he is very awesome!
He is now the Generalissimo of the Great Zhou Empire, and also the Great Pillar Kingdom of the Great Zhou Empire, the pillar of the entire Great Zhou Empire!

The reason why Wang Fugui has such a high status and power is completely created by him.

Since he joined the army 20 years ago, his legend has already begun.

In the past 20 years, he has participated in countless battles, and he has killed countless enemies.

If it hadn't been for him, it would have been abolished as early as 12 years ago when foreigners invaded the north, the Wuzhou rebellion ten years ago, and the Eight Kings Rebellion six years ago.

It is precisely because of saving Dazhou from danger several times that Liu Cheng's godfather was able to go from a small soldier to the current position of Marshal of the Bingma and Dazhu Kingdom in only 20 years.

And their Liu family was actually just a declining nobleman 20 years ago. Because Liu Cheng's father accidentally married Wang Fugui's sister 20 years ago, the Liu family skyrocketed.

Liu Cheng's father became an Ankang Duke, and even Liu Cheng won the title of Marquis of Kangping when he was ten years old.

Logically speaking, with such a big backer, with the mind and means of Liu Cheng's predecessor, he should be able to run wild and make a fortune.

Originally, Liu Cheng's predecessor grew up listening to the heroic deeds of his uncle and adoptive father. He especially yearned to become a strong man like his adoptive father. His childhood goal was to become a hero like his adoptive father.

In order to achieve this goal, he went to his uncle's barracks to study at the age of six or seven. Although his uncle couldn't teach him any magical skills, he learned the art of war well at a young age, and Yan Ran was quite calm before the age of ten. Little adults.

With this kind of life trajectory, even if Liu Cheng does not become the Grand Marshal of the Army and Horses in the future like his adoptive father, he will not be able to escape some achievements.

As a result, when he was ten years old, when Liu Cheng went home to visit his relatives, he was tricked by his father.

I have to say that although Liu Cheng's father was a declining nobleman, in his generation, his family was basically no different from ordinary people.

His mentality is also the mentality of ordinary people all his life. Although he is named the first-class duke of Dazhou, he has no ambitions.

Especially after Liu Cheng's mother passed away, his father had no other ideas at all.

From his point of view, all his life's glory and wealth have been earned, so he doesn't have to worry about anything, just enjoy the glory and wealth.

Ever since, he ate, drank and beautified all day long, and the kid lived a life of joy.

It's just that when Liu Cheng came back from the army and saw his father soaked in women and wine, he couldn't see it.

How can this work?How can a big man be addicted to wine and sex?Liu Cheng's predecessor vowed that he would find his hard-working father back.

Therefore, Liu Chengcheng began to put in effort, and Liu Cheng's efforts were cheating in his father's eyes.

You son of a bitch, you have suffered for most of your life, and it is hard to enjoy your blessings. How can you ruin my beautiful life like a son of a bitch?

Besides, what's wrong with indulging in food and wine all day long?You see your adoptive father?cow?Is it the Grand Marshal of the Empire or the Great Pillar Kingdom?Haven't you been patronizing for a lifetime?So there is no need to struggle or anything, just to have fun in time!
Of course, Mr. Ankang definitely couldn't tell Liu Cheng so confidently that he still wanted to show some face and his father's majestic image.

So Mr. Ankang was thinking, is there any way to not only improve Wei Guang's image, but also fool his son so that he will not interfere with his enjoyment?

Well, Mr. Ankang thought about it for a while, and it turned out that Nima really made him think of it.

So, after a few days of deliberation, Mr. Ankang found Liu Cheng's predecessor, and Liu Cheng began to talk very earnestly.

On that day, Mr. Ankang was very serious with his ten-year-old son.

He told Liu Cheng that it wasn't that he was content with pleasure, that he didn't have fighting spirit, or that he didn't have talent.

In fact, he still taught his adoptive father the art of war, but he couldn't fight, either because he didn't want to or because he couldn't.

He told Liu Cheng, don't look at his adoptive father who is in power now, but his adoptive father is the most dangerous at this time.

The old emperor is staring at him, for fear that he will rebel. Fortunately, he has no son, so the old emperor can hand over the army to him with confidence.

At this time, as the brother-in-law of the Generalissimo and his only relative, what he needs to do is not to struggle, but to show decadence, showing that my family is a waste.

Only in this way can the old emperor's wariness towards your adoptive father be lowered.

His logical theory has a solid foundation. On the one hand, such things have happened many times in history. On the other hand, Liu Cheng often heard his adoptive father say that the emperor did not trust him when he was in the army.

So, accidentally, the young Liu Chengcheng was fooled and disabled by his father!
Next, he not only believed his father's evil and never returned to the army, but even in order not to cause trouble for his adoptive father, the little guy gave up his ideals and beliefs after crying bitterly. I swore that I would be a waste for the rest of my life.

As for the fact that he fooled and disabled his son, Mr. Ankang didn't feel any guilt at all, and even felt very happy about it. Even in the following years, he continued to deepen and consolidate Liu Cheng's predecessor.

Ever since, after the death of Duke Ankang, Liu Cheng took on the heavy responsibility of his father as a matter of course.

Originally, Liu Cheng just wanted to pretend that he didn't intend to be really addicted to wine and sex, but it turned out to be a bad thing after he tried it. He is not very addicted to wine. In terms of sex, this young man can't stand the temptation.

Ever since, this little guy has completely degenerated.

Then Liu Cheng started to live a life of sensuality in his previous life, and that little life was as beautiful as heaven, until his adoptive father found out his real situation and ran over to beat him up before he calmed down.

As a result, not long after he was honest, the old emperor came to join in the fun and betrothed one of his princesses to Liu Cheng.

Originally, Liu Cheng was not very happy to marry a princess or something, but when he saw his wife, this guy said that this wife decided for himself.

In the end, his wife took it, but Liu Cheng found that something even more cheating than before had happened.

It is also after taking his wife that a series of things will happen in the follow-up. Liu Cheng's predecessor will live on a deserted island, and finally be possessed by Liu Cheng...

(End of this chapter)

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