Fight for hegemony from a desert island

Chapter 180: Opening the Treasure Chest

Chapter 180: Opening the Treasure Chest
Hokkaido, Zhongtun Island!
Currently scanning the system prompts, Liu Cheng's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Great harvest!

After counting everything, in the final battle of the coronation, Liu Cheng obtained a total of one [excellent treasure chest], two [historical martial soul boss treasure chests], two [special boss treasure chests], plus two historical martial souls, and 7 More than [-] cultivation points.

This kind of reward is already amazing, but that's not all. Liu Cheng also has a task reward of "Battle for Hokkaido" that Liu Cheng hasn't clicked to claim it yet!

Undoubtedly, the rewards for this battle on Dead Leaf Island far surpassed that of Zhang Yan's.

However, it's normal to think about it carefully. After all, the last battle of Dead Leaf Island was far more than Zhang Yan's battle, no matter in terms of the number of people participating in the battle or the final historical generals. normal.

With this wave of rewards, Liu Cheng is really going to soar this time.

However, this time Liu Cheng did not immediately open the treasure chest after counting the rewards he had obtained, or to consume his current cultivation point which had once again soared to 11.2. Instead, he opened his territory attribute page first , set his sights on his own system soldiers.

In fact, a large part of the reason why Liu Cheng killed those pirates in the end was to train his own system soldiers.

Although there seems to be a problem with the mentality of treating people as monsters and experiences, this approach has indeed brought Liu Cheng amazing gains.

The system soldiers under Liu Cheng participated in the two battles of Zhang Yan and Dead Leaf Island, a total of more than 400 people. These soldiers basically survived after the war, and after the two battles, their strength also skyrocketed. Wave.

Although the levels of more than 400 [Excellent Pirates] and [Daming Navy] have not been improved, the remaining [-] or so [Pirates] have basically advanced to become [Excellent Pirates] after this battle.

Not only that, Liu Cheng also had [-] [militiamen] that he brought over in that battle. These militiamen also gained a lot of experience in these two battles. Elite Pirates].

In other words, Liu Cheng currently has 30 [Excellent Pirates] with a force of 25, 100 [Elite] with a force of 35, and more than [-] [Daming Navy] with a force of at least [-].

It can be said that in terms of Guangrun's core pirates, Liu Cheng definitely far exceeds the original Zhang Yan.

What Liu Cheng gained was not only in terms of system soldiers, but in terms of generals, Liu Cheng also improved a lot after these two battles.

Originally, after Liu Cheng took down Zhang Yan, regardless of the historical general template, the number of system generals had soared to 9, but after Dead Leaf Island, Liu Cheng's system generals or pirate generals came directly to 15 people.

And this is because Liu Cheng's current territory level has not been improved, and the current village-level territory can only have 15 system generals, or if it is, this number will definitely increase by a few.

Now Liu Cheng has a luxurious lineup of generals in terms of military generals. Not counting the two unused historical martial arts in Liu Cheng's hands, Liu Cheng's current historical template military generals include: Zhang San (Double Spear General Dong Ping ), Qin Yangwu (Three Kingdoms Yanyan), Zou Lan (special martial spirit Zhang Yan) and three people.

In addition to these three historical generals templates, Liu Cheng also has fifteen system generals under his command, such as [Chasing the Wind and Catching the Quick] Wang Erxiao, and [Navy Military Military Officer] Ma Zhong.

Looking at the data on the system properties page, even Liu Cheng couldn't help being full of pride at this moment.

Of course, Liu Cheng didn't indulge too much in that sense of pride, how could he have so much time to be proud at this time, there are still several boxes waiting for him to open, many rewards waiting for him to digest, waiting for him to consume After receiving this wave of rewards, I believe his strength will definitely usher in another surge.

After closing his territory attribute page, Liu Cheng didn't hesitate much, and directly took out all five treasure chests in his current treasure chest space and opened them all in one go.

[Ding, you successfully opened the [Excellent Treasure Box], you got 1 repair points, and you got a weapon [Darkbreak]! 】

[Ding, you have successfully opened the [Special Boss Treasure Box], you have obtained 1 cultivation points, and you have obtained a bottle of special medicine [Talent Pill]! 】

[Ding, you successfully opened the [Special Boss Treasure Box], you got 1 repair points, and you got a [Skill Upgrade Scroll]! 】

[Ding, you have successfully opened the [Historical Martial Soul Boss Treasure Box] (Li Jue), you have obtained a [Martial Soul Perfect Inheritance Token], and you have obtained a [Dungeon Token]! 】

[Ding, you have successfully started the [Historical Martial Soul Boss Treasure Box] (Zhou Tai), you will get a [Random Unit Recruitment Order], and you will get a [Random Talent Comprehension Scroll]! 】

As system prompts sounded one after another, one thing after another began to appear in front of Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng also started to act in ecstasy. First of all, he first took the four things he had obtained before, such as [Skill Upgrade Scroll], [Martial Soul Perfect Inheritance Token], [Random Soldier Recruitment Token] and [Dungeon Token] Get up to make sure it's the one he got before.

After a general look, these four things are basically obtained by Liu Cheng. There is nothing wrong with it, but the properties of the [Dungeon Token] are slightly different from the one he obtained before.

【Copy order】

Item classification: copy/consumable props

Item description: This is a special dungeon prop. After use, it will enter the designated dungeon, and the corresponding rewards will be obtained by clearing the dungeon.

Contains a copy: Counterattack Chang'an

Dungeon Difficulty: Easy (1), Normal (1), Hard (1) (Each difficulty can only be challenged once!)

Ps: The dungeon is free to stop, enter and exit at will, but leaving the dungeon after clearing the level will be regarded as giving up the challenge, no matter how high the completion level is, you will not get any rewards.

It is basically the same as the [duplicate order] that Liu Cheng got before, only the copy is different.

When he saw this dungeon order, Liu Cheng couldn't help touching his chin: "Now that Hokkaido has also been won, Hokkaido probably won't have any opponents like this in the future. It seems that there will be training or something in the future. It depends on this [duplicate order]."

Liu Cheng played with this [Duplicate Token] for a while, then put the things away, and focused on the other things in his arms...


Sorry, there are a lot of things today, and the update is a bit late. Smile, try to add another chapter or two, um, please subscribe by the way

(End of this chapter)

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