Chapter 147 Harvest
After killing Lu Fang, Liu Cheng took Zhang San and left directly.

Because they had made sufficient preparations at the beginning, Liu Cheng and the others seemed to leave very easily at this time, and the chaotic Zhongtun Island did not stop their pace.

And almost at the same time Liu Cheng and the others left, the Thousand Faces who assisted Liu Cheng in completing the plan also left one after another.

The culprits all left, and those more savvy pirates also chose to leave after looting, leaving only some greedy pirates who were still killing and looting on Zhongtun Island.

Four hours after the incident on Zhongtun Island, almost as soon as Liu Cheng and the others left, a fleet of hundreds of ships arrived at Zhongtun Island from Zhang Yan's base camp.

In that fleet, on the leading warship nearly 50 meters long, Zhang Yan looked down at the chaotic Zhongtun Island in front of him, with neither sadness nor joy on his face, neither joy nor anger!
"Let them pay for what they did!"

After uttering this sentence lightly, Zhang Yan turned and returned to the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of warships moved and rushed towards Zhongtun Island frantically. An unequal battle and an extremely strong suppression began.

A few hours later, the chaotic Zhongtun Island was easily suppressed.

And when everything was suppressed, Zhang Yan came alone to the secret warehouse that had been burned to ashes.

Looking at the warehouse in front of him, Zhang Yan, who had always looked calm and calm, frowned...


East China Sea, on the way back to Black Reef Island.

At this time, Liu Cheng had already put Zhongtun Island and Zhang Yan aside. At this time, he was counting his gains from this trip.

Once the gains were counted, Liu Cheng really wanted to become a professional pirate, and the gains were beyond his expectations.

In this wave, in addition to rescuing Zeng Wenli, he also obtained amazing gains, first of all in terms of supplies.

Liu Cheng almost emptied the secret warehouse of Zhang Yan's branch in Zhongtun Island. In fact, Qianmianren just talked to Liu Cheng about the secret warehouse.

At the beginning, no matter whether it was Qianmianren or Liu Cheng, they didn't pay much attention to this so-called secret warehouse. After all, Zhongtun Island was not their base camp. The secret warehouse on Zhongtun Island should not What a treat!

As a result, after Liu Cheng emptied that secret warehouse, he counted it, and the money he got in that secret warehouse alone was 23000 gold!
This is an astonishing amount of money. If Liu Cheng is allowed to make it himself, he may not be able to make it in a year.

In addition to the 23000 gold, Liu Cheng also saw a large number of pills in that secret warehouse, but those pills were a lot of healing pills, and they were mainly used to treat sword wounds outside the skin.

This kind of elixir may be a good thing to others, but to Liu Cheng, it's just that.

So Liu Cheng didn't bother to move those pills, but Liu Cheng took some of those pills as samples for research, and burned all the rest.

Besides that secret warehouse brought a lot of money to Liu Cheng, Liu Cheng also had another surprise in the Zhang Yan branch, that was the person he met when he went to save Zeng Wen and Zhang Li .

Name: Er Lengzi
Identity: A pirate born as an orphan, without a name

Talent: Innate divine power (seems to have an unawakened martial soul)


Strength: 60, Spirit: 20, Talent: 3, Commander: 15
Physical state: Violently beaten, without food supplies for a long time, currently in a coma!
This is the attribute of the person that Liu Cheng saw with the [Insight Technique] before. Liu Cheng did not expect that his luck would be so good that he would be able to meet a person with a historical martial soul even if he saved someone.

What's more, what he didn't expect was that this idiot was still his subordinate!

In fact, this fool was a buddy recruited by Zeng Wen after he came to Zhongtun Island.

Zeng Wen saw that he had good strength, and although he was tall and thick, he was honest and honest, so Zeng Wen kept him by his side as a buddy, and the second fool was beaten to protect Zeng Wen.

Hearing Zeng Wen's explanation, Liu Cheng had to put down the butcher's knife that he was going to raise against the stupid man, and at the same time he gave simple medical treatment to the stupid man and brought him back.

Liu Cheng planned to inspect the second fool after he went back, and if it was suitable, he would keep him by his side as a guard.

23000 gold plus an idiot with a historical martial spirit, this is what Liu Cheng gained in Zhang Yan's branch this time.

In addition to these, when Liu Cheng finally went to find Lu Fang, he also got a huge surprise from Lu Fang.

Liu Cheng's so-called surprise was Lu Fang's treasure chest. In fact, what was contained in that treasure chest was not jewelry or the like, but books!

Liu Cheng took a look on the way back to Heijiao Island. There were about [-] books in that treasure box, most of which were various Confucian classics, about five were about military tactics, and one was about herbal medicine. books.

Among those books, there are three that Liu Cheng is most satisfied with.

"Herbal Medicine"

Category: Herbalism Books
Item Class: Boutique

Item description: A relatively esoteric herbal medicine book, which records the shapes and medicinal effects of almost all herbs in the world in detail. It is a relatively classic one-step herbal medicine book.

Reading conditions: none
Ps: This kind of book has certain specialties. It is detected that you already have a full level of [Elementary Herbalism], you can spend 1000 cultivation points and consume "Herbal Medicine Classics" to improve your [Elementary Herbalism] skills!
"Essays of Master Zeng"

Item classification: Confucian classics

Item Class: Excellent

Item description: This book was written by the sages of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It contains the profound meanings of Confucianism understood by the sages. After reading, it can greatly improve the reader's spirit and talent, and may even have special skills.

Reading conditions: talent and learning 60
"On the Battle of the Navy"

Item classification: Military Art of War

Item Class: Boutique

Item description: The book on the navy published by the military of the Great Zhou 300 years ago contains the essence of the water warfare of the generals of the Great Zhou navy 300 years ago. After reading it, it can improve the reader's commander in chief and the commanding ability of the navy.

Reading requirements: Commander 40
It should be because of the system that these three books fell into Liu Cheng's hands and became something like a skill book.

However, Liu Cheng did not reject this situation. He learned the "Herbal Classics" on the spot. When Liu Cheng learned the "Herbal Classics", when the system prompt came, Liu Chengcai realized that he seemed to have ignored many systems before. hint……

(End of this chapter)

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