Chapter 141 Chapter 141
Although Liu Cheng is a very cautious person, occasionally he still has to do risky things because of the situation.

For example, Liu Cheng's robbery for more than ten days that stirred up the situation in Hokkaido before, and this time's raid on Zhongtun Island!
These two actions can be regarded as risky moves. However, in this so-called risk, in fact, Liu Cheng was not really reckless without saying anything or thinking about it. Liu Cheng still can't do it.

Even if it's a risky move, Liu Cheng must be as safe as possible and keep everything in his own hands as much as possible.

To master everything, intelligence is the first premise, so Liu Cheng took the lead in finding the man with thousands of faces who could help him obtain the information he wanted before he acted!

As Zhang Yan's life and death enemy, when Liu Cheng told Qianmianren that he was going to raid Zhongtun Island, Qianmianren naturally spared no effort to help Liu Cheng!

Thanks to the help of Thousand Faces, Liu Cheng can't be said to know the situation of Zhang Yanzhong's Tun Island branch well, but at least he has a considerable understanding.

After grasping the general information of the other party, it will be much easier for Liu Cheng to do something next.

Liu Cheng first used the channel of Thousand Faces to lead his most elite system soldiers into Zhongtun Island in advance to get familiar with the terrain and prepare for an ambush.

Afterwards, they used Zhang Kai's menacing arrival of five pirate ships to attract Luo Da's attention. When Zhang Kai entered Zhang Yan's branch, at least half of the branch's strength was Looking at the five pirate ships that didn't actually have many people.

The branch at this time can be said to be unprecedentedly empty.

Under such circumstances, Liu Cheng led a small number of people to the prison of the branch and rescued Zeng Wen and Zhang Li. On the other hand, Qin Yangwu took Liu Dali and Yan Nu and other generals to lead three hundred [Excellent Pirate] with a force of up to 30 directly entered the branch!
Pirates with a basic force of up to 30 are top-notch existences in Hokkaido, not to mention the entire East China Sea, and even in the Great Zhou they can be regarded as elite teachers.

The pirate force of Zhang Yan's branch is basically only about 20, and the most elite is only 25. The force of the two sides is not equal in itself.

Not to mention that at this time, Liu Cheng still had a team led by a strong general like Qin Wuyang. As soon as they launched a surprise attack, they immediately knocked down the door of the branch, throwing the whole branch into chaos.

However, although the branch was in chaos at this time, the situation was actually not that bad!

This is more of their territory, as long as they can organize to resist, not to mention defeating Qin Yangwu and others, as long as the battle is delayed, and when their large troops come back to help, then Liu Cheng's headache will be on his side .

However, the branch is doomed to have no way to organize resistance, and the reason is very simple, that is, Liu Cheng and the others have a potential "ally" on their side. This so-called "ally" is not the man with thousands of faces, but Luo Da!

Before Lu Qing explained to Luo Da, he asked Luo Da to notify him when the people from Black Reef Island came.

If Rhoda had really done this, then the situation at this time would be completely different. However, the problem is that Rhoda had some careful thoughts at this time.

He twitched his head, thinking that Lu Qing wanted to get a share of this matter.

So not only did he not notify Lu Qing, he even begged his brother, Luo Yun, the real talker of this branch, to help him dismiss Lu Qing today.

Luo Yun, Luo Da's elder brother, has amazing martial strength and a good heart. The only shortcoming is that he dotes on his younger brother very much. Luo Da, who is such a foolish request, can't bear it after a lot of hard work. Yun actually agreed.

So, under this wave of assists from Luo Da, at this moment, when Liu Cheng's people came up, Luo Yun, the spokesperson of the branch, and Lu Qing, who had a special status, were not there.

And Luo Da, who was barely able to manage things, was even more unlucky at this time. He was directly controlled by Zhang Kai and Zhang San.

Ever since, the entire branch fell into a state of chaos without a leader.

Facing the wolf-like Black Reef Island, they might not be able to fight even in their heyday, let alone this kind of bird. Therefore, the entire branch was defeated in just half an hour. After being killed and pierced by Qin Yangwu, he directly controlled the branch!

And when Qin Yangwu killed the entire branch with blood flowing into rivers, they did not sit idle on the other side.


In the branch, in that reception room!

Looking at Zhang San who grabbed him in front of him, and Zhang Kai who suddenly changed his face, Luo Da was a little dazed, but this brain-dead man quickly reacted, and at this time a cold and joking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What? Can't help it? Want to explode? Okay, come on, let me show you your courage..."

"Slap!" Rhoda didn't finish his sentence, and Zhang San, who was holding him, slapped him casually. Rhoda lost half of his teeth directly, and he was completely confused.

"Donkey is making a nest!" Rhoda, who lost his teeth, roared angrily!

"It's the first time I've seen this kind of request! Of course I have to satisfy you!" While speaking, he opened his hand and slapped down again, directly knocking out the other half of Rhoda's teeth.

"Okay, okay, stop playing, the time is almost up, Doctor Liu should have succeeded, let's start to act on our side too!" Zhang Kai looked at Luo Da who was beaten miserably, although he was in a good mood, but Have not forgotten their business.

"Okay...what are you going to do?" Rhoda, whose teeth were knocked out, stared at the two of them angrily, and asked in a breathless voice.

Although he couldn't understand Luo Da's words, Zhang Kai could still guess what he was thinking at this time: "Are you asking what we are going to do?"

Rhoda nodded, Zhang Kai squatted down directly in front of him.

"I heard that you have a secret warehouse on Zhongtun Island, and the key to that warehouse is in your hands, right?"

Hearing this, Luo Da became energetic immediately, his eyes widened, he glared at the two of them, and was about to say something, but at this moment Qin Yangwu launched an attack, and the whole branch was crying , Rhoda's face suddenly turned pale: "Are you one of them? How dare you do this? Who are you?"

Opened his mouth and grinned: "Do you remember what excuse you used to attack us before? Congratulations, you guessed it right, we were the ones who almost killed Lu Qing a month ago."

Rhoda's face suddenly turned pale, and the previous arrogant arrogance completely disappeared, because at this moment, he knew that the group of people in front of him were not little shrimps that he could bully at will, but giant sharks that could kill him at any time. !
"It seems that you already know your situation, so it's easy to handle. If you want to survive, hand over what we want!"


One or two more chapters today.

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(End of this chapter)

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