Chapter 133 Rewards
[Ding, the level of your 400 system soldiers has been raised! 】

As soon as this system prompt sounded, Liu Cheng immediately opened the attribute page, and at the same time mobilized the attributes of [Pirate Elite] and [Daming Navy] after advanced.

Zhao Er
Arms: Pirates (Excellent)

Loyalty: 100
Skills: Elementary water combat
Force: 30
Experience: 0/20000
Advanced direction:? ? ? (Visible after the experience is full)

Arms: Sailors (Zheng He Department)
Loyalty: 090
Skills: elementary sailing, elementary water warfare

Force: 40
Experience: 0/50000
This is the attribute of [Pirate Elite] and [Daming Navy] after advanced, no, it should be called [Excellent Pirate] and [Water Army Elite] at this time.

It can be said that the advancement this time has greatly improved the strength of those two arms.

Now Liu Cheng has a naval force with a basic force of 30. In terms of force alone, the force under Liu Cheng is almost the most tyrannical existence in Hokkaido, but at this time Liu Cheng is still a little bit uncomfortable. satisfy.

"We have excellent sailors. If we can have more powerful warships and even better sailors, it would be great!"

Speaking of the generals of the navy, Liu Cheng couldn't help but think of the "Basic Water Warfare" he had given to Zhang San and Qin Yangwu!
Liu Cheng originally hoped that they would be able to use this to comprehend the skills of water combat, but in the end they lost a copy of "Basic Water Combat" and the two did not comprehend any water combat skills.

Of course, they can't be blamed for this, after all, the possibility of comprehending water combat skills is only one in a thousand.

However, Liu Cheng did not give up on the aspect of the navy general, especially when he saw the attributes of [Water Army Sharpshooter], Liu Cheng suddenly had a bold idea.

Without further ado, Liu Cheng clicked on Ma Zhong's attribute page, took out 6.75 from his remaining 5 [Free Arms Experience], and threw it directly at Ma Zhong.

[Ding, Ma Zhong, your [Water Army Chief], has successfully advanced to become [Water Army Military Officer]! 】

Protagonist: Liu Cheng

Loyalty: 90
Occupation: Naval military officer


Force: 55, Spirit: 20, Talent: 20, Commander 30
Skills: Intermediate Navigation, Primary Water Battle Command

Looking at Ma Zhong's new attributes, to be precise, seeing Ma Zhong's [Elementary Water War Command] skill, Liu Cheng suddenly smiled: "Okay, finally there is a general who is good at water warfare Already!"

With Ma Zhong, the [Navy Military Attaché], the combat power of the system soldiers under Liu Cheng can be increased by at least three times. At this time, Liu Cheng is not to mention how happy he is. For Ma Zhong, the only one under his command [ Naval military attache] Liu Cheng is also a treasure.

Directly ordered someone to send Ma Zhong "Basic Art of War", "Breaking the Sea Sword Art" and "Iron Blood Battle" to improve Ma Zhong's strength.

After rewarding a wave of things, Liu Chengcai turned his attention back to the system rewards this time.

However, after eating the big head of [Arms Upgrade], the next rewards seem to be nothing. He feels that the remaining rewards should not surpass [Arms Upgrade].

However, when Liu Cheng chose to obtain [Random Special Talent] and the so-called [Unknown Reward], a huge surprise hit Liu Cheng directly on the head, making Liu Cheng a little dizzy.

[Ding, congratulations on winning the title of [Intermediate Shipbuilder]! 】

[Ding, congratulations on getting a [System Building Free Construction Order]! 】

Following the sound of these two system prompts, a loyal and honest middle-aged man with a beautiful token appeared in front of Liu Cheng.

"Is this luck? Or is this part of the system's rewards?"

Liu Cheng looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and the token in his hand for a long time before he came back to his senses.

He didn't have any hope for the [Junior Shipyard] at first, and he already felt that the so-called [Junior Shipyard] would not have much hope to build it if he didn't do it. Sent it up.

"It seems that if I don't build the [Junior Shipyard], I'm afraid even God won't agree!"

Liu Cheng smiled, put away the [System Building Free Construction Order], and then asked someone to take the [Intermediate Shipbuilder] down to rest.

Although he already had the idea of ​​building the [Primary Shipyard], the construction of the [Primary Shipyard] was not a trivial matter. It was impossible for Liu Cheng to just find a place to build the shipyard by clapping his hands.

Where to build, when to build, and how to conceal it all need to be considered.

So Liu Cheng has to wait a little longer on this matter. For now, he will open that [Random Treasure Chest] first.

"It seems that my luck is still very good today, I hope the last [Random Treasure Chest] will not let me down!"

While speaking, Liu Cheng stretched out his magic hand towards the [immediate treasure box]!

[Ding, you have successfully opened the [Random Treasure Chest], and you have obtained a special elixir [Washing Marrow Pill]! 】


Item classification: Elixir

Elixir Grade: Special

Explanation of the elixir: A special and mysterious elixir, which is refined by a special method. After taking it, it can cut the bone and wash the marrow of the user to improve the talent of the user.

Use conditions: no
Restrictions on use: historical generals templates are prohibited

Liu Cheng was a little surprised when he saw the properties of Xisui Pill. One was that he did not expect to be prescribed this kind of pill, and the other was because of the restrictions on taking it.

From the consumption limit, Liu Cheng vaguely saw the disadvantages of the historical generals template, but at this time Liu Cheng still didn't care too much, after all, the generals of the two historical generals templates under his command were both abnormally strong.

"Is it the marrow washing pill? I'd better keep studying this thing for a while!"

As Liu Cheng said, he put away the [Washing Marrow Pill]. So far, Liu Cheng's reward for the territory upgrade this time has been completely harvested.

"How should I put it, the harvest this time is not bad. With this harvest, as long as the [Junior Shipyard] and the [Level [-] Pirate Ship] are built, then even if I am tough with Zhang Yan, I will not Frightened!"

Speaking of which, Liu Cheng opened his territory page, admiring his upgraded territory attributes.

Territory: Black Lagoon

Territories under its jurisdiction: Donglai County (grey), Heijiao Island, Heifeng Island, Yanye Island...

Territory level: village level

Territory Type: Island Group
Territory area: 132.32 square kilometers
Territory funds: 4501 gold 342 copper coins
Territory special talent: intermediate shipbuilder (1 person)
Territory System Building: Barracks (Level [-])

Buildings that can be built: administrative hall, crude port, rudimentary shipyard, watchtower
Territory population: 1020 people

Territory cohesion: 60 (normal)
Civil officials: one (Li Dajiang)
Generals: Seven (Zhang San, Qin Yangwu, Zou Lan, Liu Dali, Ma Zhong, Wang Er, Wang San)
Territorial Army: slightly
(The last time the territory attribute appeared, the next time it will appear in the form of a single chapter, or the territory card of the WeChat official account)
While Liu Cheng was admiring his territorial attributes, another system prompt popped up.

[Ding, your territory has been upgraded to [village level], activate the task [Territory Construction 2]! 】

(End of this chapter)

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