The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 959 The Guardian Fox Fairy of the Ouyang Family 12

Chapter 959 The Guardian Fox Fairy of the Ouyang Family 12
"Honey, do you want to go out to play?" Zong Ziyang heard the words, and subconsciously looked at the beauties around him. He also seemed to find that almost every movement of the beauties around him could touch his heart. It really was him The stunner at home, where are you going to seduce yourself?He almost couldn't get enough of this little beauty.

"Of course, if I don't go out to play anymore, I feel like I'm moldy. Husband, why don't you go out to play today? Go to the suburbs... let's go mountain climbing!" Ding Xian said immediately.

When Zongzi Yang heard the words, he subconsciously thought of some thoughts to go to the other side, climb up?That's not two people together...

Zong Ziyang, who couldn't help thinking too much, nodded immediately. Although the two of them had practiced all the postures in this room, some new things in the wild, as well as untapped treasures, he hoped that each other would There are more new things to be discovered by myself.

"Okay! Let's go to the suburbs and climb up." Zong Ziyang was completely wrong.

After all, it is a piece of modern female harem article, telling the story of the heroine expanding her harem step by step by relying on seduction, from a school girl to elite leaders in all aspects are all collected by her under her pomegranate skirt, and finally create a new world. A woman can also have a new era of many husbands, this is really a bloody thing.

"Really? Brother Ziyang, thank you!" Ding Xian immediately nodded upon hearing this, pulled Zong Ziyang over with one hand, kissed his left cheek, and then immediately got up and went straight to the bathroom to tidy herself up. After changing his clothes, he waited for Zong Ziyang.

She figured out that a man like Zong Ziyang couldn't be teased, so she left the scene of the incident immediately after kissing a man, otherwise, she might be dragged back to rebuild again.

"Honey, get up quickly, I'll be waiting for you outside..." Ding Xian's petite voice sounded outside.

"..." Zong Ziyang subconsciously smiled when he heard the words, then got up and went outside directly.

"Husband, hurry up! People heard that it is just the autumn wind, and the maple leaf forest in the suburbs is red, like fire, very beautiful. Husband, hurry up and take me there to play." ?”

"Okay, my husband will take you to play..." Zong Ziyang nodded, changed his clothes and walked out, the two of them went downstairs together, drove the car out, and started to go to the suburbs.

Because it is not the weekend at this time, and some peak commuting periods are staggered, so there are very few commuters now, and there are even few cars on the road. However, when they don't know it, behind them There was actually a car following behind them. I don't know if it was to meet the needs of the plot, neither Zong Ziyang nor Ding Xian noticed the car behind them.

When they arrived at the geological park on the maple forest side, the two of them just got out of the car, and the people over there immediately started to fight. They all rushed up with bags in their hands and knocked people out. Then they were directly tied to the car, and there was no surveillance around them, which made it very convenient for them to commit crimes.

The heroine was kidnapped by Bai Yichen again, and this time it was the beginning of the three of them being together. The following days will also start a new chapter in Ding Xian's seduction journey. As long as these two men are conquered, they are willing to share her, then then Next, another hero will appear.

Beibei also started to think about it, lying on the blanket, blowing on the electric fan, while thinking of some plots, she nodded her paws, which was also the message she just conveyed through the book of tricks she gave to Ding Xian After making an analysis, now the two men are starting to struggle with her, and neither of them is willing to give up. For this reason, the two men fought. In the end, Ding Xian didn't want them to do this, so she left home sad Running away, Ding Xian happened to be living in the villa area on the other side of Fenglin Mountain at that time. It happened that she appeared this time, and she met the male lead three who was injured and fell in the forest, a soldier, and the position of the male lead Still quite high.

I crack!Domineering president, campus male god, and now brother Bing, what's next?
The plot that Sansheng gave Beibei was not very precise, but there was only a rough idea, and Beibei was a little tangled up to this point.

She wants to use the female partner, that is, Qingmei, the soldier brother, to rescue him!But she didn't know how to contact the family, so after much deliberation, she could only focus on Ouyang Yu, besides, these relationships are good for him, one more friend is better than one more enemy.

And she came to guard the last only seedling of Ouyang's family, so she couldn't let the only seedling be lost by herself.

"Ouyang Yu, how about we go to Fenglin Mountain to climb, call Shang Xueyao." It just so happens that the two of you can improve your relationship!
Of course, Beibei didn't say the last sentence.

"Are you going to play there?" Ouyang Yu subconsciously looked at Beibei and said.

"We haven't gone out for a long time. We've grown moldy at home. Hurry up and play..." Beibei walked over and took the lazy man in his mouth, threw him into the room to change clothes, and then walked away. When I went to the next yard, I happened to see Ning Xueyao drying clothes in the yard.

"Xueyao, are you going to play in Fenglin Mountain?" Ning Xueyao asked herself when she looked up and saw Beibei sticking out a fox's head.

"Ah?" She was subconsciously surprised when she heard the words, and then immediately looked inside the house to see if her parents had noticed the outside. She was sure that they hadn't noticed the outside, and she was relieved.

"Your brother Yu wants to take me to Fenglin Mountain to play! Do you want to come?" Beibei subconsciously threw out another sentence, and sure enough, the second sentence was alluring, she immediately lit up her eyes, and then nodded :"I go!"

"Hehe..." Beibei smiled evilly, and after returning, Ouyang Yu also took out his car.

"I called Xueyao together, it's fun to have more people..." Beibei came over and said.

Then she jumped into the car, and Ning Xueyao in the next yard quickly changed her clothes. Today she was wearing a light blue jumpsuit, which made her more beautiful and made Ouyang Yu take a second look .

Ning Xueyao blushed slightly after being watched by Ouyang Yu for two seconds, and immediately sat down on his co-pilot with her head down.

"... "

Beibei looked at the two people from behind and the atmosphere was a bit ambiguous. The more she saw Ouyang Yu and Ning Xueyao together, the happier she was. Compared to Ouyang Yu who likes Ding Xian, she likes Ouyang Yu and Ning Xueyao even more Together, no matter what, Ding Xian's female stallion is not good enough for Ouyang Yu, dammit, a woman with multiple boats on her feet, every man wants others to miss you, you really think you are Who is it?

Don't think that she can go to the harem unscrupulously because of her charm.

Going to the Fenglin Mountain on the outskirts of the city is still some distance away from them, so after they arrived here, Beibei jumped down immediately, and then saw a certain building marked on the navigation map in the space In the villa area near Fenglin Mountain, three points are stuck together. Seeing here, Beibei probably guessed something. At this time, the heroine is probably already with those two men, and then soon There will be a third male protagonist appearing, that is, the soldier brother.

This can't work, she has to let Ouyang Yu come over when it comes to rights, this is what she mainly does.

"Let's go. We'll set off right away!" Beibei didn't dare to speak any more this time, but directly communicated her consciousness in the minds of the two.

"Hu Beibei, we've all come here, why are you in a hurry? What's wrong with this mountain climbing? It seems like someone wants to grab chicken legs from you?" Ouyang Yu laughed.

However, Beibei was very unhappy when he heard his words. What are these words?

Does she mean this?It's obviously not good, is it?She seems to have found that other moving blue dot, which is another important person besides the heroine and her two men, and she is still approaching the heroine, but seeing that blue dot is about to disappear When it was about to arrive, it suddenly collapsed there, and there was movement on the side of the heroine.

not good!

"Hurry up, you guys..." Beibei quickly shuttled through the forest, and the two people behind couldn't keep up.

(End of this chapter)

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