The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 937 Brother Jun Stopped 16

Chapter 937 Brother Jun Stopped 16
Before putting these fish down, Beibei fed these fish with some spiritual liquid, and then put the fish down, and soon these fish went into the river in a big way, but these fish really complied with it. Curious about the baby's name, every day as long as Beibei fishes the small fish bred in the fish pond and feeds them here, these fish will immediately wait on the shore and stare at you with round eyes, as if they are very Staring at you curiously.

As long as there are people standing on the shore, these fish will basically swim over and look at you, and they will not go away unless you leave. Sometimes some ducks in the vegetable garden come and chase them. However, because of the size of these fish Big, the duck has no way to start, can only look at these and hide from a distance, can't eat, can't it hide?

Tong Xinle was also annoyed by Chen Changming. What's more, after the last time she had sex with Chen Changming, the result was that she forgot to use contraception afterwards, and this happened unexpectedly.

Tong Xinle was also panicked when he found out that he had Chen Changming's child, and when Chen Changming knew that Tong Xinle had a child of his own, he was so happy that he immediately became more enthusiastic towards Tong Xinle.

However, Chen Changming is also a typical Chen Shimei, he can comfort Du Xiaolei with sweet words, but he really moved Tong Xinle under his strong attack.

Tong Xinle looked at her little belly, and didn't know what to do, should she get rid of it?It's just... She was a little reluctant. In her previous life, she had an excuse to let this man make things difficult for her because she couldn't be a mother. Now that she has a child, she doesn't want to kill the child very much. After all, it is her own. child.

"Xin Le, don't worry, I will treat my child well! This is our child, and I will definitely treat her well, Xin Le, just agree to my marriage proposal! Do you want to see our child without a father? Is it?" Chen Changming said sincerely.

Du Xiaolei on the side couldn't help being a little jealous when she heard it, she was so jealous that she was just a child and let Brother Changming behave like this!

"..." Tong Xinle looked at him subconsciously when she heard the words, her face was not as sharp as before, maybe she became a mother!Now she has a much more gentle face.

"Okay! I'll trust you this time..." Tong Xinle nodded, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Really?" Chen Changming was immediately happy when he heard the words, and immediately stood up smiling and wanted to hug Tong Xinle.

Tong Xinle couldn't help but stop: "What are you doing? Stop it, I'm still pregnant!"

Tong Xinle immediately stopped him and treated him sternly.

"Uh! Right! I almost forgot, sorry sorry..."

"Xin Le, I'm just too happy to be like this..." Chen Changming apologized stupidly.

Du Xiaolei over there felt a little uncomfortable looking at it, especially thinking that the child in Tong Xinle's stomach would become her obstacle, and she wished that when she was by Tong Xinle's side, she would kill the child with a pack of medicine .

"Okay, I got it, you go out first!" Tong Xinle said feeling a little tired when she met Chen Changming.

"Brother Changming, were you serious just now?" Du Xiaolei watched Chen Changming come out, she grabbed him with one hand, and asked fiercely.

"What's true?" Chen Changming didn't realize it, so he was dragged and asked with a bad face.

"That's... is it true that you will marry that woman? You are going to marry Tong Xinle, brother Changming, didn't you promise me to marry me? How could you?" When Du Xiaolei said this, her voice subconsciously became sharp .

"Xiaolei!" Chen Changming was shocked when he heard the words, he covered Du Xiaolei's mouth with one hand, and was pulled into a utility room.

He just coaxed people well, and now he will definitely not be able to wake them up, so he also anxiously explained after pulling people here: "Xiao Lei, this is not true, I only have You, have you forgotten what I promised you at the beginning?"

"How could you forget so quickly? It turns out that I was the only one who remembered this incident. You..." Chen Changming is simply a showman. After coaxing Tong Xinle here, he came here to coax Du Xiaolei again.

"I haven't forgotten, I remember..." Du Xiaolei immediately held Chen Changming nervously when she heard the words and said anxiously.

"Since you haven't forgotten, then you should remember that I only have you in my heart!" Chen Changming looked at Du Xiaolei and attached herself to his arms softly.

"Well! I remember, it's just Brother Changming, everyone is jealous!" Du Xiaolei blushed, she was shy, and her hands began to feel a little restless.

Sure enough, she was still affected by Tong Xinle's pregnancy just now. Seeing Chen Changming taking care of her in every possible way, she also wanted a child of herself and Brother Changming. I can have a child of both of them.

"Brother Changming, I want...can you give me a child too?" Du Xiaolei said with a look of courtship, looking at Chen Changming's body is also hot, but he still has some scruples: "This is not good, if someone comes ..."

"No, Tong Xinle's mood is capricious recently. No one came to this room except me and her. They were scolded when they came, so..."

"Oh! Brother Changming, just give it to me! It's been a long time since I said it..." Du Xiaolei said coquettishly, her hands had already started to provoke the man's anger.

"Little goblin! I'm going to be squeezed dry by you!" Chen Changming was also full of energy, and suddenly went crazy with Du Xiaolei in this small storage room.

But Tong Xinle, who was not far away from them, slept soundly. It may be because she was pregnant with the child. During this period of time, she had become sleepy a lot, and even her temper had increased a lot.

Since Chen Changming got Tong Xinle's nod, he appeared here more and more frequently. In the end, even this farmhouse was taken over by him. After all, it belonged to his future wife, and he helped to take care of it confidently.

After Chen Changming was the first to take over the Nongjiale, he rectified the manpower immediately, and directly cleaned up a bunch of lazy women, which made all the women in the village full of complaints, but Chen Changming has some skills in business, and he is not indecisive like Tong Xinle.

No, after dealing with this bunch of blood-sucking worms, he started to rectify other aspects. He recruited quite a few people back in the talent market. This batch of blood changes really made Tong Xinle's farmhouse happy. There has been some improvement, although it has only improved, but the taste of the vegetables here is still not as good as that of Beibei's. It is already a high-quality dish that cannot compete with Beibei's.

This top-quality vegetable can't compete here, but he won it in another aspect.

Chen Changming, who knows how to be flexible, quickly changed his strategy. To deal with insects, he is not as stubborn as Chen Xinle and cannot use pesticides. He will definitely use this pesticide, but after applying it, he will give these vegetables a period of time. Take it easy, wait until the deadline for these pesticides has passed before starting to pick vegetables, and make appropriate adjustments in the price, and quickly connect the low-end and medium-end links of vegetables.

Beibei's face darkened slightly after knowing the man's plans. I have to say that Chen Changming is indeed very business-minded.

Another few months have passed, and winter is coming slowly. Tong Xinle's farmhouse music has picked up again. She seems to have no cold expression towards Chen Changming. There will be heavy snowfall every year, and the fact that the temperature in the country has dropped sharply tells him to prepare for a rainy day.

The continued heavy snow will definitely affect vegetable prices, and their vegetables will definitely be affected, not only their vegetables will be affected, but vegetables across the country will also be affected, and vegetable prices will definitely rise at this time.

During the period of managing Tong Xinle's vegetable garden, Chen Changming still couldn't help asking Tong Xinle for money, but even though Tong Xinle nodded to let him be the father of her child, she didn't lose her mind at all. Let Chen Changming write the IOU, as long as there is an IOU, she dares to borrow it with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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