The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 922 My Alien Husband 46

Chapter 922 My Alien Husband 46
There was a big shadow in Beibei's heart, her eyes were all covered with flames, this was not enough, and there was another scene that made her see a hotter scene, Chen Yinyin was crying again, and Li Huayu ran up to hug the familiar back view.

"Wife, what are you looking at?" Just as Beibei was looking engrossed, a fluffy head suddenly squeezed in, followed by a loyal dog Fan.

"Uh..." Beibei felt her eyes twitch and her heart twitch suddenly when she heard the words, her husband is here, so... the person over there is....

Beibei subconsciously followed her gaze, and looked at the back of Chen Yinyin hugging her. It was damn similar, very similar to her husband's back, but he was not the real person, and her husband was still here.

Beibei was almost deceived by that back view, as long as she walked up to the wrong person, it would be embarrassing!And Chen Yinyin's...

Sure enough, when that shy boy turned his head, Murong Ming, Bei Bei, and Chen Yinyin were all taken aback.

Fuck!This man is definitely that kind of back shot, the back view is as high as [-]% similar to Murong Ming, but when he turns around, his face is unbearable to look at, his face is full of pockmarks, and when he smiles, he still has a pair of eyes. The front teeth burst, I wiped it, this contrast also made Beibei and Murong Ming feel like a surprise.

And Chen Yinyin was also frightened, and she wanted to do evil in her heart. Her affectionate confession just now was in contrast to the contrast between the front and back of this face. She subconsciously swallowed her saliva without spine, which was called disgusting. I can't control the things I spit out.

"Haha..." Beibei couldn't help laughing immediately, but Murong Ming immediately blocked her mouth, you can use your hands to block her mouth!But Murong Ming, what are you doing?

If you want to make everything so ambiguous, Murong Ming, an alien, is also quite weird. After blocking his mouth, he didn't forget to lick it, with relish.

"Honey, don't laugh, or you'll be discovered..."

"..." Beibei was speechless and continued to watch the play.

Chen Yinyin was so embarrassed that she was dying of embarrassment, and she was quite frightened by the excited expression on the boy's face after she turned her affectionate confession.

"I, I...wouldn't reject you." The boy was very happy, he burst his front teeth and drooled as soon as he spoke, and faced with the confession of Chen Yinyin, the beauty of the art department, could he not be excited?

So when he came excitedly, he immediately gave Chen Yinyin, who was still dull, a warm hug.

Chen Yinyin, who responded, was unwilling immediately, and she stretched out her hand to open this man.

No, she absolutely can't be with this man.

"Yinyin, I promise you, I actually liked you a long time ago...I didn't know you liked me so much...I'm so excited!" The boys naturally knew Chen Yinyin, after all, she was the school belle of their college!
The four big school beauties in this school have given a new ranking, and Chen Yinyin is also in it, and he has always noticed Chen Yinyin, and now she confessed to him openly, this happiness really came so suddenly, he almost felt like It was too late to react.

Chen Yinyin was brought back to her senses by his warm hug, she was just about to refuse, but today her luck seems to be very bad, she was caught by those campus gossip editors.

"Wow, this is definitely a historical surprise! I didn't expect our pure school beauty to be so happy..." The girl hugged the camera excitedly, and before she was happy, she saw Chen Yinyin on the other side immediately when she saw her Just walked towards her.

No, these things are the number one breaking news that she dug up, and they must not be taken back. So, the girl also went all out, and as soon as she saw Chen Yinyin running over, she turned around and slipped away like a rabbit.

"You don't want to go!" Chen Yinyin was so angry that she couldn't believe it was true. Not only did she confess her love to a man with a broken front tooth, but now she also took some pictures of her confession to that girl.

"Yinyin..." When the boy saw Chen Yinyin coming up, he hurriedly chased after her and called her.

"Don't call me?" Chen Yinyin was furious, she would get angry when she saw this broken front tooth, how could she be in a good mood to talk to him, and just yelled at this boy.

This roar immediately stopped the boys, because her image is not at all like the kind of educated, reasonable, and indomitable beauty he saw Chen Yinyin show to everyone before, but now this face is quite different. Make him very strange.

"Why can't I call you, I agreed to be your boyfriend just now!" The boy felt wronged.

"It's just you?" It's okay not to mention this one, but as soon as Chen Yinyin said this, she felt as if her powder keg had been detonated by someone, she just pointed at this boy and shouted, "Who are you! Take a mirror to look at your ugly face, dare to be a toad and want to eat swan meat, you are dreaming!"

"The reason I confessed to you just now is because I misidentified the wrong person. I wouldn't like you with such a bad front tooth, so give up! Even if I, Chen Yinyin, can't find a man, I won't want you?" Chen Yinyin roared, These words are completely as if they have not thought about it.

That's right, how can she calm down now, thinking that everyone on campus will know that she confessed to this ugly man who is not trash, her image, and no matter what she does in the future, she will be drawn to be with this man It doesn't matter, it's strange that she can calm down.

"..." When the boy heard Chen Yinyin's humiliating words, his eyes were also very angry. It is good that he admires Chen Yinyin, but he also has to save some face when he is in love, but now this woman , just because of his food allergies a few days ago, he had peas growing all over his face, and those front teeth slandered him like this, how could he not be angry?
And Chen Yinyin looked at the boy angry, but she didn't feel that what she said was too much, on the contrary, she became more frustrated and courageous: "Why? Not convinced? What's the use if you don't accept it? A man with big teeth, it's no wonder that a woman likes you!"

"Go back and take a good look at your ugly face in the mirror, and then come over and see if it's worth my love?" Chen Yinyin ruthlessly dropped these words and chased after her. She absolutely couldn't let that girl send the photo to you. out.

"You..." The boy was so angry that his face turned blue and then pale, and he clenched his fist tightly, but he still didn't do anything to her.

Bei Bei and Murong Ming hid in a corner and recorded these videos. Murong Ming also refreshed his understanding of this woman, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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