The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 910 My Alien Husband 31

Chapter 910 My Alien Husband 31
The whole person was in a state of high spirits. He took off his clothes in two or three strokes, and then began to jump in and take a bath, and finally a big bear hugged him directly. Even if Beibei was here, he was familiar with this A man's routine, but he still can't adapt to being tossed like this every day.

"Honey, is it because I didn't work hard enough! Why is there still no movement?" After the incident, Murong Ming asked strangely again by sticking to Bei Bei's belly.

"..." Beibei just didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Wife...wife..." And Murong Ming, just like Beibei was put on the pole, immediately came over to post warm words.

"I don't know..." Beibei was so sleepy that she couldn't even move her eyelids, so there was no time to pay attention to him.

"Then what should we do?" Murong Ming's eyes widened and he said, "Then... can we work harder than today?"

The front line is that I want more tomorrow, and Beibei is so sleepy now that she can't even hear what he is saying, so she nodded without thinking, it's ok... whatever it is!

"Really?" Murong Ming asked excitedly when he heard the words.


"Then let's go to sleep!" Murong Ming finally felt a sense of comfort, and immediately went to sleep with Beibei in his arms full of pride.

Friday is also an early day, but after what happened yesterday, it seems that Chen Yinyin didn't dare to come out, she kept hiding, it was rare that Bei Beicai didn't bother to pay attention to her when she was so shy.

"Beibei, we'll go to your house this Sunday! We haven't been to your new house yet! It's time to go and see..." Ye Liran said.

"Okay!" Beibei thought for a while, but she didn't think there was anything, and immediately nodded her head firmly.

"Okay, then you have to give us an address..." Fang Zhimeng was also interested and immediately called out.

"Can we take our boyfriend with us?" This sentence is the key point, otherwise, every time we go there, we will just watch you two show your affection and ignore them completely. This is too frustrating, so bring Boyfriends used to be necessary.

"It's okay... I'll ask my husband to cook more meals then!"

"Is Murong Ming cooking in your family?" Ye Liran was shocked, his eyes were full of surprises, he didn't expect that such a good-looking man would have this function, and he didn't know if his A Chen had this function?

"At home, he's the one who cooks!" Beibei smiled, and she was also happy to be looked at by these little friends who were full of excitement. Does this mean that there are good husbands and wives in the family?
"Oh my God! How can men nowadays do such things..."

"It's not that there is nothing, just to see how much they care about you. My family's Xiao Linzi can also cook, and I have eaten his cooking!" Zhou Yuyan smiled.

"Hehe. Then you are lucky!" Ye Ranran also enviously said.

A few people went to the snack street outside the school together, it was full of food, and there were some cheap seafood, Beibei didn’t dare to let Murong Ming buy seafood in the supermarket over there, oh, it’s just like It's so expensive, so after having it once, this thing can never happen again.

She still remembered the little turbot she ate last time, but when she heard Murong Ming's quotation, she was almost scared to death.

That piece of turbot didn’t weigh much, probably more than a catty. In the end, it cost more than 100 yuan. 100 yuan bought a fish over there, but you can buy a lot of fish here. In contrast, Beibei suddenly felt that he could not be lazy, so he directly asked a store to place an order for online shopping. As his regular customer, he could save some money. The chunky turbot was saved.

"Beibei, then we'll take you inside, let's go over there first to look at the clothes and eat something..." Ye Liran said.

"Go!" Beibei nodded, but she didn't ask them to follow her to buy seafood.

Seeing that there are actually quite a lot of seafood delivered today, Beibei first bought some conch shells and then lost some Pipi shrimp. It is a big shopping anyway, so she bought some as long as she liked it. Finally, she bought two breads Crab, thinking that Ye Liran and the others will come back on Sunday, it is convenient for Beibei to prepare more food, and then order more grouper and some sea prawns, thinking that these people like to eat crayfish.

Beibei paid special attention to ordering some crayfish, which cost about three hundred yuan. The boss was very happy to see this much money, and finally nodded to help deliver the goods. After all, they are big customers, and their own It didn’t take much time for a small van to be sent directly to the past. After nodding and agreeing, Beibei ordered some other small sea fishes. The bones of these fishes are very soft, and they can basically be eaten directly. At that time, if there were many people, she would get some more spring fish for them to barbecue.

My husband must not be able to do so much work. I said earlier that she also feels distressed, so Beibei also learned a lazy way to directly get an induction cooker hot pot, and there is another type of Korean barbecue, electromagnetic barbecue Furnace back.

After buying everything, Beibei directly asked them to deliver the goods to the door.

When it was about the same time, Murong Ming also drove over, and Beibei moved some small items back, and the rest of the items were at home waiting to be delivered to the door.

"I'm exhausted! Husband, my classmates will come over to play on Sunday, and it may take a lot of hard work for you to make delicious food..."

"It's okay, as long as my wife is happy." Murong Ming responded very positively, and nodded almost without thinking, which made Beibei somewhat confused when this man became so easy to talk, and it really was the next sentence Murong Ming immediately started to ask for welfare, and in the end Beibei reluctantly agreed to sacrifice his appearance, oh, this man is really enough, do you want to risk everything for this one thing.

I didn't rest for a long time in the lobby, and soon the deliveryman outside sent the goods to the customers. There was also a delivery during the period, that is, the purple potatoes that Beibei ordered online a few days ago, and now they are just delivered. come over.

"Put everything outside first, as for these seafood, you can put them directly in the freezer..." Beibei said, and then began to help move the seafood and went in directly.

Fortunately, the refrigerators in their house are all of the type that can be opened on both sides. There are four blast freezers in the basement that can just freeze everything. As for other things, they can only be placed outside first, and they cannot be removed directly. Things go in, otherwise they will not be able to squeeze.

"Honey, this time I commend you for bringing back so many fish..." Murong Ming's eyes were also bright when he saw the fish.

"..." Beibei was too lazy to speak, and gave him a blank look, ignoring this guy's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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