The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 908 My Alien Husband 29

Chapter 908 My Alien Husband 29
She has never seen such a timid man before. The more she thinks about it, the more she regrets why she found this man as her boyfriend in the first place?

"Don't tell me I'm... driving! You don't think I'm ashamed enough now, do you?" Deng Ziyan roared angrily.

Yang Dafu was so scolded that he didn't dare to show any emotion, so he drove the car directly. Deng Ziyan didn't even glance at the man next to him. When the car left, she still didn't forget to take a look at the car Murong Ming was driving. Cars, men who can afford a BMW, and are so handsome, these male gods are all set according to their own!
After making the comparison, Deng Ziyan was even more disgusted with Yang Dafu, and thought of how she was scolded by the hall manager just now, she was angry.

Isn't it just that dogs look down on people?You all just wait for me, when we get Ning Beibei's money, my sister won't kill you guys who look down on people.

Deng Ziyan thought viciously, after returning to school, she broke up with Yang Dafu immediately regardless of whether he wanted it or not. This kind of man is not suitable at all. If you are looking for a boyfriend, you should find the same man as the one just now. Type, not Yang Dafu, who can't even protect his own woman, is he still a man?
When Deng Ziyan returned to school, she was full of anger. She was thinking of looking for Ning Beibei, but she didn't find Ning Beibei. On the contrary, Zhou Fangyi waited for Beibei here.

Beibei folded her arms and looked at Zhou Fangyi in front of her, laughing. It seemed that she had been intercepted so many times by people using a Fang method in this period of time!

Let her think about what Zhou Fangyi is looking for at this time?Could it be that she ran out of pocket money and came to ask for it for herself again? Does she really look so much like a cash machine?

Therefore... all the best relatives saw him and wanted to come forward and ask him for money. His grandma, if it wasn't for the sake of not stretching the characters too much, she would definitely have dealt with these supporting characters severely.

No, she's itching now.

"Ning Beibei?" Zhou Fangyi looked at Beibei's changes a bit, so when she stopped her, she was stunned for a while and couldn't help but look like Beibei.

"Isn't it me?" Beibei sneered.

Seeing the response from Beibei, Zhou Fangyi lost all scruples immediately, and said with her arms folded like 'I asked you for money, you have to thank me': "It's just right for you to be here, hurry up and give me 5 yuan to spend!"

This is so straightforward, it seems that Beibei borrowed money from her and did not repay it, and now she is being chased.

Beibei sneered when she heard her words, and didn't intend to move at all. Beibei didn't care about how the host was bullied by them before, but now these people want to climb up on their own heads to show off Good luck, guess how she should fight back?

"Why should I give you money?"

"Do you dare not give me money?"

"Why don't I dare not give you money? Also. You're asking for [-] yuan, why don't you rob the bank!"

"It's much better to rob a bank than to ask me!" After Beibei finished speaking, she ignored them and wanted to leave immediately. However, Zhou Fangyi would not let Beibei go if she didn't get the money, so she subconsciously slapped them. Just hold Beibei.

As soon as Beibei saw someone holding her back, she directly pushed him down to the ground with a backhand.

"Ah!" Zhou Fangyi screamed, her hand was hurt by Beibei, she screamed subconsciously, but someone passed by Yoyo, so no one heard her scream.

"Ning Beibei, if you dare to hit me, let go, you hurt me, if you dare to do this, I will ask my father to revoke your student status." Zhou Fangyi yelled.

"Hehe...It's funny, it's up to you? Who do you think you are! What qualifications do you have to withdraw my student status."

"My father is your uncle, so this is the only qualification!" Zhou Fangyi roared, "You dare to treat me like this today, and I will definitely make you pay the price."

"It seems that you won't cry until you see the coffin? Now it's all meat on my chopping board, how dare you be so arrogant..." Beibei had a cold face, and immediately slapped Zhou Fangyi in a daze.

"Ah! You..." Zhou Fangyi immediately panicked. This was really the first time she was treated like this by Beibei, so after she realized it, she immediately clamored like a shrew to come forward and beat her back, but how could Zhou Fangyi May be Beibei's opponent.

"Fight back?"

"My sister has never been able to fight back since she learned how to beat people..." Beibei said coldly, and after beating people with ruthless strikes, she directly pulled out her memory, and then walked out of the inside, but her front foot As soon as she left, Deng Ziyan followed her back, but after she saw clearly Zhou Fangyi who was lying in the place where Beibei had just walked out, she was immediately frightened and called for someone.

Zhou Fangyi was beaten beyond recognition, but she was not fatally injured, at most, the injuries on her face were more frightening.

"Has the news been notified to the Zhou family?" Mother Deng immediately asked when Deng Ziyan told Mother Deng about this.

"Not yet?" Deng Ziyan said.

"Then did you ask Zhou Fangyi who was the one who beat her? That bitch deserved to be beaten!" Mother Deng said happily.

"..." Deng Ziyan didn't know what to say anymore, she subconsciously came back to that place where Ning Beibei came out at that time, she definitely had a reason Zhou Fangyi was beaten by Ning Beibei.

It's just that when she went in to ask, that woman Zhou Fangyi opened her mouth and beat her herself. Damn, she was kind enough to call someone for her, okay? Why did she become the one who beat someone?

Damn Zhou Fangyi, I knew that she was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and she would not call someone for her even if she was beaten to death, but now Zhou Fangyi insists that she beat someone herself, so no matter how she denies those people The way she looked at her was a little weird, she really hated Zhou Fangyi to death.

After beating someone up, Beibei got away with it. He didn't care about Deng Ziyan and Zhou Fangyi's side. He went to the gate and waited for the bus with ease, humming a song.

At this time, it seemed that the heavens didn't want to give Beibei an escape, no, Chen Yinyin appeared again, and Beibei was also drunk when she saw this woman.

Can you let her rest for a while!She will get tired from beating people, okay?
"Ning Beibei, you are reborn, right?" Chen Yinyin yelled at Beibei as soon as she came up, even revealing her hole cards.

Beibei was subconsciously stunned when she heard the words, it seemed that the heroine was not sure that she was reborn, so...does she want to play with some heroines?

"What nonsense are you talking about! I don't even know what you are doing! You must be crazy!" Beibei just pretended to be stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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