The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 856 Farewell My Concubine Lishan 10

Chapter 856 Farewell My Concubine Lishan 10
No, I can't let them find it, it's just that they have already come here.

These people have a clear goal, which is to go to their base camp. It seems that they have not given up and want to continue looking there. With the heroine's persistence, they will definitely not give up so affectionately, but she really does not want Zhao Zheng to be found. Why? manage?
It seems that she needs to clean up this group of people herself.

Thinking of this, Beibei didn't hide anymore, and when he caught a hare, he bumped into the officers and soldiers of King Zhao's Mansion.

"Little girl, please wait a moment." As soon as a soldier saw Beibei's eyes light up, he immediately stepped forward to ask.

However, he asked questions, but why did the soldiers behind him surround him? Wouldn't this method of asking directions scare people away?

Or are these people trying to rob women like Jin?
The brigade behind also stopped, and Tian Lier hurried over when she heard the sound.

"Xiao Li'er! Where are you going?" Zhao Yue was a little jealous of Zhao Zheng, who made Li'er care about him so much, but so what if he cared about him, don't try to snatch the woman he likes.

When Zhao Yue followed up, he saw that these soldiers had surrounded Beibei.

Zhao Yue walked up and saw Beibei in the crowd, his eyes lit up, the women who appeared here were generally rough people, but it was rare that they saw this beauty this time, she was already grown up at such a young age Well-groomed, even more beautiful than Lier.

"What do you mean? That's how you ask for directions?" Beibei asked coldly.

"Girl, don't be angry..." Zhao Yue walked out after speaking, his eyes fixed on Beibei from time to time.

Tian Lier over there was also jealous to death. If she hadn't had some scruples, she would have wanted to rush up and tear that face apart.

"Young Master Yue..." Tian Lier saw that Zhao Yue had put all his eyes on Bei Bei, and she couldn't help but stand up immediately: "It seems that Brother Zheng won't be here, we'd better go over there to find him! "

"How can this be? My son lost Qin Zhizi and couldn't find it. His father will also blame Yu Gu. Gu waited all the way to find him and disappeared. I think this girl must know."

"Fuck you, I don't know..." As soon as Beibei heard what these people said, how could she not understand the subtext of these people, wouldn't that mean that she would not let herself leave?
If she wanted to leave, she had to see if anyone could stop her.

"Bold, in front of our young master, you can be too big or small?"

"I'm not too old, what's the matter?" Beibei laughed back. The soldiers were so angry that they drew their swords and immediately slashed at Beibei. As soon as Beibei saw this, she immediately refuted, holding Go up to him with a sword.

The battle was triggered all at once, Zhao Yue saw that Beibei could know martial arts, so he didn't dare to get close, subconsciously stepped back a few steps, but Beibei just recruited and killed him, as the saying goes, capture the thief first, capture the king Capture that man, what do these people dare to do to themselves?
"Bold! Tricksters!" Those soldiers saw that Beibei dared to assassinate their Prince Yue, how dare they surround Beibei, they immediately went to the other side, Beibei saw that these people were scattered, she built Just accept it, and the repelled person hurriedly faded to the other side.

"That beauty must be captured alive and chased by my son!" Zhao Yue was also angry, no one had ever dared to escape from his eyes like this, and immediately a group of soldiers chased Bei Bei down the mountain.

And Beibei took them down the mountain on purpose.

Tian Lier's intuition told herself not to go down the mountain, as long as they were in the mountain, they would find Zhao Zheng soon, but at this time, Zhao Yue was so focused on catching Bei Bei that he had no time to pay attention to Tian Lier at all. if.

"Young Master Yue!"

Tian Lier watched them hurriedly catch up, she kicked her feet subconsciously, everyone left and she was left alone, and it was still in the barren mountains, suddenly there was another wolf cry from behind her, her delicate voice His little face turned pale all of a sudden, he didn't dare to stay here any longer, and hurried to catch up.

"Young Master Yue..."

Tian Lier immediately chased after her, and Beibei here intentionally lagged a few steps and waited for these people to catch up, then she intentionally stopped and fought them for a while, then continued to escape to the pipeline, directly throwing these people away. She ran away with all her strength when the people led her away. As long as Beibei used all her strength, those people would be thrown away quickly. Anyway, she can fly against the wind now, and these people would never be caught. Own.

After teasing them, Beibei immediately rushed to the cave.

They can't stay in the cave too long, or they will find it difficult to leave when that woman Tian Lier encourages that idiot Zhao Yue to come over.

When he came back to the cave again, it was already dark, and Zhao Zheng, who was in the cave, couldn't sleep anymore, and he didn't come back after seeing people out for so long.

And her appearance, I am afraid that she will become a target when she meets someone. After all, in the Warring States period, it is normal for soldiers to plunder beauties. There was such etiquette in the Western Jin Dynasty, as long as it was a beauty, it belonged to the king.

Some women in our street dare not go out, the Seven Kingdoms are messy enough, but he can't do anything with his current status, and he really doesn't want anything to happen to Bei Bei.

Pupu, just when Zhao Zheng was anxious, the horse over there immediately snorted and was about to walk towards Beibei. Zhao Zheng immediately looked over and realized that she had come back up.

"Why don't you rest..."

When Beibei came back, her body was covered with sweat, and there were some scattered hairs in her hair, and the corners of her clothes were also scratched by the soldiers' weapons during the fight.

As soon as Zhao Zheng saw this, his face subconsciously darkened a lot, and he suddenly walked up, grabbed Beibei's hand with one hand, and before Beibei could react, she was pulled into his arms , and was hugged tightly by him.


"Don't go!" His voice was still a little trembling, and he was using a lot of force. A fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy actually had this kind of strength. Beibei didn't struggle when he heard this.

After a while, he blushed and let go of Beibei: "Have you met those people?"

"Well! They seem to want to catch you, we can't stay here any longer."

"Well! Gu should be able to continue walking."

"Then let's pack up our things and leave quickly..." Beibei said as soon as she got up the things she let out, tied them into the two baskets injured on the horse's back, and then pulled the horse and began to change positions with Zhao Zheng.

Here, after the people led by Zhao Yue searched all the way, they didn't find any relevant traces at all. Tian Lier then expressed her doubts in her heart: "Young Master Yue, I guess we were fooled!"

"How to say?"

"Young master, think about it! The force of the woman just now seems to be higher than that of the people we brought. Killing people is a matter of every second, but she never killed our people when she made a move. That's why It means that she doesn't want to make enemies with us, but she is afraid that we will find someone, so there is a scene just now. She deliberately lured us here, and Brother Zheng is most likely to be with her. "

"If this is the case, let's go back quickly..."

Hearing this, Zhao Yue immediately rushed back with his soldiers, and it was already dark when they rushed back.

And even if they searched for someone overnight, when they found that cave, there was only a little bit of black charcoal there, and the fire had lost its temperature. Obviously, the person had left for a long time.

Beibei also traveled all night, and finally felt that they had walked almost the same night, so they dared to stop.

The two stopped by a small river, found a big stone to block the wind, picked up some dry leaves and twigs, and slowly lit the fire. With the light of the fire, the two sat down While resting.

Zhao Zheng turned his head and looked at Beibei's side face lightly, watching her packing up those things, finding out some pancakes for him to eat, and then killing the hare and putting it in the pot to cook when it came back. Make soup with some water.

Putting some Chinese prickly ash and salt is also considered seasoning, and some mushrooms picked last time were also put in. When Beibei put these mushrooms in, he subconsciously looked at Beibei, and seemed to know that those things were not edible. , but he saw that Beibei had dried these things a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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