The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 848 The Phoenix Man Is Me 55

Chapter 848 The Phoenix Man Is Me 55
Li Doudou was also a restless woman. Before she came to the company, she had been thinking of seducing Beibei all the time, but in the end, before she could make a move, Beibei came back and sent her out.

She likes to climb on the bed, so Beibei will help him, and send her directly to a boss's bed. If there is one, there will be two, and Li Doudou is afraid of Beibei. Walking away, I was afraid that I would be sent to someone else's bed by Beibei again.

She doesn't dare to seduce Beibei here, but she can still seduce other people. After being sent to the boss named Ning several times by Beibei, it's really hard to say that Beibei has become a woman like Li Doudou A romantic relationship with Boss Ning.

Later, Li Doudou actually took the wedding invitation to Beibei and Shen Zhizhi and asked them to attend her wedding. This incident really surprised them all.

"Very good!" Beibei said coldly.

I hope you won't try to kill me again, otherwise I won't be relentless.

And Shen Zhizhi also nodded, but that Boss Ning left three wives before, and I don't know why Li Doudou still joins in, but Li Doudou is interested in other people's money. After Shen Zhizhi knew about that, she and Li Doudou's relationship is no longer as good as it used to be.

After taking care of the company, Beibei directly gave all the family property he earned to his wife and children, and he was alone.

After all, I don't have any wealth, so I don't have any identity as a gold master to tempt my little sister to take the bait. After giving all the shares and money to my wife, there are really fewer flowers and plants around him. It's just a gold digger There are fewer, but there are still some famous ladies who have taken a fancy to Li Generation's ability, especially some wealthy daughters, there are always a few who are unwilling to give up.

However, Shen Zhizhi was not as weak as she was before, perhaps because of the stimulation of Li Doudou and Feng Yiyue, she was also full of tricks when dealing with the wild flowers outside, and Beibei couldn't help but feel ashamed.

In this life, Beibei had accompanied Shen Zhizhi through this life under the shell of a man, but before Shen Zhizhi died, she suddenly said a word to Beibei, which made Beibei wake up suddenly.

It turned out that Shen Zhizhi knew that he was no longer the original Li Generation, but she never said it out, kept it in her heart, and couldn't help it until the moment before she died.

She thanked herself for using Li Dai's body to take care of her all her life, when Beibei heard the sentence 'Can you tell me your name? ', she was stunned, and finally did not tell her until she died.

When returning to the space, Beibei was thinking about Shen Zhizhi's words before she died.

"Don't think too much about it! Shen Zhizhi is the Li generation who has loved her for two lifetimes. Different people have different styles of doing things. Naturally, Shen Zhizhi can feel some of it... But it's a good thing you didn't tell her your name, otherwise something will happen. of..." Sansheng said.

"I just can't figure it out. When did she find out? Then did she find out that I'm a woman? Although she knows that I'm not Li Dai, it's not uncomfortable to be concealed like this."

"Probably not..." Sansheng said.

Distributable points: 5
Contractor: Shi Beibei

Gender: Female
Age: 23
Appearance: 71
Intelligence: 88
Constitution: 85
Strength: 86
Skills: Tees bloodline inheritance, (hidden) Jiang Taigong Thirteen Fishing Styles, Wind Elements, Strategic Skills, Software Engineering (Intermediate), Taoism (Minor Accomplishment), Basic Rune Skills (Intermediate)
Blessing value: +3
Space World Completion: 5%
Distributable points: 5
"It's worth a little blessing!" Beibei glanced at the blessing where there was a little more.

"It was given to you by Shen Zhizhi." As soon as Sansheng finished speaking, Beibei thought of that silly woman in her mind, and she shouldn't be called stupid.

It's just that she doesn't know what to say about this simple woman, maybe there really is a feeling in this world called; the simpler the merrier!
"It's all allocated to the appearance..." Beibei glanced at his stat sheet, the only difference was that the appearance did not reach [-]%.

Distributable points: 0
Contractor: Shi Beibei

Gender: Female
Age: 23
Appearance: 76
Intelligence: 88
Constitution: 85
Strength: 86
Skills: Tees bloodline inheritance, (hidden) Jiang Taigong Thirteen Fishing Styles, Wind Elements, Strategic Skills, Software Engineering (Intermediate), Taoism (Minor Accomplishment), Basic Rune Skills (Intermediate)
Blessing value: +3
Space World Completion: 5%
Distributable points: 0
Enter the next interface: Farewell My Concubine Lishan
This is an era of wars and turmoil. There are seven heroes in the history of history, each of which is divided into a corner of the world, and finally they are all destroyed by the strong Qin State.

In fact, the origin of the Seven Heroes is that after the protracted war for hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period, the number of vassal states in the Zhou Dynasty was greatly reduced.

After the three families were divided into Jin Dynasty, Zhao, Wei, and Han became one of the most powerful countries, and the Tian family replaced Qi, and the pattern of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period was formally formed.

In the late Warring States period, mergers between countries became more intense.

Chu violated the covenant and formed an alliance with Qin, but under the attack of Qi, Han, Zhao and Qin, who had betrayed the alliance, he was unable to recover after a setback.Zhao destroyed Zhongshan.

The national power is strong, and although Qi relies on Han and Wei to compete with Qin, it is difficult to prevent Qin from encroaching on Han and Wei.In 288 B.C., Qi and Qin jointly claimed the title of Eastern and Western Emperors, but both gave up the title of emperor.

The next year, Su Qin, Li Dui and Zhao, Qi, Chu, Wei, and Han attacked Qin, and stopped at Chenggao (now Sishui, Xingyang, Henan). Qin returned some of the land lost by Zhao and Wei to seek peace. The next year, Qi destroyed Song.

The accumulation of history is inseparable from the accumulation and precipitation of bones from generation to generation. The ancients said: the long-term does not unite.

The trend of the times, but this world is constructed by superficiality and fiction, this method of constructing the world is completely accomplished the arrival of another heroine.

The historical documents of the Qixiong struggle for hegemony are that the wolves of the Qin State were ambitious to annex the Qixiong in one fell swoop. After years of fighting, especially in the last year, they dug Lingqu to smuggle soldiers in the south of the Lingnan area of ​​Xiyue, opened up the way of killing, and created the prosperity of the pre-Qin Dynasty.

However, something has changed in this world...

The only word Qinhuang can use for future generations is domineering, bloodthirsty, but it is also because this kind of domineering man has attracted the attention of some domineering women.

In modern times, a female archaeologist who was keen on archeology was robbed by bandits while transporting pre-Qin relics. In the end, her blood stained the pre-Qin relics red, and her soul was taken to the war-torn ancient times. From then on, history changed as I wished.

This is a fictitious and tampered novel. The heroine traveled to the pre-Qin era in her soul, and then embarked on the era of being infinitely favored by the domineering emperor.

The beginning of the story is that the heroine came here after she died in modern times and became a little girl. Because she was thinking about the hero Ying Zheng in her heart, the first task of the heroine when she came here was to capture Ying Zheng who was still a child. It's just that Ying Zheng at that time didn't like the heroine at all. In the end, the heroine saw that she couldn't get Yingzheng's love, so she simply chose King Yan Zhao as she should, and even used her ability to predict the future directly. A period of history has been changed beyond recognition, causing the plot of the general trend to seriously deviate from the track, and finally causing that world to be chaotic and broken, and even the original world history is affected. This situation is very critical.

The heroine ruined all history for her own selfish desires, and finally caused the people who died without reason to complain, and finally attracted Beibei to accept this task.

Beibei was also dumbfounded when she received the plot, feeling that this task is very noble.

There is no specific tasker for the task, so does that mean you have to use your own body to play the strategy?

That's not good!
"Sansheng, are you sure you chose the right mission this time? You want my sister to help King Qin fight... Do you see that I am the material to lead troops to fight?"

"Host, don't underestimate yourself, I believe you can do it..."

"Hmph! You sounded good, do it?" When Beibei saw the surrounding scenery clearly, she turned out to be a miniature version of herself. Not only that, but what's the matter with the old clothes and the old elders?

Beibei now looks like a little kid who has stolen an adult's clothes.

Looking at the surrounding barren mountains and wild mountains, Beibei was subconsciously dissatisfied: "Sansheng, why do you put me down every time in this kind of ravine? Are you playing with me! This time it's big Shen Shan, are you sure I can go out as a child?"

(End of this chapter)

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