The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 486 Three Years Under the Darkness Part 3

Chapter 486 Three Years Under the Darkness Part 3000
I don't know if it's Haiyin's luck or character. He simply carried it home. As soon as Deputy General Liu and the others left, two rogue-eyed men appeared in the woods. They were desperadoes hunted by the government. He was chased by a group of guards and walked into the forest. Fortunately, he hid in the place where Haiyin was sleeping. One of them was knocked down by Haiyin. He was about to make a sound but found a wonderful person lying on the ground Here, the moment the two saw Haiyin, they glanced at each other without saying a word.

The guards over there did not find the two of them after searching, so they went forward to look for them.

Seeing the soldiers go away, they came back to look at this woman.

"Brother, this chick looks good...Look at her skin is so smooth..." A thin and wretched man said and slapped Haiyin's face hard, yaha!This feeling is simply greasy.

"Yeah..." Another man with a bigger body and a face full of hostility nodded in response. The two were chased here by the soldiers, and they knew that they were not good people.

"Brother, it seems like it's been a long time since we were hunted down..." The skinny and wretched man said that he had already stretched his hands into Haiyin's clothes, and the man on the other side also looked at his face with an evil light, and also started to take off his clothes. The beauties are sent to them to relieve their loneliness, how can they be polite.

And Haiyin is still asleep at the moment, but as the movements on her body get bigger and bigger, she also begins to wake up gradually. When she was drowsy, she felt her body being rubbed constantly. She tried her best to open her eyes, but because Vice General Liu's palm was too strong, she still couldn't take it anymore. The next second, there was a sudden burst of severe pain. Haiyin couldn't wake up, but when she woke up Come to see such an exciting scene, a man is on her body, and her body is also tingling, and the man is sweating profusely on her body.

"Ah!" The man moved faster and exclaimed comfortably: "Brother, this woman is actually a baby!"

"Hurry up... I'm almost suffocated!" the man on the other side yelled. When Haiyin heard these voices, her head exploded, and she didn't react at all, but when she did, she stopped of thrashing men.

"Ah! Let go of me... bastard, how could you treat me like this..."

"Little bitch! How dare you hit me!" The thin monkey who was working hard had no idea that the woman would be slapped in the face by her when she woke up. He immediately became angry and pressed her down with the fat man beside him. Haiyin was also stunned by the request, she didn't know what was going on at all, she shouldn't be like this, she only remembered that Vice General Liu knocked herself out, and then she fell asleep completely. When she woke up and saw these pictures, her brain capacity instantly felt that she was not enough to pretend, and she wished that she had had a nightmare, but the obvious feeling on her body and the abnormal tide made her sink slowly, and she was entangled for a while Rejection for a while is ashamed and indignant.

This was not a dream, the two men let go completely, and she just lay naked in the grass like this, the two were about to leave, but they came back before they had walked a few steps.

"Brother, this chick is very exciting to play with. Why don't we keep it with us for a few more days. If we get to the city, we might be able to sell her and get a lot of money!" Said these words in Haiyin's face.

Haiyin panicked immediately when she heard these words, she backed away again and again, regardless of the pain in her body, she shook her head frantically: "Don't, don't..."

"No? Little beauty, I remember that you wanted it very hard just now... A little bitch who looks pure on the surface but is slutty in his heart. Now that he is like this, do you think you can still get rid of us?" The thin monkey smiled sinisterly.

" can't do this to me..." Haiyin yelled frantically, trying to run away, but was grabbed by the thin monkey from behind and dragged back.

She looked around desperately, wanting someone to come to save her, but no one appeared here. This place is too hidden, no one can find out, because Haiyin's struggle made the thin monkey and the fat man feel annoyed again. They held Haiyin down and did it again, and in the end Haiyin who was tortured to the point where she had no strength was taken directly by them, wandering all the way, sometimes the two even gave her up to those people just for a bite to eat. Come to enjoy yourself, and finally sold her to the brothel after it was of no use value. Haiyin never thought that she would have such a day, as long as she thought of what she had experienced, she would hate Liu Yi If it wasn't because he knocked herself out, if it wasn't because he didn't put herself in order, how could she have fallen to such a state? The more she thought about it, the more Haiyin thought that Liu Yi deliberately let herself be killed by those people. to insult.

After entering the brothel, Haiyin was restless and wanted to escape, but she was tied back before she had gone far. The old and fat guest made Haiyin very uncomfortable. After being caught and taught a hard lesson the last few times, Haiyin calmed down a lot and didn't think about running away again.

Beibei's side has also reached Yuezhi Kingdom.

Yuezhi Kingdom is a country dominated by bull demons. The legendary bull demon king was once a son of the king here. With the arrival of Yue Ming, the king here respects him very much and welcomes them into the palace immediately. in.

Recently, I don't know what happened to Yueming. She is mysterious and often disappears, but Beibei doesn't bother to pay attention to him as long as they still go to Haijing Continent together.

One day, she was cooking and eating snacks in the yard, when suddenly a bird landed beside her. Seeing this bird, Beibei looked around subconsciously, and then hid the bird .

Deputy General Zhang also walked towards her at this time: "Beibei, the king invites you to go over..."

Beibei's face changed slightly when she heard this, she didn't understand what Yueming wanted to do with her, but she still walked over.

When she came to the room, she didn't see any guards. She subconsciously became nervous and pushed the door open, but she didn't respond when she came in. Suddenly, someone pulled her in again, and then she was pressed to the ground.

"Damn it!" Beibei was also shocked, and immediately felt that she was cheated, no wonder she looked at the sad face of Deputy General Zhang before, so the connotation is here...She also knows that Vice General Zhang is interested in herself, but she is not interested in him. Instead, she is interested in Yueming. After all, he is a man that the heroine can't even imagine. Being able to catch him will definitely make the heroine half dead As long as it's something the heroine doesn't like, she likes to do it, and Yue Ming seems to give her a familiar feeling this time, she can even feel that he has the shadow of Fenghua in him.

"You..." Beibei couldn't easily push him away, but found that his whole body was burning hot, and there was an abnormal blush on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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