The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 1044 Where are you from 18

Chapter 1044 Where are you from 18
"Okay, neither of you siblings are in good shape, so drive carefully..." Mother Tu also smiled.

Papa Tu started the car and headed forward, and Tu Hai's car followed behind.

Their home is not very far from grandma's house, it's only ten minutes away, and they also go to a place in the town. Anyway, they belong to the jurisdiction of a town.

When the family went to grandma's house, they found that there were quite a few cars outside, some of which Bei Bei recognized, some belonged to Uncle Bei Bei and the others, and some belonged to those married aunts.

I heard Tu's mother said before going out that all uncles and aunts will get together, which means that they are all a big family.

Grandma's house is a very beautiful courtyard-style modern small building, surrounded by tiles, which looks very beautiful from a distance, and the gate and other places are made of steel doors. They are all new products. I heard that a door costs 1000 yuan each, and there are some carvings on it.

Moreover, all the current gas stoves and a series of household kitchen utensils are used in my grandma's house. All these appliances are very up-to-date!
The entire building and the facilities in the home give people a very modern feeling, not like Beibei's house where they have to cook and cook. It's just like living in a primitive society.

Several uncles in my grandmother’s house are very good at earning money, and one of the younger uncles is the best at earning money. I heard that he drives excavators outside. If he is rich, he bought two or three excavators. This one The net worth is worth a million!
When Beibei went to grandma's house, she saw the bright car of the little uncle, and the others were the cars of other aunts and uncles.

Among this group of relatives, it seems that only Beibei and his family are the poorest, because all the people in this group drive four wheels, but their family drives two wheels, what do you think? How big of a difference is this one.

Just as Beibei and the others put their car in place, they received a look of contempt. Although the owner of those eyes concealed it well, Beibei still felt it sensitively.

With a glance, I happened to see my aunt's daughter. Liao Xiaoping was standing beside a man. That man didn't have to look directly at the people coming from Beibei's side. He was wearing some kind of sports brand clothes. A piece of clothing costs more than 100 yuan, which is considered to be the richest person among them. Beibei felt slightly cold when he saw his appearance.

People say that it is only outside that you will encounter that kind of scene where people look down on people with dog eyes, but it is unexpected that this kind of situation still happens in this family. She just doesn't know what to say about this one.

"Second Aunt!" Liao Xiaoping yelled reluctantly as she watched Mama Tu walk over, but the man beside him was even more reluctant to show her face, as if she looked down on their poor relatives.

Tu's mother didn't notice their faces, and walked up to them, chatting and laughing, but Beibei didn't want to go over, and grabbed her mother with one hand?
There was a drum in my heart, hum!Isn't it just a few stinky money!The family has a deposit of more than [-] yuan to show off here. My sister thinks that she didn't make a sound when she was ranked on the world rankings. You are so proud of yourself!
Anyway, no matter what, Beibei didn't like these pretentious people very much, so she directly dragged her mother into it.

"Mom! We went in, grandma is waiting for us?"

In the past, when the aunt and the others had no money, their family had a good relationship with Beibei's family, but later this aunt followed a rich daughter from another aunt's family to work as a nanny for their family. Most people are the kind of people who have achieved the Tao and ascended to heaven, and followed the past, maybe they went to other people's factories to make a lot of money!

In the second year, I built the small house in the family beautifully, and now I have caught up with my grandmother's house.

It is precisely because of this that they feel rich!
This one even looks down on her own relatives, Beibei hates this kind of person who looks down on others the most, and now she has nothing to say when she meets her.

The man who was following Liao Xiaoping looked like Liao Xiaoping's boyfriend, but now he brought his boyfriend to see grandma. Beibei didn't know what to say about these talents, and this so-called boyfriend was not of good character. Not so good!

Even when she saw the elders, she didn't make a sound. After all, Mother Tu was Liao Xiaoping's aunt, but that man... didn't bark, just looked at strangers, and Liao Xiaoping on the side didn't remind her either.

From this kind of behavior, it can be seen what kind of character this person is. Liao Xiaoping stopped studying when she just entered junior high school. With the upsurge of going abroad, some junior high school students drop out of school to work outside after entering junior high school, and Liao Xiaoping is that type.

She earned some money by working outside, bought a lace skirt and felt like she came back from the city, but is she really from the city?Even if she stayed in the city for three years, her aura couldn't change that she was still from the countryside.

Beibei and Tu's mother ignored them and walked in directly. After entering, the little uncle and the others didn't look down on them, but there were some actions that made Beibei see some tricks.

For example, the hall in their home is used to entertain guests. There are some high-end furniture and big TVs in it. They are all for some important guests. It seems that there is only one aunt among these relatives. Only rich daughters in the family can be admitted in, and some of them usually want to see it.

On the contrary, grandma is very kind and treats everyone the same. Beibei also likes to be with her very much, but a [-]-year-old kid doesn't have much to talk about with an old man, so Beibei won't sit down right away. Stopped, followed Tu Hai and a group of cousins ​​to catch fish.

Against a strong cold wind, they couldn't suppress their enthusiasm. They all rolled up their sleeves and started to go fishing in the river inside grandma's house.

After catching some small fish in it, Beibei found the difference of some river fish in it again, it seems that there are quite a lot of good fish in the river of grandma's house.

In particular, there is a kind of fish called stone-level fish. These fish are very popular among the people here. However, due to the severe fishing in recent years, many fish have been caught to the point of being rare and extinct.

The fish with the size of a thumb were all caught, and the rest were small fry that dared not grow up. The little ones hid in the crevices of the rocks. Beibei also caught it by luck. Quite a few, and the other one is leaf fish. I heard that these fish are also good. Beibei hurriedly saved those small fish fry, and let them cook with big fish. It is very delicious after being fried, and the flesh and bones seem to melt into the mouth after one bite. Not only that, the fish is not fishy.

After fishing for a while, I didn't catch any particularly big fish. It was only an electric fish machine that I got from someone's house. I didn't know where to get it, but Beibei was very resistant to this kind of people. Behavior, isn’t this fishing method equivalent to extinct all fish and shrimp?
However, Beibei has no right to manage other people in this place. When she returned home, the food was almost done, and the river crab brought by Tu's mother was very popular. At this time, Tu's mother didn't say anything, especially It didn't reveal how much money their family earned, but everyone enjoyed the crab meal, so they didn't ask much.

After eating, her mother and some women who didn't earn any money were cleaning up. Beibei felt a little uncomfortable. Why did other aunts and aunts sit and chat over there? My mother It's time to wash the dishes, and the emotional mother will do logistics for them when they come over.

(End of this chapter)

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