The girl who wears fast will be blackened

Chapter 1023 Happiness New 35

Chapter 1023 Happiness New 35
So they still had to separate out two rooms as soon as possible, Beibei and Zhou Zilin slept in the same room, and Mingming over there originally wanted to follow, but after being trained by Chen Changqing, he became much quieter.

The next morning, Zhou Zilin pulled Beibei up, and walked into the mountain with a basket on her back early in the morning. When they reached the mountainside, they could find some dendrobium, which can be used to make tea. Instead of cooking soup, Zhou Zilin didn't let it go. Anyway, the vegetable plot and field they opened up is very large, and it doesn't take up much space to grow some things. Later, they encountered a small stream. This stream There are also a lot of small shrimps inside, but the number is large but very few, and there are quite a few stone snails on the other side. Zhou Zilin did not let these things go. She collected a bunch and carried them back. It seems that Zhou Zilin's nose is more sensitive and she can smell the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus.

After late autumn, these sweet-scented osmanthus flowers began to sprout new buds. Zhou Zilin immediately followed the smell when she smelled the fragrance. When you blow it a little, it emits bursts of fragrance, which is very attractive and intoxicating.

"Oh my God! So many sweet-scented osmanthus!" Zhou Zilin was subconsciously shocked. Before that, they thought about collecting more ingredients?As a result, she gave herself such a big sweet-scented osmanthus tree, she couldn't be unhappy even if she wanted to!
"Yeah!" Beibei also nodded, ran over quickly, pulled Zhou Zilin on the ground, and started to grab some sweet-scented osmanthus flowers that were blown down by the wind. These sweet-scented osmanthus flowers were all hung down by the strong wind, and they were all full. layer, it looks very gratifying, let alone other things.

"That's right, pick it up quickly, these sweet-scented osmanthus flowers are very useful..."

Not only can it be made into pastry, but it can also be made into a spice bag and hung on the body to smell a fragrance, and it is very delicious to live with some dishes.

When they were picking up sweet-scented osmanthus, they still saw a few small green seedlings with long leaves. These seedlings looked a bit like orchids, but they were not orchids, but Fritillaria!

These things are also good things, Beibei knows them, and Zhou Zilin dug them up when she called them over, but the mother-of-pearls were not harvested at this time, and it seemed that some of them were dug up and eaten by the mice in the forest, but they didn't take them. The roots were damaged, which gave them a chance to dig all the fritillary back.

"Okay, this back room is full, Beibei, let's go back first! The rest of this is to wait until the next time we come!" Zhou Zilin called Beibei and was ready to go back.

When they just returned to the village entrance, they didn't know if this year was also suitable for catching rape. Damn, they saw Yang Xiaosu following Chen Changqing again, but this Chen Changqing obviously didn't pay attention to each other anymore. Instead, he just walked away, regardless of the people behind.

When Xiao Su was about to catch up to the house, she also saw Zhou Zilin and Bei Bei who came back from the mountain. Her complexion was slightly ugly, and she subconsciously grasped her palms tightly. She grabbed the pastry and went back.

This time, she returned without success, and she didn't know what she felt like, but Beibei looked like she liked it very much, which is how abused scum should be.

For a period of time, Chen Changqing treated Yang Xiaosu coldly, which also made Yang Xiaosu feel pain in her heart, but she would not give up like this. Since this is not possible, then she can only take it slowly.

After being hid by Chen Changqing for a long time, Yang Xiaosu did not appear in front of Chen Changqing for a while.

The heavy snow came one after another, and Zhou Zilin on the other side was also starting to prepare for the New Year. After all, it was the first New Year in this time zone, and the days of wandering and wandering a while ago were slowly going away. Now they are finally together. To start a new life, you have to give yourself a decent year. Thinking of this, Zhou Zilin also got up early in the morning and started cooking delicious food. At noon, they all sat together and had a very delicious lunch. Firecrackers are so quiet, everyone is living a quiet year.

After two years, everyone will be one year older. Beibei's small body has been stretched a lot in Zhou Zilin's place, and she is not as short as before, and she has enough nutrition. He has grown up a lot, and so has Ming Ming.

Once when Zhou Zilin took out Mingming's piece of jade for him to wear, Yang Bai over there also saw that piece of jade, and he immediately recognized that piece of jade as the son of King Ling.

It turned out that before Yang Bai had no accident, they also heard that some young princes and concubines were in trouble, but now they saw this jade plaque representing the status symbol of King Ling, and they recognized it immediately. It is the son of King Ling, this is a relative of the king!Bai Xu'er and Yang Xiaosu, who knew the news, seemed to have become a lot more perverted. They used to treat Mingming as air, but now they are all trying to attract Mingming's attention.

At this time, the people around Mingming were very lively, but with Mingming's identity exposed, Yang Bai and Chen Zhu did not dare to neglect them. In the past, King Ling was very kind to them, but now his son appeared like this. At that time, they naturally didn't dare to shirk and started teaching him immediately, and began to teach him some words in the village, and Xiaofan and the others could follow along to learn.

On the other side, Bei Bei didn't have anyone to play with her anymore. She was bored for a while, and in the end she was pressured to learn some simple martial arts, but she also knew martial arts, so why did she learn from others?In order to show it conveniently in the future, Beibei still studies hard.

Not long after the year, Chen Zhu went out immediately, but this time he went out with Yang Bai, but left Chen An behind, because they were going to meet King Ling to tell him about the safety of the young prince.

After studying every day, Beibei was also tired and slumped on the table with a miserable face, but after Mingming was arrested by Chen An and others to study, the whole little kid became more calm, like a little old man, She has a heart that can't be finished all day long, and Beibei feels tired just looking at it.

"Okay, come back and drink a cup of tea quickly, the weather is dry and dry, easy to get angry." Zhou Zilin said.

"Yeah!" Beibei didn't refute, she just poured a glass for herself, and then she was going to pour a glass for Mingming, but she just poured it out and handed it to Mingming, and Yang Xiaosu over there left When she came in, when she saw that they were going to eat something other than what she had made for Mingming, her expression was slightly unsightly, and she wanted to take the teacup away when she came up, but Beibei snatched it with one hand, and turned cold towards Yang Xiaosu. Said: "What are you doing? Why don't you let Mingming drink tea, Mingming just likes the tea I poured for him."

"You, an outsider, have such qualifications to manage?" Beibei was really angry.

Damn, since these women knew Ming Ming's identity, they isolated her like a fly that smelled bad smell. It is strictly forbidden to keep themselves out. His grandma, they really think they are who they are Yes, this time she will never be able to bear it.

"You... What are you meddling in, a child, and I'm doing this for the sake of my little son?" Yang Xiaosu's expression turned slightly ugly upon hearing this.

"Hmph! Are you doing it for Mingming? Then you didn't know that Mingming was the prince, and you didn't see you taking such good care of him. Now that you know that Mingming is the prince, you post them like flies. Hindsight, sycophant, who doesn't know about you!" Beibei said coldly, and Yang Xiaosu was so angry that his nose would smoke with just one sentence.

And Zhou Zilin almost couldn't help but hold back her laughter when she heard this. It really was her little sister who was amazing, and this scolding made the other party so angry that she couldn't die.

"I, I..." Yang Xiaosu naturally knew how many intentions she had in doing this, but even if she didn't want others to expose it in person, she felt extremely wronged, and subconsciously looked at Mingming, hoping that he would come help yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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