The daily life of the villain

Chapter 585 Isolation Formation

Chapter 585 Isolation Formation
When Mr. Lingzhu, Su Yun, Zhu Tingfeng and Li Xiao all entered Qiao Youxue's room, Li Xiao closed the door. At this time, Mr. Lingzhu walked directly towards the bed, Su Yun, who was seriously injured, was placed on top.

At this time, Zhu Tingfeng came over with a puzzled expression on his face, and asked, "Mr. Lingzhu, what's going on, and how did you meet Miss Snow?"

Hearing this, Mr. Lingzhu glanced at him indifferently, and then replied: "This matter is a long story, the most important thing now is to treat Miss Su quickly."

After hearing what he said, the corners of Zhu Tingfeng's lips slightly pursed, and then he looked at Su Yun who was lying on the bed, only to see that she was already unconscious at this time, her face was pale, and the few spots on her body Blood was still gurgling from the wound.

Seeing this, Zhu Tingfeng said again: "This... why don't you go down and invite a female doctor?"

"It's too late." Mr. Lingzhu frowned tightly.

Li Xiao watched from the side, and also said: "Yes, young master, Miss Su may die if another female doctor is invited, and Miss Xue said, let us hide here, it must be won't let us out."

Hearing Li Xiao's words, Zhu Tingfeng's eyes flashed with helplessness again, and he continued: "But and women can't kiss each other, if you want to bandage Miss Su Yun's wound, there will inevitably be a skin kiss... ..."

When he said this, Mr. Ling Zhu's face also changed slightly.

Li Xiao, on the other hand, looked disapproving, and said, "What are you afraid of? Although the finals of this martial arts competition to recruit relatives have not yet been held, everyone in the world knows that the person who can finally become Miss Su Yun's husband must be between the young master and Mr. Lingzhu is in the middle. Since one of the two will be Miss Su's husband, it must be a matter of course to help heal the wound. Why don't you compare the two now in the final and who will win in the end? Whoever heals Miss Su Yun."

"Then Master Lingzhu, come." Zhu Tingfeng suddenly said seriously.

Li Xiao was taken aback by what he blurted out, and quickly said, "What are you talking about, young master?"

This time, they came to Panyang Town under the order of the old city lord. The purpose was to facilitate the marriage between the heavy sword city and Moya mountain villa, but they did not expect that their young master would so simply and neatly take the piece of fat in front of them. The meat was handed over to others.

Mr. Lingzhu's face was also slightly surprised, and he turned his head to look at Zhu Tingfeng.

Meeting Mr. Lingzhu's eyes, Zhu Tingfeng explained: "To be honest, I already have someone I like in my heart, and I don't plan to give my best in this final, so there is no need to fight with Lingzhu again." Young Master's martial arts competition, Young Master's character, I can trust you."

"A person you like?" Mr. Lingzhu narrowed his eyes slightly, and then the appearance of Qiao Youxue appeared in his mind, he frowned slightly, and said: "Brother Zhu, with all due respect, Miss Xue is nothing I can touch it, and I hope you can think it through clearly.”

Zhu Tingfeng naturally knew in his heart that Qiao Youxue had rejected him so many times, and each time he spoke so unfeelingly, but he still had hope in his heart, no matter what would happen in the future, he would As long as he can look at her from a distance, he will be satisfied.

"I won't regret it." Zhu Tingfeng looked at Mr. Lingzhu and said firmly.

Seeing this, Mr. Ling Zhu had nothing to say.

According to his perception, firstly, Qiao Youxue's identity is too mysterious, and secondly, her and Shen Qianqiu's real identities are definitely not from Xiao Guoguo, and since she said that the two of them are just passers-by in their lives , that means that once they leave, they will never come back.

It's just that the current Zhu Tingfeng will suffer from stubbornness sooner or later.

Mr. Lingzhu thought so in his heart, and at this time Zhu Tingfeng had already retreated to the outer room with Li Xiao to wait, Mr. Lingzhu's eyes slowly looked at Su Yun who was lying on the bed, A strip of cloth was torn from his sleeve, and he blindfolded himself.

In another room, Shen Qianqiu sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and let out his spiritual consciousness. All the scenes within a radius of a hundred miles appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness. His brows frowned slightly, and then he said: "She is no longer Cheng Yunyun. She can use part of her power, and she will be chasing after him within a moment."

"The people in the inn must not be harmed." Qiao Youxue frowned and said.

Shen Qianqiu slowly opened his eyes and said, "What should I do?"

"Isolation formation." Qiao Youxue said.

"This... This isolation formation requires a lot of spiritual energy, and someone must maintain it in the center of the formation all the time, so that it can completely isolate this place into two spaces. Does it mean that junior sister wants to deal with that female ghost alone? ?” Shen Qianqiu frowned and asked.

Qiao Youxue nodded calmly.

Shen Qianqiu's face was full of anxiety, and after a moment of silence, he said: "No, junior sister, you can't use your spiritual energy yet, if that female ghost wants to do something to you, you can't bear it at all!"

"Now there is only this way. These people in the inn are innocent people, and it is too late to dismiss them now. The time left is only enough to make an isolation formation. Remember, you must maintain it behind. Formation, absolutely...don't fall asleep." Qiao Youxue said, looking closely at Shen Qianqiu.

Shen Qianqiu's heart sank even more, he looked quietly at Qiao Youxue in front of him, and finally nodded after seeing her serious face.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue retreated to the direction of the door, watched as Shen Qianqiu began to create an isolation formation, and the moment the isolation formation took shape, Qiao Youxue turned around, opened the door and walked out.

A cloudy wind blew in from outside the inn, and the people in the inn couldn't help but shiver.

Qiao Youxue stood on the stairs on the second floor, looking indifferently towards the direction of the door, and saw a woman in a bright red wedding dress walking in step by step, looking around with anger on her face.

At this time, because of the isolation formation, what the red-clothed female ghost saw was just an empty inn.

Suddenly a light green appeared in her vision, and she quickly looked in that direction.

Qiao Youxue was walking down the stairs calmly, but at this moment, her gaze was on the female ghost in red.

In the inn, all the people covered their clothes tightly, and someone murmured in a low voice: "Why is it so cold all of a sudden, little brother, quickly boil a pot of hot wine!"

(End of this chapter)

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