The daily life of the villain

Chapter 455 Black Snow

Chapter 455 Black Snow
Yu Shili still couldn't believe it in his heart. Why did the junior sister who was still alive and kicking a few days ago suddenly receive bad news? This must not be true, and he must find her.

Yu Shili held the jade pendant tightly in his hand all the time. Although he didn't want to believe that Ci Xueyi had fallen, he also knew in his heart that the other jade pendant was on the snow mountain and had never moved. .

After finally climbing to the halfway up the mountain, Qiao Youxue's body can still bear it, but Yu Shili's situation is not very good.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue found a foothold, and said to Yu Shili: "With your current state, we can no longer go up."

"It's okay, I'm okay." Yu Shili said lightly.

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue's eyes moved, and she said, "You can't last there anymore."

Yu Shili twitched the corners of his mouth, then said helplessly, "It's okay."

Seeing Yu Shili's determination to go up, Qiao Youxue was also full of helplessness, so she could only say: "Let's take a rest first, and continue after the body recovers."

"Okay." Yu Shili nodded lightly, then sat down cross-legged on the spot, and began to adjust his breath.

Qiao Youxue doesn't need to adjust her internal breath, she can feel very comfortable here as she is an ice spirit root, and practicing in this extreme northern land is more effective with half the effort.

Just when Qiao Youxue was about to sit down and protect Yu Shili, the snowflakes flying in the sky suddenly turned black, and they were many times bigger than before.

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue's expression suddenly changed.

Snowy Taoism
Headmaster Yu He looked up at the black snow fluttering in the sky, his expression suddenly changed.

The faces of the two elders behind him also changed, and one of them said in surprise: " did this snow turn black?!"

Another elder frowned tightly, and then said: "Is this a sign of disaster?"

However, Sect Master Yu He's expression sank directly, and he said in a low voice: "This snow comes from the extreme north."

"The land of the extreme north?!" The two elders behind them were shocked at the same time.

"It is recorded in the religious history of Xueyu Taoism that 500 years ago, the snowflakes in the extreme northern land suddenly turned black, and the black snowflakes flew for a whole hour, and the entire extreme northern land became After that, an avalanche broke out, affecting almost all places in the extreme north, especially where there are snow-capped mountains, and after that, the mountains were blocked by heavy snow for a whole hundred and one years." Sect Leader Yu He said quietly, the next moment his face changed slightly, and then he flew towards the direction of the sect.

The two elders behind were also startled by what Sect Leader Yu He said just now, completely unaware that Sect Leader Yu He was no longer in front of him.

On the snow mountain, Qiao Youxue stared blankly at the black snowflakes floating in the sky, and blinked her eyes.

She didn't feel any other changes in the surrounding environment other than the discoloration of the snowflakes, but for some reason, a strong sense of uneasiness appeared in her heart.

"Senior?" Qiao Youxue couldn't help but voice transmission to Ice Weeping Wolf.

It was also the first time for Ice Weeping Wolf to see such a situation, and he could feel Qiao Youxue's uneasiness at this time, so he comforted her through voice transmission, "Don't be afraid."

Hearing this, Qiao Youxue glanced at Bingcrying Wolf, and her eyes moved.

The black snow fell slowly for an hour, Qiao Youxue counted silently in her heart, after an hour, everything she could see was black.

"Senior, have you ever seen black snow?" Qiao Youxue asked again, even though the snowflakes falling from the sky had turned white, she was still very disturbed.

Hearing this, Ice Weeping Wolf shook his head lightly, and then replied: "I've never seen it, nor heard of it."

"Could it be a sign of disaster?" Qiao Youxue frowned suddenly.

Ice Weeping Wolf also slowly frowned, and then said: "Usually before a catastrophe occurs, there will be some kind of warning first."

Seeing this, Qiao Youxue's heart sank slightly again.

After another two hours, there was another burst of whiteness between the sky and the earth, and Yu Shili slowly opened his eyes.

Qiao Youxue pushed aside the thick layer of snow on the ground. She thought she would see the black layer of snow that fell before, but she didn't expect to see it. She dug all the way to the thick layer of snow. The solid ice, and no more black snow.

Seeing Qiao Youxue's strange movements in front of him, Yu Shili was slightly stunned for a moment, then a doubt flashed in his eyes, and he asked, "Did you lose anything?"

Hearing his voice, Qiao Youxue looked at him and asked, "Have you ever seen black snow?"

Hearing this, Yu Shili was slightly taken aback again.

"Never, what's wrong?" Yu Shili asked.

Qiao Youxue's eyes flickered, and she said immediately: "A black snow just fell, and for an entire hour, everything turned black. I thought you should know something."

"Black snow..." Yu Shili frowned slightly: "I can't remember clearly, I seem to have heard it somewhere..."

After finishing speaking, Yu Shili looked at Qiao Youxue, with a hint of apology in his heart.

Qiao Youxue looked at him and blinked, then stood up and said, "In that case, let's quickly find Ci Xueyi and leave here."

Seeing this, Yu Shili also stood up, and then took out his long sword.

Qiao Youxue magnified the bowl-shaped flying spirit weapon with three hundred flying all the way behind her, and then flew in, while Yu Shili was Yujian, and the two headed upwards together.

Because he kept thinking about what happened to Heixue before, he slightly neglected Yu Shili's situation, but fortunately, he followed him to the top of the mountain.

On the top of the snow mountain, as soon as the two of them landed, a body sitting cross-legged on the ground, half-buried by the wind and snow appeared in front of them. It could be seen that it was a girl, covered in white snow, her whole body had been covered by snow. Frozen and breathless.

Qiao Youxue still remembered the face in front of her. She had met it at the Sword Discussion Conference a year ago.

At that time, Ci Xueyi was dressed in blue, high-spirited and confident, and stepped onto the martial arts arena, but she hadn't seen her for a year, and now she was sitting on the top of a snow mountain, covered by wind and snow.

After Yu Shili saw Ci Xueyi at this moment, the light in his eyes also changed.

At first, he walked in that direction with some disbelief. After getting close to the cold body, he slowly squatted down and stretched out a finger to sniff her.

No more.

(End of this chapter)

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