The Overlord of the Heavens in the Super Seminary

Chapter 406 Epilogue (Conclusion + Ending Speech)

Chapter 406 Epilogue (Conclusion + Ending Speech)

The Holy Dao Universe, the Heavenly Court Palace, at the same time Yang Junhao fell, Yang Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and said in a trembling voice, "Yang Junhao... has fallen!"

"What? This... This is the sixth king who has fallen since the beginning of the war in my heavenly court. Even the fourth emperor has fallen half. Now that I think about it, I really don't know when this war will end!"

Hexi next to him sighed in a depressed mood.

After a while, a confident smile appeared on Yang Yu's face again, and he said, "Okay, don't worry, after our child is born, I will arrange for him to go to Xuan Dao to practice."

He Xi asked back, "Why? Isn't it good to stay here?"

Yang Yu got up and walked outside the main hall, looked at everything around, and sighed, "Oh, I thought about it carefully, the biggest reason for our defeat in Shengyu Heavenly Court this time should be that the development is too simple."

"There are only weapons, military, etc. on the technological side, so I am going to let our child go to experience the Xuan Dao. If he can become the master of the Xuan Dao, then we will be able to defeat the enemy with our joint efforts!"

"Okay, but have you thought about the name of the child?"

"Well, of course I've thought about it, so I'll call him..."

The end of the book...


The number of words is not enough to publish, so I also wrote the closing speech! (>﹏<)……………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

I always thought that I couldn't last that long, and 84 words was a distant dream for me.I used to think that I would be boring as I wrote, and in the end I could only abandon the pit, but I didn't expect that I could persist.

Once this novel is finished, the first thing I would like to thank is the editor Wu Xingda. Without his support, maybe I would lose my attachment to the novel.

Secondly, I also want to thank the readers who are willing to read this novel. It is your reminders that give me more confidence in writing.

I have been thinking about the ending of this novel. Maybe the ending of the novel will surprise you, but it is indeed what I wrote after thinking about it for a long time.

I don't know if you like this ending or not.This is the first time I have written a closing speech, and I believe it will not be the last. I know the embarrassment of many friends who are not willing to spend money to read my novel.

But there's nothing you can do about it, so I'm sorry for those people.And those who read the article and see the end, thank you for your support, I will continue to write novels with my writing style, and I will try to keep the other two novels updated, after all, I will be responsible for you who like my writing .

I love you.

I'm a bit incoherent now, after all this ecstatic feeling is the first time I've had it.

I don't know what to say, but when I hit the whole novel, my heart didn't relax, but I felt a sense of heaviness. It's finally over, and I can't bear to part with the characters in it.

The protagonists Yang Yu, Yang Junhao, Wu Tianyi, Yuan Haoyu and our goddess Hexi, these lively characters broke into my mind again and again, which made me reluctant to say goodbye to these friends.

This is the first time I write such a long novel, without an outline or anything, and my thinking is very confused, which is a common thing for Cavin.I was particularly distressed when I was with Calvin.

I kept looking for topics, deleted and wrote and deleted the text, scratched my hair frantically, and went crazy at other people.As soon as Cavin passed by, I couldn't stop writing in one go, trying to draw all the pictures in my memory on paper.

thank you.

The new article is the follow-up of this novel, it can be regarded as the second part!

"The Master of the Heavens".

I hope that everyone can support Smecta at that time.

See you next novel!

(End of this chapter)

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