The Overlord of the Heavens in the Super Seminary

Chapter 108 Attacking the Demon Star Field

Chapter 108 Attacking the Demon Star Field
In the city of demons, after the demon commander finished speaking, he felt that the hall suddenly became quiet. He looked up at Morgana on the throne, and saw that Morgana had a calm face at this moment, as if nothing had happened. But all the demons here know that the more Morgana is like this, the angrier she is.

The demon leader looked at Morgana and asked tremblingly, "Queen, are you alright?"

"Do you think something is wrong with my expression?" Morgana said expressionlessly.

"Uh, not like, no, no, something, something." Seeing Morgana's fierce gaze, the demon commander immediately changed his words.

At this time, Morgana took a deep breath, looked at the demons in the hall and said, "Send an order, summon all the demons, attack the Shengyu Heavenly Court for me, and call all civilizations in the universe to declare war on the Shengyu Heavenly Court, and, Withdraw all the demons in the Angel Star Field to me, don't leave any, understand?"

"Ah? Queen, are you really going to attack Shengyu Heavenly Court? We may not be the opponents of Shengyu Heavenly Court." Demon Atuo hurriedly persuaded.

"What? I didn't listen to my orders, Ato?" Morgana asked Ato.

"It's absolutely fine, Queen, don't worry, I'll take care of it right away." Atuo quickly turned around and left the hall.

When he reached the door, Atuo paused for a moment, then strode away.

After Atuo left, Nightmare walked up and asked worriedly, "Queen, are we really going to attack Shengyu Tianting? Will it be a bit..."

"It's a bit of suicide, isn't it?" Morgana said following what Mengmao said.

"No, no, queen, I definitely didn't mean that, just take me as a joke." Nightmare shook her head again and again.

"You don't have to deny it, I have my own plan, you all go down and prepare, we will all enter the city of demons this time, we will not use battleships, and we will only summon demons with the strength of the second generation of super fighters and above, there are probably hundreds of millions of them One-third of the demons stay behind, and the rest you go to gather them and set off in three days." Morgana ordered to Nightmare.

"Yes, Queen."


The holy universe calendar is 90 years old, and the angelic calendar is 950 years old.

On this day, all civilizations in the known universe were shaken, just because Morgana led the demon civilization to declare war on the Holy Universe.

You must know that the devil is now engaged in a small-scale war with the angelic civilization, and now it is fighting against the Holy Universe. Morgana has provoked two fourth-level civilizations at the same time. This is the first time in the known universe, although Morgana has withdrawn She defeated all the demons who attacked the angelic civilization, but people still have to admire her courage.

In Shengyu Tianting, everyone who got the news hurriedly came to Shengtian Temple, ready to report the matter to Yang Yu.

"Emperor, will Morgana really come to attack us?" Wu Tianyi asked in disbelief.

"What do you think?" Yang Yu looked at the other people in the hall.

"Qi Zou Tiandi, I think Morgana is just bluffing and will not attack us. Her move may be to divert the attention of the angels and provide favorable conditions for the demon's actions in the future. However, we must not relax our vigilance. After all, this is just My guess is, if she really attacks us, we can deal with it calmly." King Shengxuan came out and said.

"His Royal Highness Xuan Wang, this demon is now coming to my Shengyu Heavenly Court openly, how can you say that the other party is just bluffing?" A minister behind Wu Wenxuan asked puzzled.

"That's a good question. This is their purpose, to let all the civilizations in the universe know that their demons are coming to attack my Shengyu Heavenly Court, especially to let the angels know." Wu Wenxuan explained.

"But even if this is the case, how can the demons have come to the Holy Universe Starfield by then, so how can they take any action against the angel civilization?"

"Don't forget that the space system in our Holy Net system in the Heavenly Court of Shengyu can open any space door of any size in any star field in the known universe.

This is not our unique technology, maybe the demons have also developed such a space technology, then they can quickly transfer from here to the Angel Starfield. "Wu Wenxuan continued.

"I ask the Emperor of Heaven to make a decision, how should our Shengyu Heavenly Court deal with this matter?" Wu Wenxuan turned to look at Yang Yu and asked.

Yang Yu thought for a moment, and said, "Regardless of whether the devil really wants to attack us or not, since Morgana has declared war on us, even if it is a bluff, we have to respond and not be underestimated by other civilizations.

Send an order to Cangyu Longting to let them attack the Demon Starfield, as a lesson to Morgana, if the demons really attack our Shengyu Heavenly Court, then destroy the Demon Starfield for me, but they are not allowed to attack Kun Sa star. "

"Obey, God."


One day later, Morgana led the demons to a place ten light-years away from the Holy Yu Starfield. All civilizations in the universe also focused their attention here to see how Morgana was wiped out.

Angel civilization, in the palace hall of Merlot Heavenly Court, an angel said to Kaisha on the throne, "Queen, Morgana is leading the demon army to the Holy Yu Heavenly Court, and it is now ten light away from the Holy Yu Starfield." years away."

"What's the reaction of Shengyu Tianting now?" Kaisha asked aloud.

"Queen, the Heavenly Emperor of Shengyu Tianting has ordered his subordinate civilization Cangyu Longting to attack the demon star field, but Morgana has not retreated because of this, and is still approaching Shengyu Tianting."

"Understood, order Liuyue to bring Angel Yan and the others back to the Heavenly Court of Melo, and Felipon will leave a legion to garrison. Other galaxies in the Angel Starfield, continue to be vigilant, understand?" Keisha looked into the hall said the angels.

"Don't worry, Queen, we will arrange everything."

"Okay, you all go down, and convey the order as soon as possible."

Soon, all the angels here quickly left the hall.


In the Cangyu galaxy in the demon star field, after Cangyu Longting received Yang Yu's order, Cang Yu immediately summoned tens of thousands of warriors and immediately set off to the range of the demon civilization.

The tens of thousands of fighters led by Cang Yu this time are all third-generation super fighters, among them there are dozens of first-generation gods, plus Cang Yu's third-generation gods, they can easily destroy the demon civilization.

Because Cangyu Dragon Court and the demon civilization are not far away, only thousands of light years away, they quickly reached the range of the demon civilization through the space wormhole.

Looking at the demons on the planet in front of him, Cang Yu waved his hand and said, "Go to me, if you encounter any demons, you will be wiped out."

"Yes, my lord."

At this time, the demons had also discovered Cang Yu and the others, and when they were about to report to the demon commander staying behind on Kunsa Star, Cang Yu had already ordered everyone to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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