Chapter 5 The First Battle

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the bloody right leg, the little rabbit was in pain and shivering all over, and no one cared about the strange smell.

"Jie Jie Jie, little guy, you can't run anymore, just follow us obediently." Li Meng opened his mouth wide open, that kind of smug smile seemed to have an indescribably terrifying taste.

The figures of these people got closer and closer, Li Meng stretched out his hands, and was about to grab Xiao Wu,

It was at this time that a sense of danger suddenly appeared in Li Meng's heart.


A little rabbit and a half-thousand-year-old soul beast?
Li Meng shook his head,

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," just as Li Meng shook his head, suddenly, a cold light flashed on the three purple leaves, stabbing directly at his body.

"Uh..." Li Meng screamed along with the painful sensation of a foreign object piercing his body.

But it wasn't just him, including the Vine Bauhinia beside him and another soul master of the agility department, Pierre,

The hearts of the three were simultaneously pierced by three purple leaves in the shape of a zigzag.



Three mournful cries sounded at the same time, Fang Xu controlled the newly grown nine purple leaves, and completed an impossible instant kill action in an instant.

The purple leaves pierced the hearts of several people through their chests.

All this happened so fast, even if there was a 63-level Soul Emperor-level auxiliary therapist in the team, he couldn't react at this moment.

Except for humans, they have never seen such a clean and deadly attack method from a soul beast.

In their consistent impression, the greatest ability of plant-type soul beasts is generally to entangle the enemy,
Or use various secretions secreted by the body to entangle the opponent, or even poison the opponent to death.

Like Fang Xu, the attack method of piercing the opponent's heart with a leaf is unheard of.

"This grass is weird, Catherine, step back." As the leader of the team, keeping a calm mind at all times is the most basic criterion.

Seeing that his teammates were killed by the soul beast, Archbishop Gary didn't rush forward to take revenge like many stunned youths.
Instead, choose to leave the opponent's attack range, and then adopt other attack methods.

In his opinion, facing plant-type soul beasts, doing so is the safest and best choice.

It's just this retreat, and Gary finally found out what was wrong.

Right now, his soul power is not running as smoothly as usual.

The thick soul power suddenly seemed to become as thick as rice soup, and it was impossible to move according to the mind and perform soul skills at will.

"My lord, we, we seem to be poisoned!"

As an auxiliary soul master, Catherine is naturally very aware of such things as poison,
No wonder, the three teammates all have the strength of more than 60 soul emperors. Facing the attack of the thousand-year-level soul beast, they can't even dodge.

Just now she was surprised that Li Meng was a top defensive soul master.

Although the Bloodfang Pig's spirit is not as good as the Elephant Armor Sect's diamond mammoth spirit, it is still considered a top existence among defense-type spirits.

Such a person would be pierced through the heart so easily by a leaf of a thousand-year-old plant-type soul beast. It turned out that he was poisoned.
No, when did you get poisoned?

Could it be the scent of flowers?

Thinking of this, Catherine's complexion suddenly changed.

The scent of flowers, the attack of branches and leaves, one forward and one backward, the attack is fierce, the thousand-year-old soul beast in front of him is like an assassin who is good at assassination, not like a plant at all!
This thing is definitely not simple.
"The fourth soul skill, the rejuvenation of all things." Catherine didn't think about it any more, the purple light flashed under her feet, and the soul power poured into her body, and the purple light burst out from the palm of her hand and landed on the two of them.

"Boom," before the ray of light fell, there was a sudden rumbling sound in the forest.

With the sound of thunderbolts, the ground under Gary and Catherine's feet split open.

Dozens of plant roots as thick as a child's arm suddenly drilled out from under the soil.

Those rhizomes were tens of meters long, and they suddenly came out of the ground at this moment, which shocked the two of them immediately.

"Sixth Soul Skill, Chop the Wind" Gary waved his right hand, instantly wiping out the attack power of Wuhun Wu to the extreme.

"Fifth soul skill, wind chime protection," Catherine didn't dare to hide her secrets from the sudden attack, and directly released her strongest auxiliary skill.

Wind Chime Blessing is a unique skill of the healing beast Wuhun Wind Chime Bird.
Casting this skill can increase the teammate's attack by 5.00%, agility and defense by [-]% each.

Sure enough, with the blessing of soul skills, Gary's attack speed was much faster and sharper.

Just, is it useful?

Fang Xu's grass roots have thousands of roots, and it's nothing to cut off dozens of them. Moreover, his grass roots are all over the whole area, and the longest one is nearly [-] meters long.

Once the attack starts at this moment, all the rhizomes will burst out of the ground like a tide, rushing towards the two of them in a row!

"Catherine, watch me, I'm going to do my best!"

Facing such a huge number of rhizomes, Archbishop Gary's face changed drastically, and he made a decision almost instantly!
"The seventh soul skill, the weapon soul avatar!"

Martial soul avatar is the life-saving skill of soul masters of the soul sage level. Once this soul skill is released, it can basically be judged that this is a life-or-death situation.

Once a soul master casts this skill, he can instantly mobilize all of his fighting power, and even burst out stronger fighting power than usual,
However, it is still useless after using this skill, and this product is basically hopeless!
"Serial Slash"

"Strike by the Wind and Thunder"

"Thunderbolt Half Moon Slash"

The successive attack skills of "Chop Wind" were unleashed from the hands of Archbishop Gary,
Not only did his expression not relax, but he became more and more dignified, because no matter how powerful his soul skills were, the grass roots controlled by Fang Xu still rushed over incessantly!
"My lord, help me, ah!" A sharp cry for help sounded from Catherine's mouth. Five or six grass roots came out from the ground, tightly tied her body together, and dragged her directly into the ground!

Archbishop Gary turned pale with fright. This millennium-level plant-type soul beast is not only difficult to deal with, but also has an unstoppable attack style!
Even some ten-thousand-year-level soul beasts don't have such attack power!
No, if it goes on like this, sooner or later it will consume it to death!

As a strong man at the level of a soul sage, he has always fooled others into doing things that throw his head and blood.
Therefore, even in a battle like this, he only uses life-saving skills such as Wuhun Avatar to survive!

Seeing that the momentum was not right, Archbishop Gary's mind moved, and all the spirit rings sank into his body, and the Wuhun Tiger's Head Saber in his hand burst into a brilliant light, which suddenly increased five times in size!
With a knife down, countless roots within 30 meters in front of him were all shattered. Taking advantage of this gap, Gary moved his feet and rushed forward!

Seeing that he was about to leave Fang Xu's attack range, at this moment, a pair of fluffy white rabbit legs suddenly appeared in front of his eyes!
"Turn up"

Push your legs hard and kick your opponent hard. This is probably the skill that rabbits are best at.
Gary wanted to dodge Fang Xu's attack, but he never expected that Xiao Wu would make a move at this time!
Caught off guard, he was kicked by this kick and staggered back more than ten meters.

Suddenly, a strong wind rose behind Gary,
"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu requirements" Three purple leaves pierced his back in a zigzag shape, directly piercing his heart
(End of this chapter)

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