Douluo: Conquering the Goddess from a Grass

Chapter 304 Alchemy, 9th Rank Alchemist

Chapter 304 Dan Cheng, Ninth Grade Alchemist

With a flick of a finger, the flame rose into the alchemy furnace, and the purple flame burst out in the entire alchemy furnace in an instant. Fang Xu restrained his mind, controlled the power of the soul, and slowly suppressed the raging wraith flame, making it stabilize .

"Phew, alright, let's start the second step."

Looking at the calming black flames, Fang Xu took a deep breath, then waved his right hand lightly, and the herbs floated in the air,

After carefully recalling the Dan Fang, Fang Xu looked at the various medicinal herbs suspended in the sky.After repeatedly confirming that it was correct, with a light click, the medicinal materials flew into the alchemy furnace one by one.

"One qi blood grass, one vital qi fruit, two poppies, and one ginseng."

The power of the soul controls the temperature of the flame, and the medicinal materials put into the alchemy furnace tossed in the flame for a while, condensing a little white powder and some black particles.

The flames rose, and the evil spirit filled the air, but because of Fang Xu's powerful soul force, gradually, the high temperature of the flames would melt the powder and particles, turning them into several pure medicinal powers.

"Next, let's start merging."

For Fang Xu, the first alchemy was a different kind of experience.

Now he is as serious as doing a chemical experiment,
Seeing that the medicinal properties and debris of all the herbs were stripped away by the flame, Fang Xu's mind moved slightly, and the power of the soul gushed out, controlling the temperature of the flame, and several strands of medicinal power slowly blended together, and the medicinal power intertwined with each other.

Time passed slowly, and the power of the medicine in the alchemy furnace had been gradually fused together under the high temperature tempering, turning into a black pill,

But at this time, there are small holes in the pill, obviously the potency of the medicine has not yet reached the point of being round and uniform.

Now Fangxu only needs to control the change of the fire,

Watching the black elixir gradually become smoother, Fang Xu's expression did not change at all, just quietly waiting for his first elixir to be born.

The pills slowly changed under the flames, and the outer pits gradually disappeared, as if they had been tempered for thousands of years. Fang Xu's soul felt that the latter had become round and uniform. in hand.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the primary pill: Qi and Blood Pill!"

"Level judgment, elementary level."

"Effect of the pill, perfect"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the reward, different fire fragments*3"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending alchemy, elementary level, (ps: experience points can be used to increase the level of alchemy, and the highest level cannot exceed the ninth-rank alchemist.)"

Hearing the mechanical sound from the system, Fang Xu's mouth suddenly showed a smug smile. This system really can be improved by acquiring some skills.

For Fang Xu, the Dou Po plane is the only attractive thing is alchemy, and soul skills and fighting skills are just techniques for killing people.

Only this alchemy is the way to cross people and oneself.

As a god, and a god so incomplete that only justice, kindness and other excellent qualities remain.

Fang Xu's desire for alchemy is obviously greater than that of becoming a peerless power like Dou Di.

There was light in his eyes, and he glanced at the extra alchemy on the system page,

At this moment, the alchemist showed that he was a first-rank alchemist, looking at the poor experience needed to upgrade, he reached out and clicked on it without hesitation.


There was a sudden coolness in my mind, as if enlightened,
An extremely huge torrent of experience flooded into my mind instantly,

In addition to the coolness, there is also a unique feeling, as the torrent merges into the limbs and veins,
Countless alchemy information is like vivid portraits, constantly changing in front of my eyes. At this moment, Fang Xu seems to be in an empty space,
No matter how many images played back and forth in my mind, rumbling, it seemed as if a ray of light exploded in my mind.

In just a moment, Fang Xu felt as if he had been passed down from the founding god. In an instant, after endless years,

Gradually. The blurred look in his eyes gradually receded, and when he came back to his senses again, a strange feeling melted all over his body.

Frowning, he glanced at the medicinal materials floating in the air, and a ray of dark fire shot into the alchemy furnace,
The next moment, the power of the soul surged out, and the hands moved involuntarily to put the medicinal materials into it. After a while, a round Qi and blood pill flew out and landed in Fang Xu's hand.

"This feeling?"

Feeling carefully the feeling of alchemy just now, Fang Xu's eyes shone brightly,

The level of alchemy raised by the system is not as simple as instilling information into him. The strange feeling that he can alchemy so quickly is at work.

"Huh, calm down, take your time." Fang Xu took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and tremblingly opened another pill prescription,
He now has a miraculous feeling, now give him a second-grade elixir, even the most difficult one, he can immediately refine it.

"System, attribute query!"

Feeling the strangeness in his body, Fang Xu had some guesses. The next moment, he immediately opened the system page, and his eyes turned to the alchemy place.

Sure enough, at this moment, the alchemy level on the system's down cotton has changed from a first-rank alchemist to a second-rank alchemist.

"Ascension, promotion, what the hell, take it slow, let him go to hell."

With green light in his eyes, Fang Xu, who felt the change in his consciousness, felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and his right hand moved quickly after the alchemy upgrade.

Alchemy: Second-rank alchemist, third-rank alchemist, fourth-rank alchemist, seventh-rank alchemist, eighth-rank alchemist, ninth-rank alchemist.

"Ding, your experience points are full and cannot be improved,"

Sure enough, rank nine is the limit.
"Buzzing buzzing" majestic information poured into Fang Xu's mind. The power of the soul, which was already huge enough, is undergoing earth-shaking changes at this moment.
After being promoted to the seventh-rank alchemist, the system strengthened Fang Xu's soul power every time he was promoted.

At this moment, the majestic power of the soul diffused from Fang Xu's body, passed through the wall of the alchemy room, and instantly enveloped the entire alchemy tower.

In the high-rise hall of the Pill Tower, Xuan Kongzi, who was resting, opened his eyes instantly. There was a strong look of horror in his eyes. When his figure moved, he disappeared in place, and went straight to the place where the power of the soul was introduced.

Within a few flashes, he came to the alchemy room and stood beside Bibi Dong. Before he could ask, the stone door of the alchemy room opened, and Fang Xu's figure slowly walked out of it. .

The faint power of the soul pervaded the air, and Xuan Kongzi could no longer bear the shock in his heart after feeling it carefully, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "The soul of the emperor!"

"how is this possible?"

Not long ago, Xuan Kongzi could easily ascertain that although Fang Xu's realm was high, his soul was only slightly stronger than ordinary Dou Zong.

Obviously not as powerful as the Emperor Realm.

After refining the alchemy for a few days, Fang Xu somehow became an emperor.

Meow, what was he doing in the den room?

(End of this chapter)

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