Chapter 24 Fighting, Imminent

As soon as the old man's voice fell, several people in the seats stood up, and with a movement of consciousness, the martial spirit instantly possessed them.

"Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, purple." Although the soul rings of the four were not optimal configurations, their soul powers had already reached level 57, and the highest was even a high-level soul king of level [-].

The old man poured a glass of wine and said with a smile, "Brothers, these people are all nobles,"

"Let's act with discretion. Don't mutilate people's legs and feet. That would be too tortured."

"Kill it!"

"Bold," although the opponents were all masters of the soul king level, the members of the Huangdou team were not afraid at all.

Yu Tianheng's face remained as calm as ever, but the frantic fighting spirit in his eyes revealed his mood at the moment.

Fighting is always the fastest way for a soul master to advance.

As a direct disciple of the Landian Tyrannosaurus family, Yu Tianheng has a natural enthusiasm for fighting. Even though he looks so calm, his heart is already ready to move.

"Tianheng," Qin Ming sat at the head, still not planning to make a move, but said lightly: "This time, don't show mercy."

"Understood, teacher." Yu Tianheng calmly responded, and stepped back quickly.Two figures flashed from the side and stood directly at the front of the team,

These two figures are the defensive soul masters in the team, the Shi family brothers.

The basalt tortoise martial soul unique to the Shi family brothers is the ultimate defensive martial soul among the defensive soul masters. With the release of the martial soul, the two shoulders slowly moved forward, and their entire backs were half bowed.
The next moment, all the khaki light condensed from the soul power condensed towards their backs, forming a huge dark yellow tortoise shell.

Immediately afterwards, the two shouted at the same time, one from the left and the other from the right. When their martial souls possessed their bodies, the sound from their bodies was louder than thunder.

Just as the roaring sound fell, a khaki-colored spirit ring rose from under his feet in due course. Under the cover of the spirit ring, the bones of the Shi family brothers seemed to have undergone some changes following the appearance of the tortoise shell.

Not only did the tortoise shells appear behind them, but also appeared in front of them, and their limbs also became shorter with the appearance of the tortoise shells.

In the middle of the plastron in the tortoise shell, there is a huge symbol.

Although the meaning of this symbol is unclear, it seems to be a unique imprint such as a family emblem!

Standing behind the Shi family brothers were Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan. After hearing Qin Ming's words, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan released their martial spirits at the same time,
"Zizizi," a brilliant blue light bloomed from between Yu Tianheng's brows, and that blue light soon wrapped around his body, blue-purple shocks erupted like little snakes, surrounding him Walk around his body.

On the surface, Yu Tianheng's changes are not that great, except for a blue lightning mark on his forehead, only one part of his whole body has changed due to the possession of the spirit.

However, the change in this place alone is more thorough than the changes in all beast soul masters.

His right hand, after transforming, directly turned into half of a dragon's claw, and the blue-purple electric snake circled around the dragon's claw, gorgeous and eye-catching.

But after Duguyan's martial spirit possessed her body, her legs directly turned into snake-like tails, and more than half of her body was attached to Yu Tianheng's body. The two of them seemed like a dragon and a snake, which was really weird!

Oslo, the ghost leopard, has not changed much.

He was originally dressed in black, but even his hair had turned black at this time, and his beautiful woman-like face looked a little pale.

But his pupils have turned into two vertical lines, and his whole body is full of dangers ready to go.
Among this group of people, relatively speaking, the one who has changed the most is the wind chime bird soul master, Yufeng.

After the Wuhun possessed him, a pair of medium-sized wings stretched out from his back. Of course, Yufeng's wings did not grow out of thin air from his back, but were formed by his arms.

Everyone was ready, even Ye Lingling, the only auxiliary therapist in the team, released the Nine Heart Begonia Martial Soul, ready to support teammates at any time!
On the other side, four masters of the soul king level also released their martial souls.

The soul master standing at the front of the team is a defensive soul master, and the martial soul is a rare defensive martial soul, the bear of the earth!
After the Wuhun possessed his body, his arms more than doubled in size, his body grew one meter quickly, and the hair on his chest grew rapidly.
The biggest change is his palm, a pair of fists the size of a casserole pot have been covered by an extremely thick brown hair, ten dagger-like nails grow out of the thick hair, emitting a faint cold light under the light.

The changes of the two soul masters behind him were not as obvious as his,

Except for a slightly taller height and half-beast-like hands turned into wolf claws, the body has not changed much!
However, just looking at the sharp nails, you can tell that the attack power of these wolf claws is absolutely astonishing!

The last one is a soul master of the auxiliary healing system, and his martial soul is a common animal martial soul in the healing system, Yue Linghu!
His change can be said to be the least obvious, only a thin beard has grown on his handsome face, his body, arms and limbs are the same as before,

On the other hand, behind the body, a long silver fox tail swayed from side to side, so amazing!
The soul rings of the two sides were shining brightly, and each set up an attacking posture, and the battle was about to break out.
Qin Ming raised his brows slightly, looked at the opponent's successive spirit rings and possessed spirit beasts, his expression changed slightly, and he said movedly: "The bear of the earth, the bloodthirsty wolf, the moon spirit fox,"

"You are the bloody bandits that have been rampant in the southern border of the Barak Kingdom for several years,"

"Tianheng, be careful, these people kill, rape, rob, and do everything. They are all cold-blooded butchers with bloody hands!"

There was no change of expression on Yu Tianheng's indifferent face. In his eyes, a faint killing intent flashed away. With a wave of his right hand, Yu Tianheng shouted sharply: "Kill."

Hearing Yu Tianheng's order, the brothers of the Shi family looked at each other, and the two shouted in a low voice, the soul rings under their feet burst into brilliant light,

Yu Tianheng took a deep breath, and the purple soul ring under his feet burst out brilliant purple light, and the purple light quickly condensed on the dragon claw on his right hand, and immediately, countless tiny electric snakes creaked around the dragon claw.

"A few little kids also want to fight us head-on. Really, they don't know how to live or die." Seeing the Huangdou team's attacking posture, the old man waved his right hand lightly, and said sharply, "Old bear, crush them."

Seeing the surging soul power of the opponent, Xiong Kui showed a sneering expression on his face, his right foot stepped on the ground, purple light shone under his foot, and the fourth soul ring burst out with brilliant purple light. In an instant, the floor on the second floor surged like a tide,

"The fourth soul skill, charge." Purple light poured into Xiong Kui's body, and Xiong Kui's nearly two-meter height was raised by one meter again, and his muscular body seemed to swell up as if inflated.

With a roar, Xiong Kui collided with the two Shi family brothers.
PS: Update rules, normally two updates per day, one update for [-] tickets, two updates for [-] tickets, and so on, the full text of this book is free, please rest assured to collect and watch
(End of this chapter)

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