The scumbag provoked the blackened male god again

Chapter 300 When a native meets a book-wearing girl [8]

Chapter 300 When a native meets a book-wearing girl [8]

Looking at her expression, he couldn't help but think of Shen Lang a long time ago.

At that time, the two families were well-known, she was not down, she was well-known in the circle as gentle and sensible, I don't know how many people envied him.Even ten Lin Qiqi couldn't match her talent.

She also often got into his arms like this, and was made to be ashamed by him.There have also been many sweet moments between the two.But after Lin Qiqi appeared, these sweetnesses seemed to be nothing.When he met Lin Qiqi, he began to feel that any other woman was hypocritical, and Shen Lang was no exception.

It may be that the strong contrast between Lin Qiqi and his impression was too great, so he subconsciously and subjectively favored Lin Qiqi.He felt that no woman could compare to her, and she was the best.

As expected, now she actually gave him such a big surprise.She can even compose music and write lyrics. Even if he doesn't understand this aspect, he can still hear a good thing, which can be said to be great.

"Qiqi, I find that I like you more and more."

Seeing this, Lin Peiru pretended to lower her face, and said, "What's the matter, aren't you Shen Lang's boyfriend? Why are you interested in Qiqi again?"

Hua Chen and Lin Qiqi looked at each other and smiled, understanding each other.


Shen Lang has no time to pay attention to them, he just needs to make sure that they are not other monsters.

While she was conducting some kind of large-scale experiment, she took advantage of the gap to try to project the image of the object into the crystal of the prosthetic eye so that she could see things later.

She didn't want to be a blind and disabled person all the time.

Zhang Binghua took a look at her when he had time, and seeing her lowered her head, her lips were tightly pressed, and she was doing something in her hands, she couldn't help frowning and asked, "Is it because your eyes hurt again?"

Shen Lang: "No, there is just something you need to help me with."

"Just say it."

"Help me pick out the eyeballs again."

Zhang Binghua's ears were almost split, "You said... what?"

"Pick it again, anesthetize this time."

"..." Zhang Binghua was having a hard time, not understanding why she would humiliate herself like this.

But since she had already spoken, he obediently obeyed.What she wants to do must have her own considerations.

Zhang Binghua performed another eyeball removal operation for her. This time, he was obviously much more familiar with the journey, and there were no accidents during the whole process, and he didn't even need her guidance.

He packed everything up, and then squatted beside her bed with two prosthetic eyes in his hands, "Then, what are you going to do?"

"Help me take out the crystal in the prosthetic eye."

He did so, cautiously.

After a while, he asked, "After taking it out, what should I do next?"

"Inject 0.3ml of lipcaine red into the crystal, and then soak it in normal saline for five to six minutes."

Zhang Binghua didn't delay, and hurried to prepare.

About seven or eight minutes later, he came back, put the prosthetic eye in two vacuum bottles, and said, "It's ready."

"Okay, just put it on for me, please."

Zhang Binghua was flattered at once, patted his chest and said, "Don't talk about trouble, you've ruined my life too much."

Shen Lang smiled lightly, letting him move while talking to him.

"Be careful, carefully break my eyes completely."

Zhang Binghua paused slightly, noncommittal: "If the eyes of ordinary people are completely broken like yours before, how can there be a second chance to see the light again."

He believed that even if he really shook his hand accidentally, she would see the light again for the third time.

For someone who is so powerful, there is almost nothing that can drive her into a corner.

The smile on his face remained unchanged: "Have you ever thought about it, what if you met them in advance?"

Shen Lang sneered and said, "Then they will kowtow and confess their crimes in advance."

Zhang Binghua hummed and said, "I believe in you."

It's more than just believing, it's simply thinking about it.

Working against this kind of person is purely my own fault.

Everyone in the world said he was a lunatic scientific research lunatic, so he probably had never seen this ancestor.

The idea in her head is even more shocking, and the degree of insanity is unprecedented. If it comes true, what kind of turbulent waves will be stirred up in the whole world?
…He couldn't imagine it, so he had to wait and see.

Let's see what the world will look like in the future.He is looking forward to it.

Thinking of this, he casually put down a piece of blood-stained gauze and said with a smile, "Okay."

Shen Lang remained motionless, sighed softly, and asked him: "Xiao Bingzi, do you think I'm cold-blooded?"

Zhang Binghua was slightly startled, and after realizing it, he shook his head and smiled, "No, there must be something pitiful for a hateful person."

Shen Lang: "..."


In this situation, she couldn't hold back a single swear word, it really hurt her to death.

Her eyes are covered with gauze, and she is only 80% sure that she will be able to see again.The pain of reinstalling the prosthetic eye soaked in normal saline into the eye socket is self-evident.In contact with the fine and dense nerves, the pain is magnified a hundred times.

She took Zhang Binghua's words to heart.

After thinking about it carefully, she decided to go out for a few laps first. It would be great if she could meet a girl wearing a book.But with the blessing of the halo of the book-wearing girl, there is a 90% chance that the two of them will meet, which is greater than her hope of recovering her eyesight.

She purposely went out while she was not taking off the gauze, just to give Lin Qiqi the impression that she was already blind.

When Zhang Binghua heard her say that she wanted to come out, she wanted to be with her life and death, but she didn't refuse, leaning on the blind stick with one hand and supporting him with the other.

Sure enough, he ran into Lin Qiqi in a certain shopping mall.

Hearing a strange cry from behind her, she turned around, raised her head in doubt and said to Zhang Binghua, "Who called me?"

Seeing her expression, Zhang Binghua suddenly understood most of it, smiled and bowed his head and said, "It's a woman with black curly hair and looks a little ugly. Do you know her?"

Hearing this, Shen Lang frowned, "Could it be...Lin Qiqi? Is it you Qiqi?"

Lin Qiqi's face froze, and she subconsciously glanced at Hua Chen beside her.

His face was also full of astonishment, his eyes were full of emotions, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Lin Qiqi's heart sank suddenly, she took a step forward and said with a smile: "Sister, I recognized you right away, why can't you hear my voice?"

While saying this, she looked at Shen Lang carefully, glanced at the guide stick in her hand from the corner of her eye, and sneered in her heart.

One of her eyes was knocked out, and she deserved it.Who told her to borrow usury loans in such a good manner.

With a smile in her voice, Lin Qiqi stepped back and took Hua Chen's arm and said, "Sister, why are you wearing a hat? It covers half of your face, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Upon hearing this, Hua Chen also cast his gaze over.

Shen Lang didn't pay attention to her, as if he didn't hear her, he regarded her as nothing, and turned to Hua Chen with a smile and said, "Do you know why I have to go out with a blind stick?"

(End of this chapter)

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