This villain is so cute

Chapter 187 Like You, Together 1 [The Cat Didn't Run] 6

Chapter 187 Like You, Together [The Cat Didn't Run] 6
"You let the creditor give me a few more days, and after a few days, when I get the salary and living expenses from my family, I will take it out to help you clear the debt."

Yuan Kui took a puff of cigarette and said skillfully.

Because Shiqing was a minor before, Shiqing's parents, who were far away abroad, called Yuan Kui directly with their salary for the living expenses of buying vegetables.

The nanny introduced by an acquaintance, they are very relieved, and the monthly living expenses are not too much for them, even if Yuan Kui runs away with the money, it is not a big loss.

It's just that Shi Qing didn't expect that Yuan Kui would deduct points from his life to raise a man...

Then the scene changed again, back to Shiqing's own home.

Yuan Kui held a kitchen knife in his hand, stepped on a cat, and said fiercely: "This stinky cat has sabotaged me time and time again, so I finally caught you! Hehe, you Dead!"

After speaking, raise your hand and drop the knife.

"Don't!" Seeing that, Qing Qing raised his heart, and quickly floated over to stop Yuan Kui's hand.

However, it was useless, she could only be a bystander, unable to touch everything here.

All she could do was watch Yuan Kui slash her kitten's neck with a knife.

No matter how clever and intelligent the kitten was, it was still just a kitten. It was trampled underfoot and could not escape. No matter how much it whimpered and struggled desperately, it was finally hacked to death by Yuan Kui with a knife.

The scene was so cruel that Shi Qing dared not look directly at it.

She lowered her eyes and clenched her hands into fists.

It turned out that her little tomcat did not grow up and run away with other female cats as Yuan Kui said.

Rather, Yuan Kui hated the kitten's cleverness and always sabotaged her plans to lay powder, so while the owner was not at home, he killed the kitten!

After Yuan Kui was sure that the cat was dead, he quickly cleaned up the scene with his hands and feet.

She packed the cat's dead body in a black plastic bag, cleaned up the cat's blood on the ground, sprayed it with thick air freshener, and then went out to take the cat's dead body to the farthest garbage dump and throw it away.

Shi Qing remembers that on this day, she and a group of friends celebrated the end of the college entrance examination, and they will be adults from now on, so they went to KTV to drink and sing K together, and they didn't get home until midnight.

After playing so late, she naturally fell asleep and didn't pay attention to whether her cat jumped into her arms and fell asleep with her as usual.

The next day, I didn't get up until twelve o'clock at noon. After lunch, I realized that the cat was gone.

I searched everywhere but couldn't find it. Shi Qing was so anxious that she almost burst into tears. She hurriedly went to the kitchen and asked Yuan Kui who was washing the vegetables, "Aunt Yuan, have you seen my kitten?"

Yuan Kui had a solemn expression at the time: "No! I haven't seen it since I woke up this morning. I thought it was sleeping in your room all the time!"

Shi shook his head lightly: "No, I didn't see it when I came back last night!"

When Yuan Kui heard it, her face became shocked, and she was as worried as Shi Qing: "Then...then let's look around together!"

Yuan Kuicai didn't wash it either, as if telling Shi Qing with actions that she valued the kitten as much as she did, and felt that finding a cat was more important than eating.

However, after two days of carpet searching nearby, the two found nothing, not even a cat hair.

Yuan Kui was like today, very guilty and said to Shi Qing: "Shi Qing, I'm sorry, Aunt Yuan didn't take care of that cat and let it run away."

"..." Shi Qing was very worried, so she didn't answer Yuan Kui's words.

She thought a lot in her heart, it must be very dangerous for a cat to run outside!

It will either be caught and eaten by people, or it will be bitten to death by vicious dogs, it may die under the wheels of a car, or it will starve to death outside...

Thinking of the death of her delicate, soft and clingy kitten, Shi Qing felt very sad.

Because it was the first cat she raised, and she has raised it for a year, and she has poured a lot of love into it.

She likes to gently stroke its little head with her hand, like to hold the small pads of its front paws, like to listen to its gurgling sound when scratching its chin, and also likes to sleep with it...

She couldn't imagine her kitten turning into a dead body, it was so painful that she wanted to cry.

Maybe it was because of the red circles around her eyes, at that time Yuan Kui continued to say in a serious manner: "Shi Qing, I recently discovered that the cat has reached the estrus period and needs to find a female cat, or... When I got to my favorite female cat, I went home with that female cat to give birth to cubs!"

"Really?" When Shi Qing heard this, she thought that as long as the cat didn't die, she would feel better.

"Yeah, that's the way to raise male cats. Male cats will run away when they grow up." Yuan Kui expressed regret, "So many people raise male cats and they will take them to the pet hospital for castration. I have mentioned it to you before. , and you don’t have the heart to take it with you.”

Shi Qing thought about it, it really happened, she really couldn't bear it.

So she didn't look for the cat any more, and only told Yuan Kui to pay more attention, thinking that as long as her cat didn't die, it might run back because of missing her as its owner!
She thought that no one could pamper an ordinary kitten like she did.


In a trance, Shi Qing realized that her body had returned, and she was no longer floating.

In front of her was Yuan Kui's still guilty face, but at this moment, she had already let go of Shi Qing's hand and sighed.

Although Shi Qing didn't know what happened just now, she could be sure that what she saw as a bystander just now happened in real life.

She really didn't expect that Yuan Kui looked at such an ordinary person, but her heart was so vicious and cruel.

She obviously killed her cat with her own hands, but she is still here pretending to help find it!
Shi Qing blinked her eyes and quietly concealed the anger in her eyes. She still said in a relaxed tone: "Aunt Yuan, I'm going out now. Today is my classmate's birthday. I won't be coming back tonight. You don't have to be me." meal."

"This..." Yuan Kui said with worry in his eyes, and cared like an elder, "You want to spend the night outside? It's not good for girls, isn't it? If your parents ask..."

Shi Qing didn't wait for her to finish, she waved her hand and went out: "It's okay, the female classmate is here, it's safe."

Shi Qing walked quickly, and disappeared at the intersection in the blink of an eye.

Uh huh, there is a terrible nanny at home, of course she has to hurry up, lest her fate be like her kitten, being murdered by the terrible nanny for money!
The birthdays of any female classmates are fake, she just wants to go to the hospital for a check-up now, to see if she has any chronic poison in her body!

Shi Qing didn't want to startle the snake, and wait for her to go to the hospital for an examination.

At the same time, Yuan Kui, the nanny, must be fired. Even if killing a cat is not illegal, it proves that Yuan Kui is not a good person and should not be employed any longer!

(End of this chapter)

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